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Central News Agency: Falun Gong Practitioners Are Brainwashed in Forced Detention

June 9, 2001

[Minghui Net] Ms. Huang Zhenzhen, journalist with the Central News Agency, reported from New York on June 3:

Based on information provided by the US Falun Dafa Information Center, practitioner Zhang Xiaojie and her one-year-old daughter were deceived and arrested by the police in Beijing. They were then sent to a special "Transformation Class" designed specifically to transform Falun Gong practitioners. Their fate is uncertain, at best.

Zhang's husband disclosed that on May 26, around 7pm, his wife called an ex-Falun Gong practitioner Gao Yaping. Gao had said that she would like to have a chat with Zhang outside the supermarket nearby. Zhang went there, taking her one-year-old daughter along. They have since disappeared. Later on, Zhang's husband learned that Gao Yaping had been "transformed" by the Chinese authorities and was no longer a Falun Gong practitioner. She is now serving the interest of the Beijing government. Zhang and her daughter were captured and sent to the "Transformation Class."

Falun Dafa Information Center pointed out that the Chinese Government established the "Transformation Class" to deal with Falun Gong practitioners. Once detained there, Falun Gong practitioners will lose all contact and communication with the outside world. During this period they will undergo coerced brainwashing within this isolated environment. The detainee will be bombarded with propaganda until they capitulate. If they do not give in, they will not be allowed to sleep, week after week. This extremely inhumane way of treating people in detention is gaining popularity with the Chinese Government and is being extended all over China. Zhang's husband called the Transformation Center where his wife was jailed, but they refused to let him talk with her. He was also told by the deputies at the Center that his wife will be transformed, one way or another.

Zhang Xiaojie graduated from the music department at Northeast Normal University and was a music teacher at the Beijing 1st High School. During the Chinese New Year 2001, she was taken into police custody directly from the school and detained for 15 days because she refused to write an affidavit stating that she would give up practicing Falun Gong.