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Age: Downer says anti-xx law might hurt Hong Kong's reputation

June 05, 2001 |  

June 4, 2001

CANBERRA, AAP - Hong Kong's reputation for freedom would be damaged if it pressed ahead with anti-xx laws, Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said today.

Mr Downer said he discussed the laws, which could be directed against Falun Gong followers, with officials in Hong Kong during a recent visit.

"There's an argument that because France has introduced anti-xx legislation it will be okay for Hong Kong to do it in order to direct the law more specifically against the Falun Gong," he told ABC radio.

"But it's certainly our view that Hong Kong has to continue to persevere with its reputation of freedom and any legislation which is even perceived to undermine that reputation will be damaging to Hong Kong.

"I made that very clear to authorities in Hong Kong."
