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Promoting Dafa at the Mind, Body and Spirit Festival in Melbourne, Australia

June 22, 2001 |   Practitioners in Melbourne

June 15, 2001

[Minghui Net]

The annual Mind, Body and Spirit Festival in Melbourne fell on June 8 - 11 this year. It was the third time that Dafa practitioners had participated in the festival. What inspired us most was the manifestation of our Teacher's great compassion and his immense power during this time period.

Since the start of the festival, we sent forth righteous thoughts once every hour, reciting in our minds the verse given to us by our Teacher to help clear up the evil in other dimensions. Visitors to the festival kept flowing in, and by the third day of the Festival, after we did the exercise to eliminate evil with all other practitioners around the world, we opened our eyes in astonishment to see a huge crowd of people watching us. We had never experienced such a huge crowd of interested people before, and our booth attendants could hardly meet the demand of the inquiries. We concluded that more people are awakened after the evil in other dimensions is eliminated. It was our Teacher who guided all those with predestined relationships to our booth.

Our original arrangement was to give a half-hour demonstration once a day. With the increasing number of visitors, and at our request, the organizers happily let us demonstrate twice daily. A cancellation came up and they scheduled us in at noontime, the golden hour when the most visitors are present. From their facial expressions, we could see that all the visitors watched our performance with interest and enthusiasm. Meanwhile, our booth attendants were busy distributing flyers around to them.

The Age, the most popular newspaper among professionals and intellectuals in Melbourne, also published photographs of the exercise demonstration on its free page.

No sooner had the festival ended when we received a number of invitations from TV and radio stations for interviews, as well as inquiries from the public wanting to learn more about Falun Gong. Despite the thought of the busy Dafa promotion schedule that lies ahead of us, we were all delighted to see the response after the festival. We will work harder to improve ourselves and ensure that we take every step correctly during this Fa-rectification period.