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Falun Dafa Associations from Around the World Hail the Establishment of the Baltic Falun Dafa Association

April 30, 2001 |  

[Minghui Net]

Taiwan Practitioners Celebrate the Official Establishment of the Baltic Falun Dafa Association

Joyfully hearing the announcement of the official establishment of the "Baltic Falun Dafa Association," all Falun Dafa practitioners in Taiwan wish to hereby express their most sincere congratulations! At this, the dawn of the magnificent period of the "Fa rectifying the human world," we need to make our greatest efforts to promote Falun Dafa in different languages in order to let more kind-hearted people and nations enter the new era. The establishment of the "Baltic Falun Dafa Association" represents yet another great step forward in the process of promoting the Fa to Russian speaking nations.

Although there was some apparent interference during the application process, the Falun Dafa practitioners' field of righteous thoughts, plus their efforts to clarify the true facts about Falun Gong, allowed the registration to be successfully completed. "Dafa disciples' righteous thoughts are powerful!" For the future of several billion people, let each of us do our best, assume our responsibility as Dafa particles, continue to thoroughly promote the Fa and clarify the true facts about Falun Gong, and "assist Teacher to accomplish his mission in this world."

Falun Dafa Research Society of Taiwan

April 27, 2001

A Congratulatory Letter from the Falun Dafa Association of the Central United States

Baltic Falun Dafa Association:

We are elated to hear that after experiencing difficulties and overcoming obstacles, the Baltic Falun Dafa Association has been officially established. All practitioners in the Falun Dafa Association of the Central United States wish to express their heartfelt congratulations!

Falun Dafa has been growing and spreading for 9 years, and the number of practitioners has reached over one hundred million throughout the world. Every time, upon hearing that a new association has been established, we cannot help having mingled feelings of joy and sorrow. We feel joyous because Falun Dafa will be promoted more widely in this new territory, and more living beings will attain the Fa and be saved because of Teacher's boundless compassion. But we also feel sorrow because of the pain and suffering of Falun Dafa practitioners in Mainland China. Some have even sacrificed their lives validating the Fa. However, there are still innumerable living beings waiting to be saved by the Fa.

Once again, we congratulate the new Baltic Falun Dafa Association! We hope that all Falun Dafa practitioners play the role of Dafa particles and "assist Teacher to accomplish his mission in this world." We hope all people with a predestined relationship can attain the Fa and be saved, and achieve the Right Fruit at an early date!

Falun Dafa Association of the Central United States

April 26th, 2001

Falun Dafa Association of Houston Welcomes the Official Establishment of the "Baltic Falun Dafa Association"

We are pleased to hear that the Baltic Falun Dafa Association has been officially established. This is a significant development for Falun Dafa practitioners in Russian speaking nations--one which will help them to better clarify the true facts about Falun Gong and expose the evil. The Falun Dafa Association of Houston wishes to extend its most sincere congratulations to all Falun Dafa practitioners in the Russian language family. Additionally, we hope that this action will set the pace for further activities that expose the evil, clarify the truth, and promote Falun Dafa in this area, as well as in other countries and regions in the world.

Falun Dafa Association of Houston

April 26th, 2001

Falun Dafa Association of Singapore Salutes the Establishment of the "Baltic Falun Dafa Association"

Singapore practitioners are both joyful and deeply inspired and encouraged by the establishment of the "Baltic Falun Dafa Association." This Association will surely play an important role in promoting Falun Dafa in Russia and surrounding areas from now on.

As we Falun Dafa practitioners in Singapore send our congratulations from far away, we wish to encourage our fellow practitioners in Russia to do even better in "assisting Teacher to accomplish his mission in this world," and in promoting and rectifying the Fa. We also hope more Russian people will be fortunate enough to obtain the Fa.

Let us strive forward diligently together, take the Fa as the teacher, clarify the truth, suppress the evil, and move towards consummation.

Falun Dafa Association (Singapore)

April 26, 2001