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Atrocities Committed by Yanshan County, Hebei Province

April 21, 2001 |  

On the eve of 2001, in order to validate Dafa [great law and universal principle], many practitioners from Yanshan County, Hebei province, went to Tiananmen Square. After the County Security Bureau and all police stations got the news, they employed a great deal of manpower and material resources to intercept the practitioners by surrounding the villages. When they found that the people had gone and their rooms were empty, they hurried to Beijing. After two or three days, many Dafa practitioners were claimed and taken back by the local police.

Liu Guoqing, who is the director of the Qiantong Town Police Station in Yanshan County, incited Feng Ming (who is the driver for the Secretary), Liu Xingyun, and several policemen to cruelly beat practitioners time after time. Shi Yunqi, Liu Huanwei and others were beaten until they bled from their mouths and noses and became black and blue all over. These atrocious villains used steel bars to jab practitioners' insteps. With the temperature at ?0 degrees ( 14 F), they handcuffed the fifty year-old female practitioner Li Xueling outside. She was frozen for a day and a night. They also tortured practitioners and coerced them to write repentance letters. More than ten practitioners, both males and females, were all put in a long and narrow broken garage. It was dark and damp inside, and it was very cold. They could not lie down; they could only sit on a broken chair to take a rest. Sometimes, these brutal men rushed in and took quilts and cotton-padded clothes by force and threw them away. They were often drunk in the evening. They caught hold of practitioners and beat them at will. After more than 20 days, they coerced practitioners' family members to pay enough fines to free the practitioners.

For the practitioners who were not seized, all of their homes were searched and their things were confiscated. The houses were looted inside and outside. Practitioner Liu Shujia went on a hunger strike to protest his illegal detention in a Beijing jail and was released free and clear. His return was unexpected, but the Qiantong Town police substation still arrested him. He was beaten until he wrote a guarantee letter and paid the fine; then he was released.

On March 1, the vicious police illegally arrested and detained Dafa practitioners again. One Dafa practitioner went to Beijing and did not come back. Police smashed the lock on his home and opened the door to search many times and confiscate the contents of the house illegally. Without a search warrant, police searched the homes of his neighbors, relatives and friends at will. They crossed walls and climbed the sides of houses; they violated the law without respect to the fact that they were supposed to be law-enforcement people, which aroused great indignation among the public.

They also arrested all practitioners who did not go to Beijing this time. Even people who no longer practiced Falun Gong could not escape. Shi Yundong from Shi Village, who learned and practiced Falun Gong before and gave up practicing long ago, was unexpectedly arrested, detained twice and fined 500 Yuan RMB. Because Liu Huanbin from Xiaoheliu Village read Zhuan Falun twice in the past, he was arrested and fined 1000 Yuan. A woman who quit practicing Falun Gong long ago was also arrested and threatened. When she came out from the toilet, she suddenly fainted. Police not only did not take care of her, but also ruthlessly kicked her twice. She was later sent back home for emergency treatment.

A female Dafa practitioner, Gao Cuixia, was beaten up by thugs using a wooden footstool. Her whole body was black and blue. They held up her clothing and used a wire-cutter to cut her flesh. They asked her to pay a fine of 1000 Yuan. Others would not be released because they did not pay the fine, and were detained illegally for another twenty days.

May I ask what crimes these good people, whose hearts harbor Zhen-Shan-Ren, [Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance] have committed?

Provided by a Practitioner in Mainland China

March 2001

PS: The telephone and fax of the Industry Bureau of Yanshan County Government Office are 86-317-622-1208 and 86-317-622-1482, respectively.