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My Journey of Becoming A Dafa Particle

April 15, 2001 |   Malin Nordstrand from Sweden

(Shared at 2001 European Conference)

My name is Malin Nordstrand and I'm 34 years old. Ever since I was a child I've maintained the feeling that there is more to this world than meets the eye. My parents are not religious, but I've always sensed that there is a God who looks after us. In my youth, I was very fascinated when reading about the life of Jesus Christ in school. Deep down inside I knew it was true. As I matured, I began to read more actively about the belief of re-incarnation, different religions, and nature-religions, etc. It was not until, June 1998, that I received the genuine truth. Its name is Zhuan Falun written by Master Li Hongzhi. Ever since that special day, I took Dafa (Great Law; Universal Principles) into my heart and have been practicing steadfastly.

Studying Falun Dafa has changed my life. It has enabled me to transform myself from a selfish and less meaningful person to one who strives to live in harmony with others. Falun Dafa changed me in a profound way. It has helped me realize that I must cultivate my heart and mind, in order to become a more unselfish and true human being.

Master Li Hongzhi has helped me turn my life around. Through his teachings, I realized that the foundation for true peace, both inside and outside of oneself, is to live by the universal principle of Zhen-Shan-Ren (Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance). I get proof of this every day in my life. I've learned how to set a better example for my daughter. I also see parenthood as a good opportunity to reveal my shortcomings so that I can continue to improve myself. I know that all the problems I meet are just mirrors of my own attachments and that they help me to see where I fall short. Sure enough, my husband and his 14-year old son are also Dafa-practitioners. Dafa has brought enormous changes to our relationship. Many of our previous conflicts have melted away. We understand each other from the perspective of the Fa and choose to solve things accordingly. I also experienced improved relations with my friends and feel a better connection with everyday people. I am utterly grateful for the changes Dafa has brought me; it is simply beyond words.

During the summer of 2000, we had a 2-week long meeting on the West Coast of Sweden. We exchanged experiences, and studied and practiced Dafa together. It was a wonderful time, which greatly advanced my cultivation. After a speech by Master Li, in which he spoke for the first time about us being particles of the Fa, a deeper understanding emerged. As particles of Dafa we shared great reverence in our hearts. We were all one body. It was all so beautiful and seemed so clear; I felt awakened to a deeper meaning and was without words. I became completely calm.

Even though this experience has somewhat faded in time, I began to realize how very important it is that we help each other. We are all one body and should elevate together. I understood the importance of being able to open my heart to other practitioners. How could I improve myself if I still kept my weaknesses and attachments hidden? If I shared my experiences, lessons and what I have enlightened to, it could help others with their progress in cultivation. I also understood how important it is not to have any prejudices towards other people and not to let our feelings and fears control our actions. Master says in Zhuan Falun: "for example, there are conflicts between one and another such as you are good, he is not good, your cultivation practice is good, and his is not. These are problems themselves. Let us talk about something common such as I want to do this and that, and this matter should now be done this way or that way, which would probably hurt someone unintentionally." If we have a bigger heart filled with Shan and try to help each other, we can all elevate together much faster.

In the process of Fa-rectification, I found myself judging people out of my own fears. Once, I made some phone calls to make appointments with politicians. At first, it went very well and the responses were positive. Later, I suddenly encountered some resistance and happened to talk to a person who was not friendly. Afterwards, my fear struck me and I began to consider which one I should choose to call and which one would be interested. It didn't take long before I realized that I made judgements on other people. Was it up to me to decide which person would be given the opportunity to get the Fa? How frightening! I then realized that it was a test for me. In that moment, I knew that all beings must get the opportunity to hear about the Fa whether it challenged my fear or not. All beings must get the opportunity to take Fa to their hearts and to position them for the future. Otherwise, how can I talk about Shan?

I recalled Master Li's words which moved me to tears. He said at the Western US Conference in October 2000: "During the time when the evil came in an overwhelming way, a lot of people were fooled by the vicious fabrications and deceitful lies. They had hatred towards Dafa and my disciples; those people were fated for elimination in the future; yet even with that being the case, by presenting the truth we have enabled them to know the facts and get rid of their previous views and evil thoughts, and it is very likely that they can be saved. Our informing the world of the truth is not any sort of political struggle, nor is it doing things with specific ends in mind. I'm telling you that this is your being benevolent, and you are truly saving people of the future!" Master's compassion is beyond words!

I realized another thing when doing practical things in the process of Fa-rectification. It usually started very well and I felt that I was doing it for the Fa, but somewhere along the way I lost myself in the practical work. We began to come across different kinds of resistance. I started to focus more on the results than on my cultivation. Suddenly, we were so busy that I forgot to truly look inward. I thought I was looking inwards all the time, but afterwards I realized that what I saw were just parts of the truth. From this I learned that if we look inwards during tribulations, eliminate our attachments, and not just focus on the practical work, everything will automatically run very smoothly and without resistance.

I have also realized that it is now time for me to open my heart even wider and truly have Shan towards all living beings. I see clearly that I have been so busy talking about Falun Dafa that I have forgotten to listen to others. I have thought that I have listened, but in reality I have been impatiently waiting for them to stop talking so that I can tell them about Dafa. I haven't been able to honestly care about other people's difficulties due to my incorrect understanding of how I should rectify the Fa. I have thought that I must talk about the Fa all the time and that only this can make people understand. How then can people feel what the Fa is?

"Assimilate to Fa", "Be a particle in Fa", I have read it many times and now my understanding of it's meaning has deepened. If I can truly be a particle of the Fa, truly assimilate to the Fa, there won't be many words needed, and what should be said will come out naturally without my pursuit. If I can be completely unselfish and truly have compassion for other people, miracles will happen. Sure enough, during a Hong Fa (Chinese word for Fa-promotion) a couple of Yugoslavian women stopped to talk. One of them told me about the situation in the former Yugoslavia and about a poet who had been persecuted because of his poems. For the first time I felt the need to listen to her story without sentiments of wanting to talk about Fa. I listened to her with all of my heart. Afterwards, she naturally asked about Falun Gong and I told her about the situation in China and that the foundation of Falun Gong is Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. Her immediate reaction was: "But you know, that is exactly what you radiate!" Then I understood that it is that simple! If I can just be a particle in Fa, it's profoundness and brilliance will shine through me and naturally influence all beings around me.

My latest experiences brings my thoughts to Masters poem:

Melt into the Fa

Buddha-light radiates everywhere

Everything gets light and harmonious

Together diligent progress

Further ahead the road is light

Thank you.

Stockholm March 2001