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Latest News from China - 3/05/2001

March 08, 2001 |  

[Beijing] "Falun Gong is Inextinguishable" In the early morning of February 25, 2001, along the highway from Tangshan City [Hebei Province] to Beijing via Baodi, people were moved to discover large characters on the wall written with red paint. They read: "Falun Dafa is Good", "The Law is Rectifying the Human World". There was one large character painted in red on each of the five large piers of the crossing bridge at the entry of the town. Altogether, they read: "Falun Dafa is Good."[five words in Chinese] There were also big Dafa signs in red paint appearing in the nearby villages along this highway. These shining characters came into people's vision and like a startling thunderclap, they shocked people's hearts. People said one after another: " Falun Gong is inextinguishable." [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Eight Students from Huazhong University of Technology have been Arrested; the Murderer who Killed Cai Mingtao is Acting Violently Again. Eight students from the Huazhong University of Technology were forcibly taken away by the Wenbao local police station in the middle of December 2000. They were Zhang Yi (Doctorate program), Xiong Ming (Masters program), Qio Tian (Masters program), Chen Si, Chen Weipeng, Shang Fuping, Yang Zhen and Shang Lei. They are now still detained at the "Transformation Class"[for Falun Gong practitioners] in Hanyang District and not allowed to go back to school. While the members of the special unit [for persecution of Falun Gong] in Wenbao police station are the murderers who persecuted Cai Mingtao from Wuhan Education College to death. These murderers are Hu Ji, Li Bo, Du Hai, Zhang Zhiwei and others. They have been continuously persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in every large university in Wuhan since 1999. Wenbao Police Station telephone: 011-86-27-85397124 Hanyang District "Transformation Class" telephone: 011-86-27-84883241 [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] In Wuhan, Passengers are Questioned and Searched to Catch Dafa Practitioners At present, people are sent to every intersection in the areas around Wuhan City to question and search passengers. Everything will be checked including traveling bags. Dafa practitioners, who travel in and out of Wuhan City, please stay alert. [China] A Little Story of Spreading the Fa: Paying Attention to One's Own Words and Deeds Can Spread the Fa Recently, I stayed in a private hostel in a city for several days. The landlord was a very nice old lady. I tried to spread the Fa to her, but could not find an opportunity. Before I left, she came to my room and said, "I didn't expect you would leave so soon. I wanted to learn how to fold the quilt from you because you folded it so well. I also guessed that you must once stayed in the military." I therefore talked with her on this topic a little while and took the opportunity to ask her if she knew about Falun Gong. She said, "Yes, I know about it. Isn't the government now criticizing it?" I started to clarify the true facts to her. I told her that many of my friends practice Falun Gong and they are all very nice people. They all consider others first everywhere they go, but now they are all arrested. After hearing this, she said, "So that's what's happened. Previously when I watched TV, I also doubted what they government was saying about it being not good since so many people believe it. After hearing what you said, now I understood that Falun Gong is good." She was cleaning while we were chatting. I helped her a little bit. Afterwards, I prepared my stuff to leave and asked her, "Grandma, please check if there is anything missing." She said, "It is not necessary. I trust you. I have been watching you these days. You are nice and polite to everyone. You did a lot of work that we should have done. Who else will I trust if I don't trust you?" I took the chance to tell her that I was also a practitioner of Falun Gong. I asked her if she found anything evil in me. She said, "No, of course not." Then she told me to take care.