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Fines Imposed on Falun Gong Practitioners in Hebei Province

March 6, 2001

Since Jiang Zemin started persecuting Falun Gong in July 1999, Falun Gong practitioners in Liangji Township, Jing County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province have been illegally detained and repeatedly given huge fines, which made their lives miserable and extremely difficult.

At the end of July 1999, more than thirty practitioners were arrested in Liangji Township. After being detained for two days, everyone was given a fine of 200 Yuan RMB (about 1/3 of the monthly salary for an average urban worker in China/translator) under the guise of class fee. A practitioner was arrested when appealing in Beijing and moved to Liufu Township. The authorities illegally confiscated all of his 500 Yuan and sent him back to Liangji Township. The police locked him on a bed and beat him. He was fined 1,000 Yuan. Some other practitioners were arrested for no reason when farming in a field, and each of them was given a fine of 700 Yuan at the end of July.

At the end of July 1999, three practitioners were sent into the Jing County Detention Center. The county authorities imposed a fine of 2,000 Yuan on one of them, Xia Tongliang, and also fined other practitioners.

On October 24, 1999, police from the local police station detained several practitioners in the township government office. They locked Xia Tongliang and other practitioners in a meeting room on October 27, then sent them into Jing County Detention Center. This time they fined Xia Tongliang 2,000 Yuan and other practitioners anywhere from 1,500 Yuan to 3,000 Yuan.

The local police station arrested Xia Tongliang and some other practitioners again and detained them in the township government office. This time they fined Xia Zhongjie and others each 1,000 Yuan. One couple had been fined many times, and was unable to afford it. The policemen wouldnt let them go and they had to borrow 200 Yuan to pay the fine.

During the conference of the Peoples Congress, on April 25 and July 20, 2000, Dafa practitioners were illegally arrested. A practitioner went to Beijing to appeal at the end of December 1999. The township authorities gave her a fine of 3,000 Yuan and sent her to the county detention center where the county authorities fined her again. The various extortions by the unfair authorities cost her a total of 10,000 Yuan. The local police station arrested Xia Tongliang and others at home, then detained them in the meeting room of the township government for more than forty days.

Those unjust people arrested Falun Gong practitioners several times in the busiest farming seasons, making them incapable of doing farm work. Crops of detained practitioners were seeded and harvested by their relatives and other Dafa practitioners.

On December 18, 2000, Xiao Tongliang, Liu Shuqing, Chao Guizhen and other practitioners were arrested at home and detained in the meeting room of the township government office. Xia Tonliang was fined 2,600 Yuan. After escaping, Liu Shuqing and Chao Guizhen went to Beijing to appeal, however, once there they were arrested. After they were detained even their family members didnt know where they were. Xia Tongliang went to Beijing to appeal after being released. He was arrested and sent to a labor camp.

Based on above, Xia Tongliang was fined a total of 8,000 Yuan. Another practitioner had more than 10,000 yuan extorted from him. For farmers living in the poor area of Jing County, the amount would be saved by many years of sweat on the farm.