Falun Dafa Minghui.org www.minghui.org PRINT

Declaration: Nullify Everything That is Against Dafa

Feb. 3, 2001

Solemn Statement

Due to our shallow understanding of Dafa and under the pressure, we once wrote statements renouncing Falun Dafa. This is against the principle of "truthfulness, compassion and tolerance". We are in great debt to our master and Dafa. Therefore, we solemnly declare: we annul everything that is against Dafa.

Practitioners from Weifang: Yu Xinmin, Li Xiuqin, Li Shumei, Dong Chuanfang, Zhao Guangye, Zhao Yuhua, Li Fenghua, Zhao Guangdong, Zhao Guangjing, Zhao Aimei, Wang Chengzhen, Chen Jiacun, Chen Hengzhong, Chen Jiucun, Xu Hongliang, Zhao Tianchun, Zhang Yuqin, Li Yongzhou, Wang Meijuan, Qin Lihua, Zhao Shouchun, Zhou Ruijuan, Qi Anzhi, Qi Anjun

Jan 24th, 2001

Solemn declaration

I am Zhao Xuexia. I went to Beijing to appeal in September 2000. Later I was detained at the county detention center. I was then transferred to the county law education center. In order to have me released and spend the New Year at home, my family wrote the guarantee statement for me under enormous pressure from the government. I only knew it after I went home. I felt very sorry for this. Now I solemnly declare my abrogation of that statement.

Practitioner Zhao Xuexia

Jan 27th, 2001


Since Jul 22nd, 1999, the evil forces started systematically persecuting Falun Gong. Under the pressure from the work unit and family, we had the attachment of "fear" and wrote the guarantee and regret statements. Now we have realized that our act has damaged Dafa. Therefore, we declare that every document we wrote that is not good for Dafa is now hereby annulled. We hope to make up for the damage we caused.

Practitioners from Jiujiang: Zhang Jingming, Tan Xianping, Huang Shuirong, Wu Zhouyun, Luo Yiming, Xu Feng, Shen Sheng, Cao Juncheng, Liu Limo, Wang Yuelan, Zhang Yongxian

Jan 29th, 2001


Because we have not studied the Fa profoundly, we wrote the guarantee promising not to go to Beijing to appeal under pressure from the malevolent forces. Now we sincerely declare that the guarantee is cancelled (including those written by our family members). we am determined to be a qualified particle in the clarification of the Fa!

Practitioners Dai Lixia, Yu Shufang and Wang Huadong

Jan 29th, 2001