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Hong Kong Falun Gong Practitioners Met With Deputies to the National People's Congress

February 15, 2001 |  

[Minghui Net] According to Hong Kong New Paper, the major contact person of Falun Gong in Hong Kong met with local National People's Congress deputies Ma Lee and Wu Wai-Yung yesterday. Kan Hung-Cheung told them about the persecution of Falun Gong on the Mainland and the appeals to the Central Government. He also reiterated that Falun Gong does not have any political agenda. At present, the only hope is to urge the Central Government to stop its persecution of Falun Gong.

At the mention of the Falun Dafa Experience-Sharing Conference, Kan said that it is a way of practice to have local practitioners share experiences with practitioners from outside Hong Kong. He indicated that the Hong Kong Falun Gong [Association] holds a large experience-sharing conference every year. In an open and free atmosphere, it is quite normal to have practitioners from outside Hong Kong voice their opinions to the Central Government. As for the question asked by Ma Lee why many practitioners chose to practice exercises outside Beijing's Liaison Office [in Hong Kong], Kan said he himself did not practice exercises there, and he also acknowledged that activities organized by the Hong Kong Falun Gong [Association] were "very loose". But he stressed that they respected some practitioners' wishes to practice exercises at a fixed time outside the Beijing Liaison Office appealing to the Central Government in a peaceful manner. Kan also said that Hong Kong is a place of free speech. If some practitioners criticize the leaders of the Central Government, he believed that the officials could deal with it reasonably, and view it with an open mind. No matter who is right or who is wrong, as long as everybody communicates in a peaceful and rational way, problems can be resolved.

In the end, the report said, Kan Hung-Cheung denied that the Hong Kong Falun Gong [Association] made any provocation, and he firmly believed that the self-immolators in Tiananmen Square could not be Falun Gong practitioners. Even if some practitioners did set themselves on fire, it would not be an excuse to brand Falun Gong as [slanderous words respectfully omitted]. Kan said finally, "If someone in a Party is corrupt, the Party cannot be called an evil Party."

February 10, 2001