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Practitioners in China Salute the 36 Western Practitioners Who Came to Tiananmen Square

December 07, 2001 |  


Practitioners in Hunan Province Salute Our Fellow Western Practitioners' Heroic Fa Rectification Feat

To the 36 fellow Western Practitioners:

Your great heroic Fa-rectification feat in Tiananmen Square on November 20 moved both the heavens and the earth, shocked the evil, and awakened the unconscious beings of the world. You suffocated the unrighteous elements in the universe and rang the bell that signals the imminent, complete destruction of the evil. You encouraged practitioners around the world to be more diligent. We practitioners in Hunan Province salute you!

We will be more diligent in assisting Teacher to rectify the Fa and make progress together. We will not fail Teacher's benevolent and difficult salvation of us.

Practitioners in Hunan Province

December 2, 2001

Practitioners in Shandong Province Salute the 36 Fellow Western Practitioners Who Came to Tiananmen Square

Practitioners in Shandong Province applaud our fellow Western practitioners' heroic Fa- rectification feat in Tiananmen Square! Also, we salute all practitioners abroad who have stepped forward and participated in Fa rectification!

Your heroic feat shines throughout the cosmos! Your heroic feat moved the human world!

Your heroic feat proved the greatness of Falun Dafa and the indestructibleness of Dafa practitioners!

Your heroic feat also proved to people that "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" transcends national boundaries, cultures, languages, and races!

We are all beings in Dafa and Teacher's disciples. Although we are thousands of miles apart, we are all indestructible, like diamonds!

Let's unite tightly together and make rapid progress, "assist Teacher in the human world," break through the darkness before dawn. Together, let's welcome the magnificent moment of completion of Fa-rectification of the human world!