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Ottawa Citizen: Letters to the Editor - Bearing the truth

December 07, 2001 |   Joan Willey

Monday, December 3, 2001

Re: I am tired of Canadians begging for help after they break foreign laws, Nov. 23

As a Falun Gong practitioner, I do not agree with letter-writer Bill Berdnikoff's assessment of the Canadian practitioners who went to China. They were among a group of 35 from 13 different countries who were trying to show the Chinese people that westerners also practice Falun Gong (contrary to what the Chinese government tells them).

Since when is Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance (the backbone of the teachings in Falun Gong) against the law?

The Chinese who practise Falun Gong in China are being tortured and murdered for this peaceful meditation practice, which makes people better morally as well as improving their health.

Sometimes we have to resort to these types of methods to try to bring the truth to the people of China as well as the world. I am very proud of the Canadians who went with the group and I hope the compassion of many more people will be awakened by this selfless act.