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Using One's Own Experiences to Spread the Fa

December 25, 2001 |  

Xiao Sun worked at a big hospital after graduating from medical school. He had acute symptoms of hepatitis one day, but he practiced Falun Dafa as usual. After seven days, the symptoms vanished. Many people in the hospital said, " Falun Gong is truly wondrous. It takes only seven days to recover from hepatitis. It is inconceivable." Xiao Sun used his experience to clarify the truth to his supervisors and colleagues.

Xiao Huang is 39 years old. Before she learned the Fa, she suffered from dizziness, mastitis and lumbar vertebra proliferation. These diseases caused her to look like an old woman. After she learned Dafa, her diseases went away. Her face looks very healthy, and she looks more and more youthful all the time. Her friends asked how she became so healthy, and many of them ended up obtaining the Fa. The factory secretary does not want her to practice or teach others, but he does not want to lose such a good technician. So, he does not openly oppose Falun Gong.