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A Falun Gong Practitioner's Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Photo Exhibit at Greater Rochester International Airport

December 02, 2001 |  

Dear Mr. Doyle, Dear Guests of Honor, Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome!

This will be a special day in history - a day that our great community embraces the eternal principles of "Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance", and a day that marks the opening of the first government sponsored photo exhibit of Falun Dafa in the United States.

I am honored to be here to witness this historic event. On behalf of my fellow practitioners, especially those in China who have lost their freedom and their voice, I want to thank the County, Mr. Doyle and Mr. Walczak, our Greater Rochester International Airport, Mr. Slaybaugh and Ms. Rozzi for making everything possible for us. We applaud you for your leadership and courage, for recognizing the principles and for providing the community with this excellent opportunity. Your dedication to this effort is symbolic of your commitment to building a better society for people in our community.

I would also like to thank Ms. Frankel who has become a dear friend and a strong supporter of our cause. Our special thanks go out to Jeff Ureles of City Frame for his generous help. Our sincere thanks to Congresswoman Slaughter and her staff, and our heartfelt appreciation to all who have understood us, supported our cause, and provided assistance during difficult times.

This photo exhibit provides only a glimpse - a glimpse of a boundless goodness, and a glimpse of vicious atrocities and terrorism.

What you are about to see is how one man with an unfamiliar name, Li Hongzhi, has humbly given the world a new song, "Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance." Mr. Li, founder of Falun Dafa, a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, first introduced this new song in May 1992 in China. As millions of people from all walks of life discovered greater health and spiritual well- being through this practice, the choir continues to grow and sing in towns, cities, villages, in over 47 countries of the world.

What you are about to see is how millions of these singers are being persecuted, beaten and killed, imprisoned and declared enemies of the state by the country of their birth, only because they cannot be directly controlled. You will read the true stories of those who have never, even in the name of defense, injured their persecutors, because their heart is filled by the lyrics - Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance. They withstand a state-sanctioned campaign of terror because they rely on the truth that gave them the inner strength, the compassion that has filled their heart. Peace and tolerance for the world begin within each of them individually.

We hope that this exhibit will inspire and bring together people in our community to celebrate peace, health, and hope through global unity and international solidarity. Let us sing along, "Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance", with kindness, virtue, and dignity; let us sing along with our hearts and fill our earth with peace, sincerity, and harmony.

Thank you.