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Viernheim Daily News: "March against Dictatorship and Duress"

December 02, 2001 |   Ruven Sauer

November 20, 2001

(Clearwisdom.net) VIERNHEIM -- This past weekend five Chinese female Falun Gong practitioners raised awareness about their concerns as they participated in the worldwide march to rescue the Falun Gong practitioners in China.

Twenty-six different countries around the world have already witnessed these marchers, including fifteen European states. In Germany alone, twenty cities have seen such marches. These five women who were also present in Viernheim marched through Heidelberg's inner city.

One of the participant's names is Wang (in the interest of protecting her and others we will not disclose her full name.)

To justify the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, the leaders of state have slandered the movement, internally and externally, calling it a [...].

"But this not what Falun Gong is," says Wang, "We represent a meditation system and, to be true to our tenets, we practice the exercises and study our literature to further our understanding of the principles. Besides, there is no hierarchical structure or any kind of pressure, which is so common in [Chinese government's slanderous term omitted]."

"More Powerful than Dictatorship by Force"

In spite of the difficult situation in which the movement finds itself, its people feel assured that its own principles will eventually prove stronger than the might of dictatorship and force.

Some of the movement's members are walking to complete the route between Berlin and Munich; the other walkers are a group for the Trier/Germany to Salzburg/Austria March. Part of the purpose of the march is to raise particular awareness to the plight of Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Ming. "He had studied in Ireland. When he went home to China at Christmas time in 1999 to visit his parents he was arrested. Since then, in spite of the fact that he had no supervisory role in the movement and is a regular practitioner, he has been incarcerated in a forced labor camp and is in all likelihood being tortured there," so says Mrs. Wang who responds with a definite "yes" if she or her fellow practitioners would meet with the same fate should they visit their native country.