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Norrköpings Tidningar (a Swedish newspaper): Not welcome in China for five years

November 30, 2001 |   By Rikard W Larsson

November 23, 2001

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The Falungong adherent Marja-Leena Koivuluoto is back home again from the demonstration in Beijing.

"I feel pretty good, but my body is aching all over," she says.


"I practice Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. It helps me to keep the calmness in this type of situation."

Six persons arrested

From Sweden, six persons, amongst them Marja-Leena Koivuluoto from Finsp ng, was arrested in Tuesday together with some 30 other foreigners in Tiananenmen Square in Beijing.

The police already interrupted the protest against the Chinese regime s treatment of Falun Gong adherents after a few minutes.

"We had just unfurled the banner when the police surrounded us with their mini buses."

According to Marja-Leena Koivuluoto, the policemen approached roughly. Marja-Leena Koivuluoto was dragged to the police bus, was dragged in the hair and beaten in the face. A man was trampled in the face in the commotion and was lying lifeless on the bus floor.

A woman was forced down to the ground and got her arms locked.

Kept herself cool

"I kept myself cool and was never afraid. We demonstrated for a good thing. The ban against Falun Gong must be withdrawn in China. Also the killing and the torture of Falun Gong adherents.

The arrested were brought to a police station where demonstrators were assaulted and were filmed.


She and her friends are now refused admittance to China for five years. But the work continues to help and support the exposed Falun Gong adherents in China.

"There must be an end to the ban, the torture and the brainwashing", says Marja-Leena.

Approximately 300 persons have been killed in China for practicing Falun Gong.

Thousands of adherents are in labour camps, in prisons or in mental hospitals.

"For several years we have told what is going on in China but nothing happens. The methods are instead crueller and crueller."

A Swedish practitioner got to know in Beijing from a police that Falun Gong adherents are not treated like other people. With them, one can do what one pleases.

"I can only hope that our actions help. The world's eyes must be aimed on China. The risk after Beijing got the Olympic Games is that the cruelties increase to put an end to the Falun Gong adherents. The violence is escalating. Every disturbance in society must be eliminated."

Marja-Leena is not against going to other countries and demonstrating again.

"We must appeal to other governments and all kind-hearted people to end the torture. As long as the ban is not lifted we must help them in China."
