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Göteborg (TT, Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå): Falun Gong Press Conference

November 30, 2001 |   By Hanna Bergviken/TT

... "We were naive. Some of us had actually planned to go shopping after the demonstration."

Says Yvonne Kleberg, one of the Swedish Falun Gong practitioners who were arrested earlier this week.

At a press conference in G teborg on Thursday Roland Odar, Pirjo Svensson, Yvonne Kleberg and Martin Larsson told about the events on Tuesday in Tiananmen Square.

They make a tired but determined front, the experiences have left lasting impressions.

"After the police arrested me they assaulted me and trampled on my head," says Roland Odar. "It was worse than a horror movie. It was then I realised how it can occur."áá (...)

...One has high hopes that police interventions in Tiananmen Square are going to raise the attention in mass media as well as on the political plane.

"We want to talk to politicians who are involved in the work with human rights and make them raise this question," says Yvonne Kleberg.áá Furthermore, she thinks that it will now be easier to focus on the question, as Western practitioners have been affected.

The four Falun Gong adherents are resolute when they tell about the events during and after the arresting. And the conclusion remains:á

"We wouldn't hesitate to do it again."

According to the Falun Gong movement about 300 adherents have been jailed, tortured and killed in China. ááá