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Australian Practitioner: My Honor and Dignity are Intact

November 28, 2001 |   By Myrna Mack


Honorable Master and Fellow Practitioners

My name is Myrna Mack and first and foremost I am a Falun Dafa practitioner.

It was not long after I did the exercises that I discovered the majesty of Falun Dafa and the height one can achieve through the practice of its cultivation system. When I opened and began to read Zhuan Falun, I discovered the deep and profound knowledge that Mr. Li was sharing with me, and I made a promise to myself: I would practice only Falun Dafa one hundred per cent for three months and at the end of that time review the benefits and make a decision. How conceited of me! By the end of lecture two I thought myself a practitioner and Mr. Li had became Master Li, my venerable Master. Having read so many books looking for that elusive something, now here in my hands was the book that contained all the answers to all my questions. With Truth, Compassion and Forbearance in my heart, I set out to be the best I could be to uphold with honor and dignity these three principles, and to improve myself and set a good example for everyone who comes in contact with me. I had to change to make a difference.

On my way to Tiananmen on 20th November, 2001, the only thoughts in my head were righteous thoughts. I found myself in the square; my footsteps were sure and steadfast; my heart knew that even if no one else had come I was there. I would shout with all my strength "Falun Dafa is good." Suddenly I saw them. We were there for the good of all human beings that have good consciences, for those practitioners who are languishing in jails in China, and for our fellow practitioners who have endured so much during the last two and a half years of the evil persecution. I was calm and steady; come what may, I was prepared and ready. I would not allow the evil to undermine Dafa. I would uphold the honor and dignity of Dafa. I have read and listen to experts say this or that about Falun Gong but at the end of the day this is only talk and talk is cheap-- anyone can do that. I have often thought how much spiritually richer these persons would be if they really understood the subject and what they are giving their opinions on.

The group began to gather together for group photos. Apart from the obvious ones I did not know anyone else. We were there for some time having our photos taken. Then we decided all at once to send forth righteous thoughts in Tiananmen Square. As I was taking my left leg up I saw a white light fall from heaven and suddenly everything was bright. There was a large crowd to my left and I saw the surprise on their faces as I heard some say "Falun Gong."

I was there to make a difference, to let the Chinese people know that Dafa is not only Chinese, to let the world know about the persecution that is going on. I went there to oppose and eradicate evil. I went there with Truth, Compassion and Forbearance in my heart.

Our righteous thoughts were breaking through the air up to the heavens. At that time something seemed to move very fast towards us. Fast moving vehicles, the screeching of tires, men shouting, sounds of people running. Someone moved to one side and then somebody else moved to the other side to pass to the back of me. I was left sitting there in meditation, with righteous thoughts going up to heaven.

After a while two people came to either side of me and tried to lift me off the ground, I am a heavy person. Today even I am surprised how heavy my body feels. It is as if I am glued to the ground. They tried to lift me up and realized this was futile. More people came towards me. They tugged my arms and finally they managed to pull them apart. They tugged at my legs and also managed to pull them apart. Someone was holding my head, and their grip was very strong. They tried to lift me off the ground but could not, so they dragged me and lifted me no more than an inch off the ground, if that. Finally they got me up to the door of a vehicle. They struggled for quite some time before they finally dragged me into the van.

My thoughts were strong and firm: I would not cooperate with this evil, I will not be persecuted, and there is no jail that can contain me. My honor and dignity shall remain intact. Were I to allow them to take all this away from me, they truly would be attacking Dafa, and I had gone to Tiananmen for them to find the Truth and Beauty of Dafa.

In the van I was very uncomfortable and some one kept asking me to please get up "Lady please, you are too heavy." Earlier, they had also pleaded that I open my eyes and walk into the van. My body moved slightly to accommodate myself, and the policeman who was by the window on my left moved toward me to hit me. There was another policeman to my right, and he prevented him from hitting me.

Righteous thoughts are more and more powerful. When they pleaded with me to cooperate, how could I do that? How could I allow them to take me away for being a Falun Gong practitioner? I did not go to Beijing to visit their jails or spend time being interrogated. I am not a criminal and I do not belong in jail. Every thing I have learned from Master and Dafa I have applied to this ordeal, and this got me through. Now I must go home. There are promises I made and I must keep them.