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Latest News from China - 11/19/2001

November 26, 2001 |  


  • Supporting Practitioners on Hunger Strike in Dalian City's Zhoushuizi Labor Camp, to Protest the Brutal Persecution.
  • Partial Statistics of the Persecution against Falun Gong Practitioners from Chengdu City
  • Information about Officials Persecuting Practitioners in Shuangliu County, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province; Partial Statistics
  • Liaoning Province Authorities Will Send an Additional 200 Female Practitioners to a Labor Camp
  • Changchun City Police Department Officers from Section One Continue to Torture and Devastate Dafa Practitioners
  • Dalian Labor Camp Authorities Intensify the Persecution against Dafa Practitioners
  • Information About the Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Ge'ermu City, Qinghai Province
  • The Call From Dafa Practitioners' Families: Release Our Family Members!
  • The Persecution Dafa Practitioners Luu Kaili and Sun Yan from Dalian City Had Suffered
  • Exposing The Evil at Zhejiang Province' Shiliping Labor Camp
  • "Aren't You Afraid of Retribution for Doing This?"
  • Over a Thousand Female Practitioners Detained in Changchun City's Heizuizi Labor Camp are Becoming More and More Mature in Their Cultivation
  • A Practitioner Receives a Three Years of Forced Labor Sentence for Writing Truth-Clarifying Posters
  • Mudanjiang City Police Department Personnel Intensify the Persecution against Practitioners
  • Stern Warning to Zheng Chunzhuang -- Director of Dengta City's Police Department


[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Supporting Practitioners on Hunger Strike in Dalian City's Zhoushuizi Labor Camp, to Protest the Brutal Persecution.

According to reliable resources, over 60 female practitioners and some male practitioners, their number is unknown, are on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention in Dalian City's Zhoushuizi Labor Camp. One male practitioner successfully walked out of the labor camp. Now the vicious wardens are perplexed and do not know what to do.

[Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Partial Statistics of the Persecution against Falun Gong Practitioners

From July 20, 1999 to October 30, 2001, around 1,000 female practitioners suffered long-term illegal detention in Zizhong City's Nanmushi Female Labor Camp, Sichuang Province.

The following statistics are based on the cases of 439 persecuted practitioners whose names are known and confirmed:

  1. 4 practitioners were tortured to death;
  2. 112 practitioners were illegally detained or put into labor camps. The term of forced labor was from six months to two years; the longest imprisonment was four years;
  3. 327 practitioners suffered illegal detention; many of them were repeatedly detained. One practitioner had been detained 15 times, spending a cumulative total of 225 days in the detention center;
  4. 68 practitioners were illegally fined, and the total fines amounted to 329,898 Yuan (500 Yuan is the average monthly income in urban areas of China);
  5. 11 practitioners suffered brutal tortures. One practitioner became disabled as a result;
  6. 17 practitioners were expelled from their jobs. Two practitioners were dismissed from their teaching positions. One practitioner, an army officer, was forced to leave the service;
  7. 11 practitioners were forced to leave their homes and became destitute and homeless. 19 practitioners' salaries were suspended or reduced;
  8. 16 practitioners' relatives who are non practitioners were implicated;
    1. 2 practitioners' work places were fined a total of 11,000 Yuan;
    2. Four children, two nine-year-olds, one seven-year-old and one six-year-old were left with no one taking care of them, as their parents were kept in the detention center;
    3. An 8-month-old baby and a 10-month-old baby, together with their mothers, were detained over half a year;

    4. One practitioner's grandson suffered discrimination in university admission. The university requested him to pay extra fees without giving any reason;
    5. Three practitioners' family members were harassed and menaced. Two practitioners' relatives were mentally tormented;
    6. Two practitioners were forced to divorce;
    7. One practitioner's relative had personal belongings taken away, which were worth nearly ten thousand Yuan; 3 relatives were fired or refused promotion;
    8. One practitioner's relative was harassed with a threat of shutting down his business.

[Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Information about Officials Persecuting Practitioners in Shuangliu County; Partial Statistics

Zhou Zhuqing, male, 55 years old, is an engineer whose postal address is Chengdu City Airplane Company P.O. Box 103. In August 2000 he went to safeguard Dafa in Beijing and was illegally sentenced to three-and-a-half years of forced labor. He is now detained in the Deyang Labor Camp.

Jiang Hong, a middle school teacher with a bachelor's degree at Shuangliu County's Huayang Middle School went to safeguard Dafa in Beijing in August 2000. He was illegally sentenced to three-and-a-half years of forced labor and is currently detained in the Deyang Labor Camp.

Sun Chunfan, a driver affiliated with the Shuangliu County Committee went to safeguard Dafa in Beijing in August 2000. He was sentenced to three-and-a-half years of forced labor and is currently detained in the Deyang Labor Camp.

Kang Li, a resident in Zhonghe Town, Shuangliu County was illegally detained for three month in June 2001 for clarifying the truth to the public. He was later forced to leave his home and is now living in exile.

L Shengyun was illegally sentenced to one-and-a-half years of forced labor in June 2001 for clarifying the truth to the public.

More than ten Dafa practitioners, including Li Bihua, Li Caiqun, Wu Zhirong, Wang Haixia (from Huayang District), Ma Hui, Fan Ying, Peng Li (from Dayi District), Yi Xingming and Cao Xiegen were illegally subjected to forced labor.

[Liaoning Province] Liaoning Province Authorities Will Send an Additional 200 Female Practitioners to a Labor Camp

We have heard from sources from the Liaoning Province Judiciary Department that more than another 200 female practitioners would be put into labor camps. Some would be sent to the Masanjia Labor Camp and others to Dalian City's Labor Camp.

The vicious wardens in the female unit of Dalian City's Labor Camp started a new round of persecution against practitioners. Yang Jing, the head of No.2 Class of the female unit inhumanly tortures those determined practitioners.

With steadfast righteous thoughts, practitioners Ding Yuqi and Sun Yan firmly rejected the shameless betrayers' [those who became brainwashed and help to abuse Dafa practitioners] evil enlightenment. Having failed to achieve anything from mentally torturing them, the vicious wardens put the two practitioners into solitary confinement in small cells for 'sealed up' persecution. It was said the wardens in the female unit always persecuting practitioners this way. The door and windows of the small cell were sealed up, leaving only a small hole in the door for monitoring. This cell is completely cut off from the outside world. These determined practitioners are suffering twofold torment of mental and physical torture in solitary confinement in the small cell.

Practitioner Hu Guilian was beaten up at the same time when Teacher's article was taken away from her.

In the new round of forced brainwashing persecution, which took place in the middle of March 2001, at least one practitioner was tortured to death; one practitioner was forced off a tall building, and was crippled as a result. Many practitioners were beaten to the point that they could hardly walk and their bodies were covered with bruises. This situation had earlier been reported on Clearwisdom.net.

[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Changchun City Police Department Officers from Section One Continue to Torture and Devastate Dafa Practitioners

The police shocked Dafa practitioner Zhang Zhikui with electric batons and then poured cold water on his body and shocked him again, so that Zhang Zhikui' s whole body was electrified. They intensified the torture with this cruel method. Zhang Zhikui's flesh and clothes were burned. The policemen also electrically shocked Zhang Zhikui's genitals so that Zhang Zhikui could not control his bowels. Others had to support him when going to the washroom. Even under such brutal tortures, Zhang Zhikui still persisted in studying the Fa and practicing the exercises, and steadfastly continued with Dafa cultivation while in jail. Zhang Zhikui has now been sent to a labor camp.

[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Dalian Labor Camp Authorities Intensify the Persecution against Dafa Practitioners

Authorities from the male unit of Dalian's Labor Camp intensify the persecution of Dafa practitioners. They regrouped the illegally detained practitioners, and once again established a 'Class under Strict Discipline' (Note: a special class organized for practitioners who were hard to break). Practitioners who went on a hunger strike were sent to this class, with their arms and legs fastened onto the bed with leg irons and handcuffs. In Team No.1, there have been cases of force-feeding. Due to the tight information blockade, details yet need to be further investigated.

Earlier, Minghui.net reported the persecution of Dafa practitioners by people from the Dalian Labor Camp in collaboration with the Guanshan Labor Camp in Changtu City. Following is some additional information about the situation: Dafa practitioners Wang Zhiyong, Liu Changhai, Liu Renqiu, Qu Fei and Luu Kaili were among those who were sent to Guanshan Labor Camp from Dalian Labor Camp. The former is notorious for enslaving practitioners with highly intense labor, and the living conditions there are extremely adverse. Personnel from the Dalian Labor Camp sent those practitioners who did not give up their beliefs under force. Their evil intentions are obvious. According to information passed through, practitioners there were strictly isolated. They could not even know what was happening in the room next door. Practitioners appealed for their lawful right to practice the exercises, but their appeal was rejected. Currently, they are on a hunger strike to protest. Practitioner Wang Zhiyong was brutally beaten by criminals, instigated by the evil policemen. His current situation is unknown.

[Ge'ermu City, Qinghai Province] Information About the Persecution of Dafa Practitioners

At midnight on October 7, 2001, Ge'ermu City government and police illegally searched practitioners' homes and arrested almost all the practitioners who steadfastly cultivated Dafa. More than 10 practitioners are still in jail for going to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. Currently, 5 female practitioners are on a hunger strike to protest the illegal arrests. Zhang Yuan's whole family, including his wife and son, were arrested. Wan and his wife were both arrested and their child had to be taken care of by their relatives.

Practitioners who were illegally arrested this time include Zhang Yuan, his wife and son; Qiao and his wife who was later released due to severe bleeding; Wan and his wife Shi Xiuhua; Shi Cuixia (female), Chen Jiping (female), Ou Guanglan (female) and Yue.

Practitioners who had been arrested earlier include Lan Yinxiang (female), Yu Huixiang (female), Yuan Jinying (female), Tan Xiaoju (female), Tan Ying (female), Yuan Jinhui, Fu XX, Luo Xiufeng, Zhang Yefu, Luo Longan, Shen Henggang.

The name list of the evil persons in Xining City, Qinghai Province: Hou Zhengzhang, Ma Weiliang and Wang Guiying from the Politics and Security Section, Chengdong District Department of Xining City's Police Department

[Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] The Call From Dafa Practitioners' Families: Release Our Family Members!

Six Falun Dafa practitioners, Liu Fanqin, Jiang Guolan, Yin Chengqun, Sun Xiaoli, Wang Hong and Wang Qingrong from Beibei District in Chongqing City were illegally detained in the Chongqing Female Labor Camp for one to two years. Though released after the original term was up, they were again forcibly sent to Chongqing Beibei District's Teachers' Training School for detention without any good reason. It has been over half a year now. Dafa practitioner Zhang Youkao was directly sent to a brainwashing class after being released from the labor camp, without even notifying his family. These practitioners have suffered severe torment both mentally and physically. They have completely lost their personal freedom.

We are Dafa practitioners' family members. Dafa practitioners have lofty moral values. What crime have they committed? We strongly request the local government to release our family members soon and bring justice into the world.

[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] The Persecution Dafa Practitioners Luu Kaili and Sun Yan Had Suffered

Dafa practitioner Luu Kaili had been kept in a labor camp for one year for being steadfast to the practice of Dafa and for his active participation in Fa-rectification. He was detained in the Masanjia Labor Camp. When he came close to the release date, he was transferred to Dalian Labor Camp. As soon as he arrived there that afternoon, the vicious police and prisoners brutally tortured him, in an attempt to force him into giving up Dafa. However, Luu Kaili endured the savage torture once again. Because of his firmness in practicing Falun Dafa, his detention term was prolonged by 6 months. After his release, he was still tailed and watched closely. During a get-together with some other practitioners, he was again illegally arrested and sent to a labor camp. He is currently detained in the Guanshan Labor Camp.

Luu Kaili's wife, Sun Yan, was illegally detained in the Dalian Detention Center because of her firmness in practicing Falun Dafa and her participation in Fa-rectification. While in the center, she firmly adhered to righteous thoughts and actively resisted the evil. She was released when she was on the verge of death after months of being on a hunger strike. Later, when her husband was once again illegally arrested, she was persecuted too. She was illegally detained in Dalian Labor Camp, and is currently locked up in solitary confinement in a small cell.

[Zhejiang Province] Exposing The Evil at Zhejiang Shiliping Labor Camp

Li Hongqing, a police officer from Zhejiang Shiliping Labor Camp was directly in charge of the illegal detention of Dafa practitioners. Under the orders of its Chief, Xue Yongxing, he brutally persecuted Dafa practitioners. In the winter, the police stripped practitioners, leaving them only their undergarments. They tied practitioners' hands on seats and forbade them to go to toilet or to sleep. Practitioners were allowed only 2 or 3 mouthfuls of food per day. The doors and windows were left wide open to freeze them. When practitioners passed out from such torture, they would infuse them with medicine and continue with the torture. As a result, a few practitioners became disabled. Those practitioners who persevered in Dafa practice have been locked up in solitary confinement in small cells all the time, suffering unspeakable inhuman torture.

[China] "Aren't You Afraid of Retribution for Doing This?"

One day, when seeing a wicked policeman with a brush paint over a Dafa sign on the wall, without hesitation, a practitioner from this township stepped forward and said sternly, "Aren't you afraid of receiving retribution?" This practitioner is a "key monitored target," designated by the police station of that township. The wicked police had earlier beaten her severely in order to force other practitioners to write the so-called "Guarantee Letter." (A statement saying that one would give up Dafa practice) As she didn't have any fear in her heart, the words she spoke were very powerful though her voice was soft. The wicked policeman was startled. He took a look at her but didn't say anything. In the end, he only hastily brushed off a couple of the chinese characters and left. Though everyday people don't verbally accept the universal principle of "Good is rewarded with good, and evil is met with evil," they will still think it over in their hearts.

[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Over a Thousand Female Practitioners Detained in the Heizuizi Labor Camp are Becoming More and More Mature in their Cultivation

The cruel mental torments and physical torture of over a thousand female practitioners illegally detained in Changchun City's Heizuizi Labor Camp have raised wide concern in the society. After the inmates got Teacher's new articles, more and more of the practitioners became determined in cultivating Dafa and refused to submit to the evil forces. When becoming clear-headed, many of them who had previously written statements against their will took back their statements and declared that they would steadfastly cultivate Dafa. Some practitioners who had resolutely refused to yield to the evil forces walked out of the labor camp in an open and dignified manner. In the face of the mighty power of the Buddha Law, many guards had to refrain from their rampant arrogance and admire these indestructible Dafa practitioners.

[Qinghai Province] A Practitioner Receives a Three Years of Forced Labor Sentence for Writing Truth-Clarifying Posters

A practitioner went back to his hometown in Qinghai Province to visit his relatives and made up a lot of posters reading, "Falun Dafa is good" with watercolor brushes. After he returned to his small city he wrote up some more posters. Soon after, the police from Qinghai Province tracked him down to the small city where he lived. The local police came to check his handwriting. The practitioner was then illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor.

[Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Mudanjiang City Police Department Personnel Intensify the Persecution against Practitioners

Mudanjiang City Police Department officers intensified the persecution against practitioners. Recently, they illegally detained five practitioners, including Jiang Chunmei (female) and Fu Ying (female). Their current situation is unknown.

[Dengta City, Liaoning Province] Stern Warning to Zheng Chunzhuang -- Director of Dengta City's Police Department

Zheng Chunzhuang, director of Dengta City's Police Department, in order to gain a promotion through persecuting Falun Gong, has run several brainwashing classes and has illegally detained, beaten and arrested practitioners. He has successively sent a dozen practitioners to labor camps. In order to get the upper hand of others, he even went so far as to shamelessly report an official in charge of the provincial higher authorities, saying that person was "going easy" on Falun Gong. Even so, Zheng's hope of promotion has come to nothing.

Director of Dengta City's Police Department: Zheng Chunzhuang

Telephone number: 011-86-419-13904198988; (mobile phone) 011-86-419-8182449 (office) and 2145688 (home).