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Media Reports of Falun Gong (Yahoo! News Photos)

Nov. 24, 2001

Associated Press: Members of the Falun Gong [group] displays a banner at the Rhein Main Airport in Frankfurt, Germany

November 21, 2001
Bernd Kammerer

China had swiftly expelled three dozen Westerners who demonstrated against the government's [persecuting] of the Falun Gong spiritual movement. The banner is the original banner from the protest action Tuesday on Beijing's Tiananmen Square.


Reuters: A Falun Gong follower studies behind a see-through banner during a protest in Hong Kong

November 21, 2001.
Bobby Yip

China could expel 35 foreign followers of the banned spiritual movement as early as Wednesday after detaining them during a demonstration on Tiananmen Square in Beijing, a Western envoy said. The two Chinese characters on the banner read "Truthfulness" (L) and "Benevolence".


Associated Press: An unidentified man wearing a T-shirt with a Canadian flag shouts pro-Falun Gong [words] as he is carried away by Chinese police officers in Tiananmen Square after participating in a Falun Gong sit-in demonstration Tuesday.

Nov. 20, 2001
Ng Han Guan

About twenty Westerners took part in the sit-in and unfurled a giant banner before being taken away and detained by police officers.
