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Falun Dafa Practitioners in Northeastern China Send Heartfelt Congratulations on the Founding of the Austrian and Belgian Falun Dafa Associations

November 21, 2001 |  


We, the Falun Dafa practitioners in northeastern China, sincerely congratulate our fellow practitioners in Austria and Belgium on the occasion of the founding of the Austrian and Belgian Falun Dafa Associations. Your new Associations will add considerable momentum to the mighty current of Fa-rectification.

Our wish for you is that you will establish your mighty virtue in the process of validating the Fa, clarifying the truth, and offering salvation to the world's people. It is our great hope that you will do well on every step of your path, and that you will carry out all of your duties effectively. Always remember that we must constantly strive to be worthy of the mercy and patience of our great Teacher. Let us join our strengths and our efforts together to break the arrangements of the evil old forces of the cosmos at every level, and welcome the advent of the new dawn. May we quicken our steps in the process of Fa-rectification.

Let the pure and glorious light of Falun Dafa illuminate everywhere!

Falun Dafa practitioners in northeastern China

November 14, 2001