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Jiang Zemin's Regime Issues Secret Order to Further Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners

November 16, 2001 |   Written by a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Nowadays in China, the state-owned enterprises are implementing the policy of "stop payment of salary but keep the job." In my workplace, we can leave to look for an independent source of income but only after paying a fixed amount of more than one thousand Yuan annually. The only benefit is that we can keep our jobs. I am no longer interested in the job I've had. In order to lessen my family's worries, several days ago, I submitted an application to "stop payment of salary but keep the job" to my workplace. I prepared to go to Shenzhen for new work. However, this morning the office of the Party Secretary called to tell me that my application can never be approved. And the reason is because I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. Moreover, my resignation cannot be approved either. They even threatened me by saying that if I ever wanted to go home, there must be someone accompanying me to keep me under surveillance (my workplace is a little bit far away from my home, and usually I go home once a week). In addition, I must pay for the transportation fees of that accompanying person. If I leave the workplace without permission, they will report it immediately to the public security bureau and have me detained as a criminal. I was told that this is also the directive of the public security bureau. I really don't understand where this gangster logic has come from.

During their talk with me, the Party Secretary revealed something in order to threaten me into giving up cultivation. He said that the Central Party had issued a secret coded message, with four main points in the contents. I cannot remember the details but remember the general ideas of two of the points. One is that the Dafa practitioners everywhere are not allowed to leave or resign their jobs or leave their local areas. If they don't follow this rule, they will immediately be sent away to the detention center. The second point is that all Dafa practitioners who insist on cultivation will be sent to provincial brainwashing classes. If they do not give up, after the class, they will be sent to a labor camp.

It is well known that in Mainland China, for unlawful behavior, a person will be put under administrative detention, and the maximum time is fifteen days. But in treating the innocent Falun Dafa practitioners, they will first keep them under administrative detention (without time limit) and then send them to the labor camp. It seems that the evil does get extremely vicious. It is thought that this may be a nationwide action to persecute Dafa and Dafa practitioners. It is evil's shameless way of pouncing back after being beaten off. They do not want to let a single Dafa practitioner have a free work and living environment, and they do not let practitioners have their basic human rights.

At the present time, of the roughly one dozen Dafa practitioners in my workplace, four were already illegally detained in August. They are not allowed to receive visitors and cannot go see their families. They are just languishing there and have not been released. The Party Secretary gave an order that the director of the police substation should send five practitioners to be brainwashed (or detained). They unreasonably demanded that the practitioners write "guarantee letters", "understanding" and "exposure-criticism materials." We of course are determined in refusing their evil request.

We hope all our fellow practitioners will treat this with righteous thoughts. We should use our righteous thoughts to eradicate the evil, and comprehensively eliminate this contemptible act of the evil forces.