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The True Nature of Dafa Practitioners Revealed in Wind and Snow: Candlelight Vigil in Front of Canada's Parliament Hill on October 17

Oct. 21, 2001

October 17 was the eve of Canada's Prime Minister Chretien's visit to China. Practitioners and several members of Parliament (MPs) held a candlelight vigil in front of Canada's Parliament Hill to memorialize the 300 practitioners who have lost their lives in upholding the Cosmic truth--Falun Dafa--and to call upon Prime Minister Jean Chretien to represent the will of the Canadian people and resolutely condemn the State Terrorism of Jiang Zemin's regime in its bloody persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

1. "Dafa is indestructible"

Since the early morning, the sky was covered with dark clouds. The temperature was falling and a fierce wind with icy rain swept the Square. Practitioners were not deterred. Facing the howling wind they held big banners high. The banners read, "Falun Dafa", "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance", "SOS! Urgent Rescue Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in China" and "Jiang Zemin's Persecution of Falun Gong is State Terrorism."

Revealing the practitioners' true nature: Large banners are held up for 12 hours in the fierce wind and snow In the wind and icy rain, practitioners steadfastly light up to a thousand candles In the wind and icy rain, practitioners send an SOS signal to the Canadian government and people.

The rain drenched the practitioners' clothes and the chilling wind froze their hands; however, the evil's arrangement could not shake the practitioners' unshakable righteous thoughts. "Dafa is indestructible." Practitioners held banners high for about 12 hours amid the snowstorm.

2. MPs Urge Prime Minister to Represent the People's Will and Uphold Justice

The candlelight vigil started around 6:30 pm. At that time, the temperature fell to about 0o C with snow flakes coming down.

In the wind and rain, practitioners light candles again and again.

Not long ago the MPs told us that the Parliament would be in recess from October 8 to 12 and it would be the busiest time after the parliament is in session from October 15 to 19.

In the chilly wind and rain, MP Scott Reid and his assistants came. Mr. Reid walked up to the practitioners who had held the banners for an entire day. He was deeply touched and gave his gloves to a female practitioner, asking her to put them on.

In the chilly wind and rain also came some old friends, MP Rob Anders and his assistant and MP Svend Robinson.

The MPs highly praised the benevolence and tolerance practitioners demonstrated during the persecution by Jiang Zemin's regime and strongly condemned the atrocities committed by the Chinese government. They urged Canada's Prime Minister Jean Chretien to represent the Canadian people's will and demanded that the Chinese government stop torturing and killing Falun Gong practitioners.

Mr. Reid praised the practitioners who had been standing out in the wind and rain all day long saying, "You are the examples of practicing "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance". Mr. Anders said, "What touches me the most are your persevering and indomitable spirits."

Practitioners thanked the MPs for their whole-hearted support of Zhen-Shan-Ren.

Two TV stations sent reporters to the candlelight vigil. Practitioners read support letters from the Canadian government and their supporters. A practitioner from Montreal read a statement, pointing out that the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by Jiang Zemin's regime grows ever more frightening.

After the speeches, two videos "SOS! Urgent Rescue Practitioners Persecuted in China" and "Falun Gong and Human Rights Violations" were shown. The wind was blowing really hard. One MP assistant helped hold the video screen.

Just before the candlelight vigil concluded, MP Larry Bagnell showed up at the site. It was the first time he openly showeds his support to Falun Gong. He delivered a speech supporting Falun Gong and Zhen-Shan-Ren and called upon the Chinese government to stop persecuting Falun Gong.

MP Reid giving his gloves to a practitioner Mr. Reid praising practitioners: You are the examples of practicing 'Truth-Compassion-Tolerance" Mr. Anders praising practitioners' persevering and indomitable spirits
Mr. Robinson calls upon the Prime Minister to condemn the persecution of Falun Gong during his visit to China Videos are shown in the Square. MP Larry Bagnell unexpectedly arrives and speaks out in support of Falun Gong