Wednesday September 26, 2001
The establishment of the European Dafa Association, the re-launch of the European Falun Dafa website [Clear Harmony] and the increased understanding of Falun Dafa in various European countries have had a positive effect on the growing support for Falun Gong in Europe.
In order to further expose the evil of the persecution and clarify the truth of Falun Gong, almost 200 Falun Dafa practitioners gathered together in Rome, the capital of Italy, to participate in the "SOS: Urgent! Rescue the Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in China" activity. This activity was organized by Italy's Falun Gong Association and carried out with the direct help and participation of various non-governmental organizations [NGOs].
Representatives from both houses of the Italian parliament were very supportive of the "SOS: Urgent! Rescue the Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in China" appeal activity. They had already drafted a resolution a few days before about human rights in China. The main points of this resolution condemned the Chinese regime for its brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Some ministers from both the House of Parliament and the Senate, on their own initiative, started a signature collection for a petition appealing for the urgent rescue of Falun Dafa practitioners persecuted in China.
Reprinted from Clear Harmony Net