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Persecution of Dafa Practitioners Intensifies in Jiangsu Province

January 25, 2001 |   Dafa practitioners in China

[Clearwisdom.net] According to police departmental reports, the persecution against Dafa practitioners in Jiangsu Province has escalated since September. To date, several hundred practitioners have been arrested or sent to labor camps including: Ma Zhenyu, charge of Jiangsu assistant center, sent to Judong Labor Camp (Jurong City); Wang Jianbin, sent to Dafeng Labor Camp (Yancheng City); and Pang Hao, sent to Jiangdongmen Detention Center (Nanjing City). Nearly 100 practitioners were detained in Judong Labor Camp alone.

Local police brought some alleged practitioners from Beijing to these labor camps and detention centers, where they talked to the detained practitioners and "shared their experiences". In this way, they tried to persuade practitioners to give up their cultivation. Persecutors even awarded the policemen 2000 Yuan (approximately 4 months salary) for each practitioner they transformed.

When Dafa practitioners saw through this ruse, their torture was intensified. In order to force Ma Zhenyu to confess to their accusations, he was continuously tortured for 4 days and 4 nights (including handcuffing him and hanging him up). Persecutors in Judong Labor Camp forced practitioners to work from 4:30 am till 11:30 pm everyday, despite the fact that they had been on a hunger strike for over 20 days. Since practitioners were only allowed to use the restroom once a day, they sometimes had to defecate into their pants. Three or four prisoners monitored each practitioner, and the practitioners were beaten whenever they were a little slow in doing their work. In order to protest against such treatment, practitioners went on a hunger strike for 26 days.

Niu Ningying was sentenced to 1.5 years in a labor camp for appealing in Beijing twice.

In October 1999, Zhu Jianling was detained in Jiangdongmen Female Detention Center for appealing in Beijing. In the detention center, she went on hunger strike until she was released. During her hunger strike, persecutors force-fed her using a nasal tube many times. Since she persisted in her practice, she was beaten twice a day and two of her ribs were broken. In June and July of 2000, she organized many experience sharing conferences in Nanjing City. During one of these conferences, she was arrested again, and subsequently fired from her job at Nanjing Chenguang Plant. In the detention center, she persisted in her practice. Persecutors put shackles weighing 50 pounds on her and kept her isolated during her detention. In her cell, she recited Weide (one of Master's poems) so loudly that her voice could be heard everywhere in the detention center. After detaining her for more than a month, she was sentenced to one year in a labor camp.

Zhang Ailing was sentenced to a labor camp for providing Dafa materials for distribution.

Zhai (female) from Baixia Town was sentenced to 2 years in a labor camp for distributing Dafa materials. Assistant Zhu Yuanwei, a retired enginee, who used to work in No.55 Institute, was also sent to a labor camp for appealing in Beijing around October 01, 2000.

Just before National Day (Oct. 01), a female practitioner went to Tiananmen Square with her daughter (a high school student). After they opened a banner on the Square, police arrested the mother and sentenced her to 1.5 years in a labor camp. The daughter is a class monitor in high school and a good student. Although she missed her classes for more than a month, she still made very good grades in the exams.

Some of the practitioners that have been put into Nanjing Psychiatric Hospital: Ding Jianhua, Han Jizhen, Duan Xiangdi, Wu Shunzhen, Shen Lijuan, Li Anning, Li Qun, Yu Guangrui (over a year), Kuang Li (approximately 10 months), and Feng Miaohua.

Yu Guangrui, a contact person for the Anhui assistant center, was detained in a psychiatric hospital for over a year. He escaped during a psychiatric examination, and has not been heard from since.

In October 1999, police officer Ding Jianhua went to Beijing to protect Dafa. After her arrest, she was tortured because she would not give her name. She escaped while being transferred to Nanjing, and returned to Beijing. She was listed as a wanted person all over the country, arrested, and put into a psychiatric hospital. During the four months she spent in the psychiatric hospital, she was forcibly administered large doses of drugs. She could not sleep at all for the first several nights after she returned home.

Shen Lijuan, in her 60s, was forced into a psychiatric hospital for going to Beijing to appeal to the government. Many times, her husband tried to arrange her discharge, but her work unit at the Nanjing Chenguang Plant did not allow it, saying that she would have to write a pledge renouncing Falun Dafa before she could be released. Shen Lijuan firmly refused. After four months, she was forced to attend a "Study session" before being released.

Wu Shunzhen was detained in a detention center for approximately 60 days, and then transferred to psychiatric hospital, simply for going to Beijing to appeal. She was subsequently fired from her job. After being released, she was arrested in September for distributing Dafa materials. Because she did not reveal the source of the materials, and because she persisted in her cultivation, she was sent to Qinglongshan Psychiatric Hospital in Nanjing City, where they forcefully tried to transform her thinking.

Zhu Shida is an officer (not in the Army) in the Army's University of Science And Engineering. He was sentenced to two years in a labor camp by Si Laiyi, president of the university, for downloading Dafa materials from the Internet. Zhu Shida is now detained in an army labor camp. Persisting in cultivation and refusing to enroll in the "Study session", female teacher Li Qun from the same university was arrested by several policemen and detained in a police station. After being released, she left home in order to better work for Dafa by making it difficult for the police to find her and thus not losing her freedom.

Police confiscated several photocopiers from Dafa practitioners, and arrested everyone involved.

The Nanjing Police Department has put practitioners into detention if they persist in practicing or if they are able to download materials from the Internet. They have also searched the apartments of practitioners, and made them attend "Study sessions".