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ABIX: Falun Gong Thrives Despite Beijings Crackdown

April 26, 2000 |   John Schauble


ABIX - Australasian Business Intelligence: Sydney Morning Herald

Page 7

Copyright (C) 2000 Business Intelligence

Australia Pty Ltd.; Source: World Reporter (TM)

Australia's Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, has raised the Falun Gong issue with his Chinese counterpart. It was one of the topics he discussed on 24 April 2000 with Tang Jiaxuan. A year ago on 25 April, 10,000 Falun Gong members assembled outside the Zhongnanhai compound in Beijing to protest against the persecution of their movement. The Falun Gong is a mixture of Taoist and Buddhist beliefs. Supporters and human rights groups estimate that as many as 35,000 followers have been detained at some time. Group leaders have been jailed for up to 18 years and some reports estimate that there are as many as 50 arrests daily.