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The Evil Acts of Liaoning Province and Public Security

December 09, 2000 |   Hua Shi

Gangtun is a small town located in the City of Huludao in Liaoning province, China. Yet, Dafa practitioners there are under the same kind of heavy persecution as practitioners in large cities like Beijing.

With inhumane and despicable measures, the Office of the Township and the district Public Bureau cruelly persecute practitioners who refuse to give written promises to give up Falun Gong. Regardless of age and gender, these evil officials beat practitioners with rods, kick them, shock them with stun sticks, etc. Since August 2000, in the district of Heshangou in Gangtun, the district Public Security Office has been forcing practitioners to go through so-called "intensive military training". Practitioners are ordered to march long distances, and to stand on one foot for long periods of time. Whoever is not able to keep up gets slapped in the face repeatedly. Almost all of the practitioners have been slapped countless times. However, there was one young girl who stood on one foot for two hours. The guards were very upset because they couldn't do any thing to her. Every day, they made practitioners run or walk nonstop; but they only provided the smallest amount of food. Practitioners were not even allowed to sleep indoors at night. Practitioners could only sleep on the ground outside.

These vicious men also forced practitioners to kneel on the ground and face the sun. They were made to follow the direction of the sun. If practitioners didn't turn to face the sun, they would be severely beaten. A practitioner was beaten so severely that she could not breathe without piercing pain in her chest. Another practitioner who was over fifty years of age was beaten unconscious. But these evil men continued with their beating as if nothing had happened. They glued red paper onto the face of the practitioners and forced them to jump up and down while holding their bodies rigid. Guards even stripped the clothes off women practitioners and publicly humiliated them. These guards have already given up their human nature, and are no different than animals.

In the re-education institution of Hulundao, practitioners who refuse to write promises to give up Falun Gong are beaten every day by the staff of the re-education institution. The assistant for the general assistance center of Hulundao, Fei Guangbin, was sentenced to 1 year of re-education here. Practitioners Li Yong and Wang Zhuo were sent to labor camp for 3 years. Wang Zhuo was once beaten so severely that he passed out seven or eight times in just one night. There was another occasion when he and another practitioner received concussions from the beating. They had to be hospitalized. Local practitioners searched for them in every hospital but were not able to find them. Evidently, the re-education institution was also afraid of the public finding out how badly the prisoners had been beaten. They disguised the identity of the practitioners and tightly sealed related information. In spite of being severely beaten every day, Fei Guangbin, Wang Zhuo and others have endured it with perseverance. At the beginning of October of this year, we learned that Fei Guangbin and three other practitioners had been transferred to other locations to receive further "transformation".

The persecution against practitioners is even worse in Qitun Detention Center. Guards there cuff women practitioners with heavy handcuffs and shackles that are supposed to be used only on hardened criminals. When they find the most deeply committed practitioners, these evil men hit their buttocks with leather pipes dozens of times. One female practitioner was hit dozens of times but never screamed. The sick and evil administrator hit her with a kind of thorny rubber stick. The thorns had hooks. With every blow, a layer of flesh was torn off. There was another administrator who threw a handful of hairs into the wind and made practitioners find them. They also made practitioners run in a circle while wearing the very heavy shackles. Practitioners would be kicked as soon as they slowed down. Are the acts of these administrators human?

In the past year, countless Dafa practitioners have been forced to go through re-education. At one point, more than 70 people were detained for re-education at the same time. However, this vicious persecution didn't crush these practitioners. Those who are free are still distributing flyers and hanging up banners to promote the Fa. The activities of clarifying the truth have never stopped.

(Information Provided by Hua Shi)