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Extensive Information: Jiang Zemin's Last Madness Before His Destruction

December 05, 2000 |  

[News from Extensive Information on December 2] (Editor: Extensive Information is an open medium. It doesn't reject any opinions. The following news is from the free reporting section. Editor: Chen Min)

This news is informed to me by an acquaintance. Almost all of the adjectives and metaphors are employed by him or mainly so.

In a recent Economic Work Conference of the China Central Government, Jiang Zemin acted like a mad dog. In the conference, Jiang Zemin's behavior was like Mao Zedong in his later years. Jiang Zemin constantly shouted and cried out hysterically, just like a villain who holds sway, and was totally irrational. Zhu Rongji (the Premier) who sat beside Jiang Zemin kept silent. Members of the central committee were quietly astonished. Jiang Zemin has been manifesting a total madness and continues his wicked deeds. Many people have disassociated themselves from him, in case they will become like the goods buried with him when Jiang loses control of power.

This acquaintance said, judging by Jiang Zemin's behavior, there might be a big event taking place in China: Jiang Zemin's end is drawing near.

(News report of Extensive Information: an independent writer)