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Falun Gong Luncheon Meeting in Lexington, Massachusetts

Dec. 22, 2000

Dafa materials and books were provided at the entrance of the meeting room for the guests' perusal. The other side of the entrance displayed posters that showed the pictures and words about the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and the fact that Falun Gong has rapidly spread all over the world.

The meeting first showed the videos " Falun Dafa in Taiwan" and "Falun Gong--The Real Story." This was followed by a demonstration of the five sets of exercises by practitioners. During the luncheon, practitioners and guests exchanged opinions in an animated and friendly way. Five practitioners shared their own experiences of cultivation in Dafa and the changes that had occurred to them physically and mentally after they started practicing.

A girl from Mainland China had only recently arrived in the U.S.A. She talked about the experience she had when she appealed in Beijing and was arrested and detained afterwards. Her talk made the audience realize more directly the violation of human rights by Jiang Zemin's regime.

A visiting scholar at Harvard medical school told the audience that he did not care much when he first heard about Dafa in 1994 until he developed a fatal disease. Desperate and exhausted both physically and mentally, he started practicing Falun Dafa. It is Dafa that made him healthy and happy. And now he knows the true meaning of life. He concluded by saying sincerely to the audience: Seeing it once is better than hearing it a hundred times, and yet experiencing it is better than seeing it.

The guests asked questions actively and practitioners answered them one by one. Some guests even stayed behind to afterwards to speak with practitioners after the meeting.