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Latest News from China - 12/18/2000

Dec. 22, 2000

[Longxi County, Gansu Province] Liu Junming, A Practitioner from Gansu Province Fell to his Death while Attempting to Escape Detention.

Liu Junming, a 32 year-old male, was formerly an employee of the Longxi County Metallurgy Factory in Gansu Province. He went to Beijing to appeal last January and was arrested. Two policemen from Longxi County came to take him back home. During their return trip back home, the policemen locked Liu Junmin alone in a building, while they went sightseeing in Beijing. When Liu Junmin tried to escape his detention, he unfortunately fell from the building and was found dead. The Longxi police department cannot shirk their responsibility for this terrible tragedy. In order to cover up the truth, they blocked all information about the situation. Liu Junmin's family leads a very difficult life. His wife and child are now in a very bad situation. We hope all the kind-hearted people can show their concern about this.

Phone number of the Longxi County Police Department 86-932-6622128

[Sichuan Province] Zhao Qiying, A Practitioner from Sichuan Province, Died from Abuse Suffered at the Hands of the Xinjiang Police

Zhao Qiying, a female in her mid-30's, from Panzhihuan City, Sichuan Province. She made her living working in Lanzhou City (Gansu Province). At the end of this past April, she went to Xinjiang Province to spread the true facts of Falun Dafa to the people there. She died in late May from abuse suffered at the hands of the Xinjiang police. Due to their fear of the police, her family dared not tell the truth surrounding her death. They instead used the excuse that Zhao Qiying died from "septicemia" (note: systemic infection).

[Mentougou District, Beijing] An Unknown Practitioner in Mentougou District, Died in the Hospital from Severe Injuries Suffered While in Custody.

On December 8, the local police station sent a person identified only as "Falun Gong" to the emergency department of the Mentougou district hospital. The person did not give out his name and address. He was clear-headed at that time. However, he passed away the next day. According to an eyewitness, he was a young man in his twenties, about 1.7 meters high, thin and bare-foot. His ears were frostbitten. His thighs were swollen. There were old wounds all over his body. The extent of his external injuries was not very clear. There were scars on his each of his ten fingers caused by some type of clip. His belly was shriveled and his esophagus was empty. It was presumed that he had been on a hunger strike for several days. After his death, officials from the No. 7 Unit of the Beijing Public Security Bureau came for a postmortem examination and took pictures. During this time, they had a big argument with the attending doctor. The officials from the No. 7 Unit said if no one claimed the body within one month, it would be cremated. Currently the body is in the mortuary. The person was supposed to be a Falun Gong practitioner from outside Beijing, who came to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong.

[Southwest China] An Experience Sharing Conference was Successfully Held in a City in the Southwest China.

The Southwest China experience sharing conference was successfully held in a city. Forty practitioners attended the meeting. A couple from North China shared their experiences in validating Falun Dafa in Beijing and being detained for ten months. They encouraged practitioners to cherish this great opportunity that has never been given throughout the ages, and to follow Teacher closely in the Fa-rectification in the human world. All people attending were moved. The couple also said that some veteran practitioners in the North did not want to step forward, so they waited for three hours outside their homes. The veteran practitioners were eventually moved by their behavior. They accepted their Dafa flyers and Fa-promoting materials and burned all the fake scriptures they had kept from before.

[Beijing] A Scene from Tiananmen Square on December 16

It was cloudy on December 16 in Tiananmen Square. Around 9am, there were many practitioners unfurling banners. Police cars raced here and there. Two practitioners from outside Beijing had no banner, so they raised their arms and chanted, "Falun Dafa is good". Policemen ganged up on them. Meanwhile, another practitioner in the crowd, threw some flyers into the sky. A group of plainclothes police immediately went to grab them. In front of a police car far away, the police were interrogating two girls. Just as the police were about to push them into the police car, the two girls took out the little yellow banners from their pockets. The vicious police pushed them to the ground and snatched the banners. A practitioner held up a banner and ran forward while chanting, "Falun Dafa is good". Plainclothes policeman grabbed her and threw her to the ground. The practitioners' kindness and serenity was a big contrast with the police's cruelty. Two young policemen questioned and harrassed a tourist. The tourist said they were not well educated. The policemen pushed the tourist into the police car as well. There was a family from Changchun City (Jilin Province) unfurling a banner in the square. The couple brought their two daughters and even their granddaughter to help validate Dafa.

[Benxi, Liaoning Province] The Benxi Police and Metal Transportation Company Officials Collaborate in Persecuting Dafa Practitioners

At about 5am on December 13, 2000, Liu and Xu, practitioners from the Metal Transportation Company were tricked into leaving their homes by the neighborhood telephone service. The police waiting downstairs sent them to the Weining Re-education Institute against their will. Meanwhile, many practitioners received phone calls or pages asking them to go to their companies for some purpose. However, they were really sent to the Weining Re-education Institute against their will. After that, many practitioners' families went to the companies to ask for the release of their family members and to hold the leaders of those companies accountable for their contemptible behavior. However, the leader of one company said, "We knew that was not right, but we had no choice."

Therefore, we practitioners of Benxi City call on Human Rights Organizations and all kind-hearted people investigate this situation and monitor the safety of the practitioners being detained.

[Longxi County, Gansu Province] Some Individual Cases of Persecution Against Falun Dafa Practitioners Carried Out by the Police in Longxi County

1. He Wenge, a 31 year-old male, was an employee of the Official Duty Section in Longxi County. He went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong during the Spring Festival and was taken back by the county police. Because he firmly believed in Dafa and did not yield to the evil, he was sent to No. 1 Labor Re-education Camp of Gansu Province. Recently, his wife gave birth to their child, but he could not be around to look after his wife and their newborn baby due to his illegal detention.

2. Pan Longping, male, graduated with a Bachelor's degree and was an employee of the Ethyl Alcohol Factory in Longxi County. Because he told the truth about Falun Dafa out of his compassionate and benevolent heart, and distributed Dafa materials at work that revealed the true facts, he was followed and arrested by a vile person named Wang Wei, of the armed security unit in the Northwest Lead Processing Factory. He was then detained at the county police department, and finally sent to a labor re-education camp.

3. It was said that there were 8 or 9 Dafa practitioners from the Northwest Lead Processing Factory who withstood great pressure and went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. With compassion and benevolence they told the people the truth about Falun Dafa. Five of them were taken back and detained. Song Jianhua, the security unit director of the Longxi county police department, ordered each practitioner's family to hand in 1,000 Yuan without giving them a receipt. He also claimed that, from now on Dafa practitioners needed to cover all the expenses for the policemen who would travel to Beijing. As a consequence, the policemen competed against each other for the chance to go to Beijing to take Dafa practitioners back. Song Jianhua claimed "I will fine you to the last penny you have. I will financially ruin your family." This has further verified the vicious conspiracy of Jiang Zemin who has directed that the police "ruin their (Falun Gong practitioners) reputations politically, bankrupt them financially, and eliminate them physically".

It was rumored that the death of Dafa practitioner Li Faming from the Northwest Lead Processing Factory was caused by Song Jianhua.

Song Jianhua's home phone number: 011-86-932-6622704

Wang Wei's home phone number: 011-86-932-6626480

[Qingdao, Shandong Province] A "Falun Gong Special Unit" in Qingdao City Labor Re-education Camp Has Been Formed and Begun to Operate.

According to a reliable source, the "Falun Gong Special Unit" in Qingdao City Labor Re-education Camp has been formed and begun to operate now. The "Falun Gong Special Unit" is located in the building that was originally the Drug -rehabilitation Institute. Despite pressure from the officers in the city, the second floor of the building is now used for detaining Falun Gong practitioners. Now there are 10 policemen in the unit and there have been approximately 30 Dafa practitioners detained there. It is said that recently some of the policemen in the unit went to the No.1 Labor Re-education Camp in Wang Village, Shandong Province to learn special and effective "transforming techniques" (ie: effective techniques of torture). To cover up the truth, they did not dare to let those policemen read the Falun Dafa books. Instead, the policemen have to read the transformation materials written by the specialists. Currently the practitioners in Qingdao City are paying close attention to the activities in this building. They also seriously warned the Public Security Bureau, Public Procurators and the People's Courts of Qingdao City to abide by the constitution and the law of the country, to stop persecuting Dafa practitioners, and to stop following Jiang Zemin as his accomplices.

Liu Xuyun, director of Labor Re-education Camp, phone number: 011-86-532-7896501 Ext. 8001. Zip code, 266100

Wu Deyu, Political Commissar of Labor Re-education Camp, phone number: 011-86-532-7896501 Ext. 8002.

Wang Fangyuan, director of the "Falun Gong Special Unit", phone number: 011-86-532-7896501 Ext. 8098

Members: 10 policemen including Yu Miao, Xin Yuedong, Chen Tonglai, Wang Yongjian and Gao Yong, etc.

Zheng Keti, Director of Legal and Law Bureau of Qingdao City, Zipcode: 266000

[Jilin Province] Dafa Practitioner Yu Lixin from Jilin City was Beaten Up and her Face was Disfigured

A female Dafa practitioner, Yu Lixin from Jilin City, upheld her belief and remained steadfast. According to an eyewitness, she was beaten up and her face was seriously disfigured. It was said that she will now be transferred to a mental hospital Another female Dafa practitioner, Liu Mingwei, is detained in the City Tap Water Company. She was handcuffed and shackled. They hung her up by chaining her in a spreadeagle position. Presently she has been on a hunger strike for 18 days.

[Shenzhen, Guangdong Province] Dafa Practitioner Yu Lian from Shenzhen City was arrested

Two plainclothes policemen arrested Dafa practitioner Yu Lian from Shenzhen City, at his workplace on November 3. He was detained in Meilin Detention Center of Futian District. His situation is unknown since the police have blocked all information about his situation.

[Putian, Fujian Province] Fifteen Practitioners were Arrested Because of Distributing Dafa Materials

Fifteen practitioners from Xianyou County, Putian City, Fujian Province were detained for a month because of distributing Dafa materials. The police are preparing to bring the verdicts to the practitioners while trying to "transform" them through "brainwashing".

[Chongqing, Sichuan Province] Four Practitioners, Including Jiang Hongfang, were Arrested in Beijing

Four practitioners including Jiang Hongfang went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on November 2. When they had their meals outside of the Beijing Train Station, the police found them and suspected that they were Dafa practitioners. The police required them to curse Dafa and Master. They did not comply and were taken away into custody. Then they were sent back to Chongqing and have been detained since then.

Dafa practitioners, Chen Qi and Zou Zhongmei from Chongqing, were arrested by the police from the No. 1 unit of Yuzhong district police department on November 30. The police had not informed their families and denied that they arrested and have put the two practitioners into custody. According to an internal source from the police, after the practitioners were arrested, the Beijing Public Security Ministry sent a special investigation group to process this case at Dadukou Hotel in Chongqing.

[Xishui County, Hubei Province] Cases of Abuse against Dafa practitioners in Xishui County

1. Sun Guoxiang, a female practitioner, 38, was an official of the Xialiang office in Ximaqiao Town of Xishui County, Hubei Province. She went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong at the end of June 2000. The county police took her back in early July. Six or seven policemen, including a section chief (Yang Jian, of the Xishui county police department) tortured Sun Guoxiang in the building of the police department. They beat up her badly. During the beating, several male policemen stripped off all of her clothes and committed various indecent acts.

2. Hu Xueliang, male, was an official of Xia office in Ximaqiao Town of Xishui County, Hubei Province. He went to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong in June 2000, and was then taken back to the county police department. He was beaten up to the extent that his body did not have one area that was not hurt. He went into shock after excessive bleeding.

3. Recently there were sixty to seventy practitioners being arrested by the Xia office in Ximaqiao Town. Some of them were arrested at home; some were tricked in leaving their homes and were then arrested by the police.

[Guangzhou, Guangdong Province] News from Guangzhou

A new "re-education seminar" was again held in Guangzhou beginning on February 15. Some practitioners were arrested at home. Some were summoned to the police department to write a pledge promisinge that they would not leave their area. Some of the practitioners who did not want to be caught and detain by the police had already left their homes and went to Beijing to validate Dafa. The police released a fellow practitioner on purpose. He (or she) was not very careful and contacted other people in the area. As a result, the police who followed him (or her) were able to catch and detain many people which caused serious damage. This was a trick used by the police known as: "to hook the big fish".

[Yueyang, Hunan Province] A List of People who were Detained, Sentenced to Jail Terms, and Sent to Labor Camps in Yueyang

Guo Liqun, female, 38, worked in Qianlianghu Machinery Factory, Junshan district, Yueyang City, sentenced to 1 year.

Peng Shuchun, female, self-employed, 60, from the first unit of No. 2 farm, Caisanghu town, Junshan district, Yueyang City, sentenced to 1 year.

Zhang Aihua, female, 32, a farmer, Liangxinbao Town Weave Factory, Junshan district, Yueyang City, sentenced to 1 year.

Meng Fanhui, female, 29, a worker in Liangxinbao Town Weave Factory, Junshan district, Yueyang City, sentenced to 2.5 years.

Leng Xuefei, female, 36, a worker in Xiagang Rice Factory, sentenced to 2 years.

Liu Yuehua, female, 47, a group leader in Jiuhua Department Store, sentenced to 2 years.

Bai Manzhen, female, 47, a worker in a seed company, sentenced to 2 years.

Mo Xiaoyan, female, 29, self-employed, sentenced to 2 years.

Xu Genyuan, female, 35, a farmer, sentenced to 2 years.

Tang Yongqi, male, 49, self-employed, sentenced to 2 years.

Miao Cui, female, 42, self-employed. Criminal detention (indefinitely).

Tan Weiming, male, self-employed, sentenced to 2 years.

Li Cai, female, 35, self-employed, sentenced to 2 years.

Liu Duanrei, male, 35, a worker, sentenced to 3 years.

Fu Weijia, female, 27, an accountant, sentenced to 3 years.

Su Qingwen, female, age 22, self-employed, sentenced to 3 years

The mother of Su Qingwen, female, details are not available, sentence unknown.

[China] How my Work Unit Leader Views Jiang Zemin

It was in March 1999, when I heard my work unit supervisor say something critical of Jiang Zemin. I did not feel very good about it when I heard it at that time. During the 2000 Summer Olympics, Jiang Zemin sent a telegram to congratulate the Olympic athletes for their achievements. Our unit supervisor was very angry upon learning the news. He said, "Do they (the athletes) have anything to do with that Jiang Zemin? Jiang Zemin always causes trouble for our country. Why did he send the telegram? Did he have anything to do with it? !" After I read the articles from Minghui Net, I said to my supervisor, "I did not realize that he was such a type of person." Our supervisor said, "What you have said was merely on what he did to Falun Gong; he did many other bad and stupid things." He also said, "the suppression of Falun Gong is definitely not right; history will eventually come back to its normal track." I said to him, "there are not many clear-headed people like you; many people believe whatever the TV tells them." He replied, "You feel I am clear-headed because you know little; who does not understand what is happening? The People's eyes are sharp."