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Oakland California Parade to Promote Dafa

December 11, 2000 |   Practitioners in California

[Oakland, California] The City of Oakland, California held a parade on December 2. Local Falun Dafa practitioners participated, with enthusiastic support from practitioners from all over the Bay Area. Our portion of the parade received a lot of attention. Dressed in yellow exercise outfits (as Master Li wears in China Falun Gong), practitioners proceeded with the music of Pudu (Universal Salvation) and Jishi (Benefiting the World) playing in the background.

A group of lively young practitioners led the way, carrying an arch made of balloons that was quite eye-catching. Following the arch was a large Falun Dafa banner in both Chinese and English. Beautiful pictures illustrated the spread of Dafa all over the world. It was magnificent. Later, neatly dressed Dafa practitioners demonstrated a few easy-to-learn movements of the exercises. Crowds on the sidewalks applauded. Flyers introducing Falun Dafa were in great demand. We really felt the urgency and the necessity to clarify the truth and promote the Fa to the public.

The activities of clarifying the truth in the Chinatown area in San Francisco didn't slow down either, thanks to the selfless devotion and relentless efforts of the practitioners. The older Chinese-Americans who had been deceived by the Chinese government and caused trouble for practitioners a month ago showed no offense this time as they were greeted by friendly Falun Gong practitioners.

Practitioners in California
