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News from China - 10/10/2000

November 04, 2000 |  

[Mainland China] Jiang Zemin Attempted to Carry Out Further Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners

Recently, Jiang Zemin and a handful of his close followers have escalated the persecution on Falun Gong practitioners in some areas. They took Falun Gong practitioners' calmness and restraint as their victory. They wildly talked about a decisive success made in the struggle against Falun Gong in order to confuse the media, to cover up their own psychological shakiness, and at the same time to escalate the persecution on Falun Gong practitioners. Once again, their ugly faces were in full display.

It was reported that Jiang Zemin in recent days ordered those who served as his claws to convene in meetings to study and arrange the persecution on Falun Gong. Governments at different levels have been forced to strengthen the persecution on Falun Gong. A group of several people has the task to be responsible for one Falun Gong practitioner by conducting so called help and education, which is in fact monitor and control. Severe punishment is set for Dafa practitioners who appeal, and criteria for sentencing to labor camps have been lowered. Desperate persecution is being carried out against resolute practitioners by sending them to mental hospitals. As for Falun Gong practitioners who have already been in labor camps, concentrated management has been called for, and so called "fully-loaded management" is carried out for cruel mental and physical torture.

Sources have disclosed that labor camps have turned into concentration camps. Relatives are not allowed to visit the practitioners to avoid leaking the tortures of the practitioners.

We are appealing to governments and kind-hearted people in all countries, please pay serious attention to the persecution Falun Gong is suffering in China. We appeal to the Chinese government to stop Jiang Zemin's sinful acts.

An Insider

September 20, 2000

[Dalian] Materials Explaining the Truth of Falun Gong Are All Over Dalian City

Immediately before October 1 National Day, Dalian practitioners had posted in large streets and small lanes the article titled: "The Historical Responsibilities that Jiang Zemin Cannot Shrug Off." On the night of September 30, materials like this had been posted for guests from all places in the peak tourist week of National Day on the largest square of Asia, Dalian Xinghaiwan Square, on stone columns by the seaside, on marble electric poles on pedestrian walkways, in phone booths, underneath stone boats, on the edge of flower beds, and on the large copper gate of a lighthouse in the park. Although police vehicles with sirens were patrolling round after round, they failed to trace the footsteps of Dafa practitioners. On the evening of October 1, several police vehicles were decorated with these materials... On October 6, tourists on their way to Lushun found these pleasing materials everywhere on their way to Baiyu Pagoda, around Shengli Tower, on advertising boards at bus stops, in phone booths, and on the gates of farmers market.

[Beijing] More Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested at Tiananmen Square on October 9

Around 12:00pm on October 9, 2000, the weather was cloudy. At the north end of Tiananmen Square, facing the huge picture of Chairman Mao Zedong, more than 10 Dafa practitioners stood on one line shouting, "Falun Dafa is good." At the same time, another practitioner standing behind them raised a banner stating, "Falun Dafa is Good." Soon, the plainclothes policemen surrounded them. They were beaten and kicked, later they were put into a police minibus.

The tourists on the square were watching this, and many kindhearted, honest people went close to see what the police were doing. But how could this evil behavior be seen by the public? The policemen immediately and rudely pushed away the tourists. No matter what they tried to do, the more they tried to hide, the more the truth would be exposed to the world. I saw that some tourists were very sad.

Though the evil force is still furious, the practitioners are not afraid at all because they have Compassion and Tolerance in their hearts. The suppression only made practitioners more steadfast to Dafa, and more and more practitioners are stepping out to protect Dafa.

[Shangdong] Bus Station Forbids Dafa Practitioners to Take Long Distance Buses in a Town in Shandong Province.

On October 6, 2000, when I was at a bus station in a town in Shandong province, I saw several policemen questioning passengers in order to find out who are Falun Dafa practitioners. They asked passengers if they practiced Falun Gong. Anyone who answered "yes" would be taken away by police immediately. Above the entrance of the bus station in Zibo city, Shangdong Province, hung a big banner stating 慒alun Gong Practitioners are Forbidden to Board Buses."

Wake up people of the world. Do you still stay untouched and connive this?

On October 1, CCTV news stated, "a few Falun Gong practitioners went to Tianamen Square." It sounded ridiculous. If only a few practitioners had gone to Beijing, why would such a bus station in a small town be searched? The reason was clear. The evil force was doing its final struggle, they were afraid that the world would know the truth and their wicked nature. From our part, we ought to use our wisdom to tell the people what Dafa is and the truth of Dafa. We should let the world know the evil nature of a few leaders in the government. The evil force is afraid of being exposed to the public so it makes all efforts to cover itself.

We have confidence in overcoming the evil force and we are uplifting ourselves while we get rid of the heart of fear and promote Dafa bravely. We are validating Dafa and the true value of life.

[Mainland China] Be Aware of People Taking Advantage of a Census to Suppress Dafa Practitioners.

According to a practitioner whose relative worked in the police department, a plot is being planned to attack Falun Dafa practitioners while proceeding census. During the census, they will take the advantage of entering practitioners' house to confiscate their property. The main target they will search for is the articles and scriptures from Minghui Net. It was said, if only one sheet of article is found, the person will be sentenced to 2 years of labor education. This will also be used to search for Dafa practitioners who left their hometown; this search is nationwide. The slogan of this census will be, "Not only investigate people but also search their homes." We urge practitioners who rent houses and live away from their hometown to be careful of this attack.

This information cannot be confirmed from other sources yet, but we hope all practitioners will be aware of your safety and not let the evil force reach its goal.

[Tianjing] The Terror in Nankai District, Tianjing City

In Tianjing City there were many universities and colleges in the Nankai District where numerous Falun Dafa practitioners lived. The local Xuefujie Police Station was closely monitoring Dafa practitioners and enforced a severe attack on them. Before October 1, 2000, in order to prevent practitioners from going to Beijing to appeal, they organized a reeducation class, forced them into the class and locked them there under control. To stop Dafa practitioners from going to Beijing on October 6, on October 5 they launched an illegal search of all practitioners' homes. All practitioners who were found to have any materials about Dafa were detained, so the number of detained practitioners was quite large. October 9 was the date for relatives to visit detained practitioners. There was a long line of people waiting outside the police station and they had to wait half a day to see detained practitioners. The severe suppression from Xuefujie Police Station brought terror to the whole Nankai district .

[Hangzhou] Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Hangzhou City

Lu Lanfang, female, 50s, was sentenced to one-year labor education for appealing in Beijing last year.

Tang Jinghui, male, around 30, had been unlawfully detained for one month for appealing in Beijing in 1999. Later on he was discharged from public employment and expelled from the Communist Youth League. He was sentenced to three-year labor education for his spreading the truth of Falun Gong.

Tan Xiangqun, female, 30s, had been unlawfully detained for nearly half a year since July 22, 1999. Hereafter she was discharged from public employment and expelled from the military. She was sentenced for two-year labor education because she told the truth of Falun Gong to public.

Xu Genglin, male, has been unlawfully detained to the present for his spreading the truth of Falun Gong.

The Hangzhou government has intensified the suppression of Falun Gong. The practitioners detained in labor camps are in arduous situation. The authorities also intensified persecution of them. During recent days, two self claimed "practitioners" from northeastern China had gone to the labor camp many times for "transforming" those practitioners.

[Guangzhou] Harsh Treatment of Falun Gong Practitioners in Guangzhou Labor Camp

At least one hundred Falun Gong practitioners are detained in Cuotou Labor Camp, Guangzhou City. They were arrested due to lawfully appealing, practicing or exchanging experiences. In the labor camp, they are treated harshly, even worse than other prisoners. Some family members said that the treatment of Falun Gong practitioners was even worse than that of capital prisoners. Family members could visit capital prisoners three times per week, but Falun Gong practitioners are only allowed one visit per month. Police could cancel the visiting because of "not good performance," such as studying Fa, practicing exercises, or exchanging experiences. Prison terms could be increased due to practicing exercises. So far most practitioners had received increased prison terms. One practitioner who was sentenced for one-year labor education in March had been increased by a total of five months on prison term within five months. Many staff members working in the labor camp told family members of practitioners in private, "Treatment on Falun Gong is injustice."

During August and September, several Falun Gong practitioners were taken away from home by police. They were sent to labor camp directly. Those practitioners were released in July due to various reasons, such as hunger strikes in prison, being guaranteed by workplace or family members.

[Daqing] Intensified Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners by Daqing Oil

Administrative Bureau, Heilongjiang Province

More than 400 Falun Gong practitioners were practicing Falun Gong exercises in front of the building of Daqing Oil Administrative Bureau on June 18. After that, the Daqing Oil Administrative Bureau intensified persecution on Falun Gong practitioners. Before October 1, the National Day, every department called in practitioners in their own department for a talk forcing them to write statements guaranteeing to give up Falun Gong.

Those practitioners who refused to be "transformed" were suspended salary and given only about $36 per month for basic living expense, or were sent to Beian Farm to be forcefully "transformed."

Sources said that Jiang Zemin would expand the persecution on Falun Gong and send Falun Gong practitioners, who refuse to be transformed, to labor camps directly.

Huang Wenying, female, worker of Linyuan Oil Refinery, Daqing City, took part in the group practice on June 18. Her leg was fractured from police kicking her while grabbing a banner. The banner read "Falun Dafa is Good." She hadn't received any medical treatment. Instead she was interrogated continuously and detained. She was sent to Qiqihar Labor Camp for one-year labor education. Due to her broken leg, she was not able to walk or work, and was sent back to Daqing Labor Camp. It is not known if she was released.

[Changchun] Three "Suns" Presents in Changchun City

On October 7, 2000, an unusual celestial phenomenon appeared in the sky above Changchun city, which attracted many people. In the sky of northeast and southwest, almost the same distance to the sun arose two obscure "suns," the shapes of which looked very similar to the sun. It is said that this celestial phenomenon is very rare, usually happening in winter. This time might be related to recent snowfalls in the city.