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Spreading Dafa in Thunderbay (2&3)

Nov. 24, 2000

The next day we started to show the videos of teacher teaching the Fa. After each video, we guided everyone through one exercise each day. The students were never late, always paying full attention to Master's lectures. They said they had been waiting for this for so many years. Finally, they have attained the precious Fa! Some students shared their experiences with us after each lecture and practice. Some questions were also raised.

Robi is a young man, tall, energetic, and easy-going. The night after listening to lecture two, he kept on asking himself in a dream: "What is Xinxing? What is Xinxing?" Barbara is always nice and calm, taking her time to express herself. She gave us a ride home one day and told us: "You practitioners look so kind and peaceful, especially when you are doing the exercises. I have noticed an unbelievable thing. I know some of these Thunder Bay students. They used to be pretty quiet. Now, they are so willing to share with you what's deep in their minds. It's truly amazing." We said that this is due to the mighty power of the Fa. You will understand it more while you read the book and cultivate yourself more and more.

During the 10 days, many people had experiences; some felt the turning of the Falun, hot areas on their bodies, and feeling of energy flow, etc. One lady shared her experiences in the lectures with her husband at home. While she was talking, he said he felt that he was surrounded by a special kind of energy, very peaceful, very calm.

Some new practitioners were astonished and amazed when their Tianmu saw the Falun and different colors of light while they were listening to the Fa or doing the exercises. Some had experienced effects from karma-shedding. Some people said that some parts of their body did not feel comfortable. They understood, however, that it was karma-shedding, and in fact, they were through it in a couple of days. A lady felt a severe headache. She said: "No loss, no gain. Nothing comes without a price." When we asked her about it in two days, she said she felt perfect. We were so happy for them and for their good enlightenment quality.

A lady thought that her father was stubborn and conservative so she did not tell him about the lectures until the fifth day. When she eventually told him she was attending lectures of "Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance", he asked why didn't she tell him earlier, he wanted to be there too.

Erin is young and very pretty. She was very interested in Chinese culture and believed that one's life was pre-arranged. She helped us on routine arrangements. She also gave us rides at night. Her boyfriend T.J. is a Chinese Canadian. After the lectures, T.J. told us that he wanted to learn Chinese so that he can read Zhuan Falun in Chinese.

We were asked so many times where to get the book. They were all very eager to read Zhuan Falun as soon as possible. We assured them that after the 9-day lectures, everybody would get a book. A senior lady came to the lectures twice a day to be able to understand them more.

Some new practitioners did not quite understand at the beginning that we were paying from our own pockets to be here. We told them that our teacher had never asked a penny from us, even through he had 100 million disciples. The teacher taught us the Fa to save people. We came here because Dafa is so good, we only hope that more people can attain it. They were very touched.

New practitioners are listening to

lectures by the Teacher

New practitioners are doing group practice

New practitioners are doing the exercises

(Translated from


Spreading Dafa in Thunderbay (3)

The new practitioners in Thunder Bay were so open to welcoming the Fa; they made rapid progress. After finishing guiding the second set of movements, Connie was moved to tears as some practitioners could sit with cross legs in lotus position from the beginning. Once when Marry was listening to Master's speech, she sat in the double lotus position more than twenty minutes. Almost every day, there were over ten people who joined us in group exercise in Waverley Park which was near our residence. Their movements were perfect. Generally it is difficult for new practitioners to keep "holding the wheel" position for half an hour, but most of these practitioners in Thunder Bay could keep this position from the beginning to the end. We were really touched.

Once Marielana was doing "Holding the wheel", when interference from her mind kept saying: " Don't practice, don't practice." She was determined and wasn't moved: "That's impossible, I must practice!" And she completed it smiling all the way. One night in Con college, the Video of Master's teaching was nearly finished, one lady ran in late all flushed with a reddish face. She told us in a hurried voice: because of the traffic, she was blocked on the highway more than one hour, so she was late. She was never late ordinarily. She began to enlighten that it was a test from Master. But later on she became concerned and thought Master didn't want her as a student. We encouraged her with a smile: " This is a test for you. In fact one absence shouldn't matter. Master says reading the book is the same, the key point depends on your heart."

During our ten days stay in Thunder Bay, we lived in Marielana's home. She was a kind, open minded and amiable elderly lady. Especially our little practitioner Jackielin was very fond of her, calling her grandma. She also made fresh and delicious food for us. She told us she has been waiting and seeking Dafa for a long time. In the past, there were many troubles in life, but now, after obtaining Dafa, she began a new life. Everyday she is happy. Sometimes we saw her walking and saying: " I want to fly, I want to fly." Every morning, she and Fern drove us to the class. Once Marielana drove Connie and Wen to take Falun Dafa materials to the Major's MPs office. On the way, "Bang", a car suddenly collided from the back. Marielana and Connie's heads and necks were knocked back and forth. They got out of the car and saw it was a very young man who driving the car that hit them. The man was so afraid that his face turned grayish, his legs shivered. "Sorry, Sorry." He kept saying. Marielana turned her head from side to side, it was ok, she said she felt even more comfortable than before. Connie told the young man not to worry, "We are Falun Dafa practitioners." They gave the man a newspaper and exchanged telephone numbers. Before we left ThunderBay, Marielana gave each of us one set of postcard as souvenirs.

Susan is a 'nature rehabilitation massage therapist' with hundreds of patients and makes a good living. During the nine days listening to Dafa, she asked about her job many times. (Note: Falun Dafa practitioners do not use their hands or energy to heal patients) We said according to the Fa, which Master has preached: "It's better to change a job. If it is too difficult to find another job, Master will protect you." One practitioner stated his own experience in this field. In the last day when the class finished, she told us that she was giving up the job; she will practice Falun Dafa! From now on, many other healers who use their hands to heal said they will send their clients to Falun Dafa so they can heal themselves.

On the last night, we played the videotape about the persecution of Falun Dafa in China. Everybody's hearts felt so sorry, they though it unreasonable for Chinese government to persecute kind and peaceful Falun Gong practitioners. Tom, a young man, 1.9 meters tall, was moved to tears, standing in the back.He asked if it was okay for his sons to do Falun Dafa. We only smiled and pointed to our little eight-year practitioner. One young man said he always knew he wouldn't be doing his job forever. Now he realized why. Another lady said she lived alone and now she knew that withFalun Dafa she would never be alone again.