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Southern California-Practitioners October 1 Appeals

October 07, 2000 |  

On the morning of October 1(the National Day of the People's Republic of China), 70 practitioners from Los Angeles and San Diego came to a park near the government building of Montreal city. They came to explain the reality of the situation concerning the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China to the Chinese people attending the flag-raising ceremony. This park is the group practice site for nearby practitioners in the mornings. Thus they came here as early as 6:45am. At 8am, some practitioners hung pictures revealing the persecution of Falun Gong at the entrance, and distributed Falun Dafa materials to the Chinese people who came to watch the flag-raising ceremony. Accompanied by peaceful music, practitioners repeatedly demonstrated the five sets of exercises on the lawn at a high place in the park. The flag-raising ceremony started at 9:30am and finished at noon.

Falun Gong practitioners were peaceful and quiet throughout the whole activity. After the ceremony, many people took materials clarifying the truth of Falun Gong and expressed sympathy for practitioners in China. When the national anthem of China was played, practitioners stopped the exercises and stood in respect to watch the raising of the national flag. However, for some unknown reason, the national flag could not be completely raised by the end of the national anthem. Hence, the national anthem had to be played once again for the flag to be raised. Falun Gong practitioners sat quietly on the lawn during the speech of some relevant persons. During that time period, some Christians near the flag-raising area shouted slogans loudly to protest China's suppression of family Christian associations. Towards the end they even yelled: "Stop Persecuting Falun Gong!"

Falun Gong practitioners all love and care for their mother country. But in the 21st century, a few people in China are abusing their power to conduct a large-scale persecution of a group of kind people, the majority of whom are elderly and female. Practitioners hope that during the National Day holidays, all patriotic persons including officials with a sense of justice can pay close attention to this political persecution, which is totally against the benefit of the nation, and provide moral support.

[PS.] Yesterday some practitioners in our area went to the Avocado Fruit Fair in a town near Santa Barbara to introduce Falun Dafa. Some other practitioners went to the Los Angeles County Fair to introduce Falun Dafa. Both activities were very successful. Details will be reported by practitioners who participated in those activities.

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