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Practitioners and Police on Tiananmen Square

January 05, 2000 |  

January 5, 2000, China

After an elder practitioner was arrested, a police officer said to her, "I will not beat you. I will not give my virtue to you." The police officer asked her, "Where are you from?" She only said, "I am from the universe." The police had to ask her, "Where is your home among everyday people?"

(Note by translator: Falun Gong teaches people to value their De (virtue, a white substance) by doing good deed and not hurting others. It also teaches people to return their original true selves. )

Some practitioners refused to tell the police where they came from. The police then beat them. After a police officer got tired from beating practitioners, he stopped and said, "I already give my virtue to you. How come you still refuse to tell me where you are from?" Practitioners all laughed upon hearing this.