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Liu DuanshengChinese Name:
Date of Death:
Date of Most Recent Arrest:
Most recent place of detention:
Liaoyuan City Detention Center
Case Description:
Mr. Liu Ruisheng began practicing Falun Dafa in 1995. He strictly disciplined himself according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and was well-loved by his boss and colleagues. On November 1, 2000, he went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa, and he was picked up by agents from the Power Bureau Police Office and directly taken to the Liaoyuan City Detention Center. Mr. Liu was sentenced to 15 months of forced labor, which he served in the Baiquan Forced Labor Camp in Liaoyuan City. His employer was forced to dismiss him from his job, leaving him wtih no income. His wife was also forced to divorce him under huge pressure. In the labor camp, Liu Ruisheng was shocked with electric batons many times and locked in a metal cage. This cage had no light and was too small for him to stand up or lie down, making living very miserable. In April 2003, Mr. Liu was arrested for the second time and sentenced to three years of forced labor. He was imprisoned in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City. He was even more cruelly tortured there with methods such as electric baton shocks and being stripped then forced to stand in a tub in the winter while guards sprayed cold water on him. In the latter torture method, he was not allowed to move, or the guard would beat him. They tortured him in this manner for several hours. The abuse ruined Mr. Liu's physical health, and he became ill with severe tuberculosis. He was released on medical parole in January 2005. On April 23, 2006, Liaoyuan City Domestic Security agents arrested Liu Ruisheng at his home and detained him in a detention center for three months. Mr. Liu vomited blood several times, and he was released on bail on July 28, 2006. His health improved in a month, but the Domestic Security agents and local police officers kept harassing him, monitoring all his activities, and restricting his personal freedom. On the evening of December 4, 2006, several officers came to Mr. Liu's home again, claiming that they were checking his physical condition, and they deceived him into answering some questions, after which they took him away. They called his parents around 8 p.m. and said that Mr. Liu would be returning home in a few days. The very next day, on December 5, 2006, Mr. Liu Ruisheng and eight other Falun Dafa practitioners were all sentenced to prison. These nine practitioners all appealed the decision, but the Liaoyuan City Middle Court sustained the original sentencing and issued final sentencing on January 24, 2007. Mr. Liu was sentenced to nine years in prison. At noon on January 26, 2007, five male practitioners were taken to the Shiling Prison in Siping City, and four female practitioners were taken to the Heizuizi Women's Labor Camp in Changchun City on January 29, 2007. Mr. Liu had tuberculosis and fluid in his chest, so he was detained in the Liaoyuan City Detention Center for three more months. Due to his severely compromised physical condition, Mr. Liu's family demanded that he be released on parole. Afterwards, the local police constantly harassed him at home, sending agents to watch him. He had no income and lived a very difficult life. Mr. Liu died on January 3, 2010, survived by his elderly parents and young child. Related articles:
Mr. Liu Ruisheng Dies as a Result of Persecution
Mr. Liu Ruisheng from Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province Secretly Sentenced to 9 Years in Prison Communist Party Members in Jilin Province Try to Frame Nine Practitioners, Including Ms. Xiang Lijie, in Court Latest News from China - 12/20/2001 Latest News from China - 06/19/2001 Chinese version available at: