The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong -- July 9, 2008

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • FDI News Release: Thousands of Falun Gong Adherents Arrested throughout China in Run Up to Olympics
  • This article summarizes evidence that instead of following its pledge to improve respect for human rights prior to the Beijing Olympics, the government persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is actually increasing.
  • FDI: Teacher Dies from Brutal Mistreatment in China
  • An account that illustrates how not only is the persecution continuing in China, but it some cases it remains severe.

    FDI News Release: Thousands of Falun Gong Adherents Arrested throughout China in Run Up to Olympics

    Hundreds of Beijing Residents Held in Detention Centers, Dozens Sentenced to Labor Camps

    07 Jul 2008

    NEW YORK -- With one month to go before the Olympic Games' opening ceremony, Chinese security agencies continue to arrest Falun Gong adherents throughout China in large numbers. In Beijing alone, hundreds have been arrested and dozens sentenced to labor camps without trial.

    In recent months, the Falun Dafa Information Center (FDI) has received regular reports from adherents and their families inside China of door-to-door searches and arrests. According to statistics compiled from these reports, there have been at least 8,037 arrests of Falun Gong adherents across 29 provinces, major cities and autonomous regions since December 2007.The largest monthly total of 1,819 known arrests occurred in June, followed by 1,799 known arrests in May.

    In Beijing alone, there have been at least 208 arrests across all 18 of the municipality's districts and counties since December 2007. The majority of those arrested in Beijing are currently being held in detention centers in the city's various districts. However, 30 are known to have already been sentenced without trial to "re-education through labor" camps for up to 2.5 years.

    "The long terms show that these arrests are not about ensuring a 'harmonious Olympics' as Party officials claim," says FDI spokesperson Erping Zhang. "Falun Gong adherents pose no threat whatsoever to the games. The Olympics are being taken as an excuse to put them behind bars for years."

    The Center released today a list of names and details of 141 newly reported cases of individuals detained in Beijing since January 1, 2008 (list). Those detained include lawyers, accountants, retired workers, and parents of young children. There are dozens of others not listed here because the Center was unable to obtain sufficient details to allow for full verification.

    The Center also released an update on the status of 67 individuals who were detained between December 2007 and March 2008 and whose arrest the Center had previously reported. (news) Since their detention, 16 individuals--almost one quarter of this group--have been sentenced to labor camps without trial. (list)

    In addition to the large percentage sentenced to labor camps, other features of the campaign include:

    Door-to-door arrests:

    More than half of the 208 individuals in Beijing were arrested either from their homes, the homes of acquaintances, or from their workplaces. Local police or security agents typically detained the person unannounced and then, without a warrant, conducted a search of their home for any Falun Gong-related materials. The systematic nature of the arrests suggests the authorities are using a previously compiled list of local adherents. Many of those arrested had been detained previously for practicing Falun Gong.

    "Olympic" geography of arrests:

    36 adherents were arrested from Chaoyang District, home to the Bird's Nest and Water Cube, set to host the soccer and swimming events among others; 28 were detained in Haidian District, location of the headquarters of the Beijing Olympic Committee as well as events such as basketball and volleyball. These two districts alone accounted for more than half of those sentenced to labor camps (16 out of 30).

    Short timeline:

    While the exact date at which a person was sentenced to a labor camp is not always known due to the lack of formal procedure, it is evident that the authorities are following a short timeline in doing so. In one case, a woman was arrested in mid April and sentenced to a labor camp for 2.5 years by mid-May; however, her family was only informed of the decision in June.

    "A large percentage of people have already been sent to labor camps. The dozens currently filling Beijng's detention centers are at grave risk of wrongful sentencing and torture," says Zhang. "It is now imperative that the international community leverage real pressure and stop these deplorable actions. The legacy of the 2008 Olympics must not be thousands of Chinese citizens languishing in labor camps."

    The Center is demanding the immediate release of all Falun Gong adherents, and calling upon foreign media stationed in China, particularly Beijing, to investigate these arrests.



    Contacts: Gail Rachlin (+1 917-757-9780), Levi Browde (+1 646-415-0998), Erping Zhang (+1 646-533-6147), or Joel Chipkar (+1 416-709-8678)

    Fax: 646-792-3916 Email:, Website:


    FDI: Teacher Dies from Brutal Mistreatment in China

    Persecution Has Lasting Effects That Prove Fatal

    08 Jul 2008

    NEW YORK (FDI) -- The Falun Dafa Information Center has learned that a 55-year-old schoolteacher from Hunan province died on May 13, 2008 following eight months of unlawful imprisonment and torture.

    Mr. Tang Cibao was the 107th Falun Gong adherent to die from persecution in Hunan province since 1999. The total number of confirmed deaths from the persecution in China is 3,163.

    Mr. Tang was a teacher with the 7319 Military Factory Family School who lived in Lengshuitan district, Yongzhou city. According to sources familiar with his case, agents of the Yongzhou City Domestic Security Division searched his home in May 2006, taking his computer, printer, TV and cash. Mr. Tang was not detained at the time; however, he was forced to leave his home to avoid arrest.

    Sources revealed that in January 2007, Mr. Tang returned to his home. A local police officer named Feng Defu was reportedly awaiting Mr. Tang outside of his home, and unlawfully arrested him on February 2, 2007.

    Mr. Tang was taken to the Xinkaipu "Re-education Through Labor" Camp to serve a two-year term. Eyewitnesses reported that Mr. Tang lost 70 pounds from the torture he suffered while in the labor camp. He was observed as having "no energy to talk," and later, he developed a serious liver disease (hydrocephaly).

    His family was ordered by the Camp Administration to pick him up in October 2007.? Mr Tang never fully recovered from his maltreatment, and he died on May 13, 2008 from the prolonged effects of his abuse.

    "This innocent teacher is the third person to die in the past year from abuse incurred at this particular labor camp," says Falun Dafa Information Center spokeswoman Ms. Gail Rachlin. "Practitioners and other detainees at this camp -- all sentenced without a trial -- are clearly in immediate danger for their lives."

    The Center is calling upon foreign media and other independent bodies to investigate the circumstances surrounding Mr. Tang's death and other deaths at this labor camp with necessary diligence.? This is particularly important given the lack of available legal representation for the adherents.


    Founded in 1999, the Falun Dafa Information Center is a New York-based organization that documents the rights violations of adherents of Falun Gong (or "Falun Dafa") taking place in the People's Republic of China. In July of 1999 China's autocratic Communist Party launched an unlawful campaign of arrests, violence, and propaganda with the intent of "eradicating" the apolitical practice; it is believed certain leaders feared the influence of the practice' 100 million adherents. The campaign has since grown in violence and scope, with millions having been detained or sent to forced labor camps. The Center has verified details of over 3,000 deaths and over 63,000 cases of torture in custody (reports / sources). Falun Gong is a traditional-style Buddhist "qigong" practice, with roots in the Chinese heritage of cultivating the mind/body for health and spiritual growth.


    Contacts: Gail Rachlin (+1 917-757-9780), Levi Browde (+1 646-415-0998), Erping Zhang (+1 646-533-6147), or Joel Chipkar (+1 416-709-8678)

    Fax: 646-792-3916 Email:, Website: