The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong -- May 7, 2008

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Falun Gong Practitioners Mr. Niu Jinping and His Wife Arrested Again
  • A Beijing couple is brutally arrested in front of their four-year-old daughter.

    Falun Gong Practitioners Mr. Niu Jinping and His Wife Arrested Again

    On the afternoon of April 20, 2008, at about 5 p.m., two Falun Gong practitioners were arrested in Chaoyang District, Beijing City, when Ms. Zhang Lianying and her husband, Mr. Niu Jinping, returned home from the market with their four-year-old daughter. They were arrested in their apartment building by several plainclothes police officers. About a dozen of them forced their way into their home to confiscate their property, taking away a computer, a mobile hard disk, an MP4 player, and three large boxes of Falun Dafa books.

    According to eyewitness accounts, when Ms. Zhang Lianying and Mr. Niu Jinping were arrested, the plainclothes police pummeled and kicked them. Their bodies were covered with bruises. Their little girl was frightened and cried loudly. She now stays with her 78-year-old paternal grandmother.

    Those who participated in this arrest included the Domestic Security Team of Beijing, the Domestic Security Team of Chaoyang District as well as Xianghe Garden Street and the Liufang Street police station (86-10-64660050) and the 610 Office.