The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- April 21, 2008

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province
  • Using the excuse of the approaching Olympic Games, the Chinese Community Party authorities have recently arrested many Falun Gong practitioners. In Mudanjiang City, over ten Falun Gong practitioners were illegally arrested from the end of last year to March 11, 2008.

    Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province

    Using the excuse of the approaching Olympic Games, the Chinese Community Party authorities have recently arrested many Falun Gong practitioners. Reportedly, the police have a quota for arrests of Falun Gong practitioners under the order by Heilongjiang Province Police Department. Practitioners who report the persecution online and have so-called "present crimes" are targets. From the end of last year to March 11, 2008, over ten Falun Gong practitioners were illegally arresteded in Mudanjiang City.

    On the morning of November 12, 2007, the family of practitioner Ms. Ren Yanjie, who had been previously arrested, went to the Chaishi Police Station to request her release, along with some other practitioners who went out of concern. Mr. Zhao Jianguo and Ms. Zhu Xiuhua were arrested by officers from the Chaishi Station and the Dong'an District Department. That same night, they were taken to the detention center and held there.

    Ms. Zhu Xiuhua was kept in Mudanjiang City  Police Hospital for two or three weeks due to being brutally mistreated in detention. Police officers demanded money from her daughter many times.

    Mr. Zhao Jianguo refused to wear the prison uniform, as a means to protest the persecution. He was tortured by the instructor at the detention center by being forced to wear handcuffs and shackles. National Security agents took him to Mudanjiang City  Domestic Security Team and did not allow him to sleep for a few days. He was forbidden to rest. During an interrogation, police officer Guo Liang kicked Mr. Zhao in the mouth, causing him to lose a tooth. Officer Peng Fuming tortured Mr. Zhao Jianguo with a method called "Restrained with Ropes Twice." Qiao Ping, former director of the Aimin District Police Department, hit Mr. Zhao in the face with the sole of his shoe and threatened him with forced labor. Mr. Zhao Jianguo recorded the facts of the persecution and disclosed them to the Procuratorate and the Forced Labor Arbitration Committee of the region where he lives, and police were worried about the disclosure of their criminal acts. They extorted 5,000 yuan from his family, and Mr. Zhao Jianguo was released at the end of the year. As soon as he went back home, agents from Domestic Security Team went to his home and threatened him.

    On January 20, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Shen Jinxiang, a resident of Suiyang Town in Mudanjiang City, was arrested by policeman Sun Dehai from the Huangsong Station in the Suiyang Forestry Department while he was clarifying the truth to the public as a train attendant.

    On January 22, 2008, Mr. Cui Lijun was arrested by Jia Yunlai and other police officers from the Ning'an First Station and Domestic Security Team while Mr. Cui was at home in Ning'an City. His home was ransacked, and he was detained at the Ning'an City Detention Center.

    On the morning of January 22, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhao Minru was harassed again by police officers from the Yuanming Station.

    At about 10:00 a.m. on January 24, 2008, Ms. Ma Shujie, a school teacher at the Ximudan Elementary School, was arrested with her husband, a non-practitioner. Five police officers from the city's Domestic Security Team went to their home under the pretense of checking residence cards. They took away books, truth-clarification materials, a computer, and other personal property. Ms. Ma went home on March 7, 2008. However, she was not allowed to go to work because she had not been "transformed" by the agents of the Xi'an District Education Bureau and the Political and Judiciary Committee. All schoolmasters were called to a meeting about persecuting Falun Gong practitioners at these schools.

    On January 26, 2008, Mr. Li Zhuying, Ms. Chu Xiuling and their son were arrested. They were detained at the Hailin Second Police Station. On January 28, 2008, police officers led by Song Yumin of the Hailin City National Security Department went to the home of Mr. Li Zhuying and his parents and ransacked it. Mr. Li's father cried and almost fainted from shock after witnessing this malicious act.

    On January 28, 2008, practitioner Ms. Lu Yongfeng was at home after being released on bail for medical treatment. The head of the neighborhood committee, Peng Lizhu (female), deceived her into opening the door. Ms. Lu was arrested by police from the Xianfeng Station and taken to the Xinglong Detention Center. Her husband, Mr. Yue Xingtian, was arrested as well.

    On the morning of January 26, 2008, Mr. Yu Hongqian was abducted by Song Yumin, the leader of Hailin City Domestic Security Team and other police officers. Mr. Yu's home was ransacked.

    At about 5:00 p.m. on January 29, 2008, practitioner Ms. Xiaoxiangzi (surname unknown), a sanitation worker at the Longmen Market on West 4th Road, was arrested by many police officers from the Domestic Security Team.

    At 10:00 a.m. on February 1, 2008, police officers Yang Danbei (female) and Li Guojun (male) from the Domestic Security Team in Mudanjiang City and police officer Yan (given name and gender unknown) went into Ms. Wen Xiuqin's home in the Bei'an area on an alleged report. They searched the home and left everything a mess. They confiscated a computer and an MP3 player. Ms. Wen was arrested and held at a detention center.

    On February 1, 2008, railway locomotive worker Mr. Chen Yueshan, a practitioner living on Jiangtie Road in Mudanjiang City, was arrested by 610 Office agents and police officers from the Domestic Security Team of Tiebei Station. The police went to his home. They took a computer, printer, and other personal property.

    On the afternoon of February 1, 2008, police from Mudanjiang City  Domestic Security Team went into Ms. Yu Dan's home. Ms. Yu Dan and her husband were arrested. They were not released until the police extorted 4,000 yuan from them.

    At about 2:00 p.m. on February 2, 2008, police from Mudanjiang City  Domestic Security Team and the Jingfu Station harassed Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Xu Qingzhen and her husband, who live near the Dafuyuan area. Ms. Xu refused to open the door. They clarified the truth to the police with patience, and the police left after staying almost the entire afternoon.

    On the night of March 7, 2008, Ms. Chen Yanwei was arrested by police officers from the Xinglong Station while she was at home. Falun Gong books, a computer, and other personal items were taken. Later, she was detained at the Xinglong Detention Center.

    On the morning of March 20, 2008, Ms. Song Weiru was arrested at home by police officers, including Chen Liang, from the Aimin Domestic Security Team. They took Falun Gong books and 5,000 yuan from Ms. Song after she was detained for a couple of hours; she was later released. Ms. Song Weiru is an investment businesswoman with a good reputation. Her husband passed away a while ago, and she has a child. Because her child went to Japan to study and work, she has to pay a large amount of debt. After the police extorted money from her, it became more difficult for her to live her life.

    Mr. Dai Qihong, a staff at Mudanjiang Prison, went to distribute Falun Gong materials near the Mudanjiang Airport when he was arrested by soldiers. On March 20, 2008, police from the Domestic Security Team and the Yanjiang Station went to his home and ransacked it. He is being held at a detention center.

    On about March 28, 2008, Mr. Hou Xicai, a government officer at the Financial Department of Mudanjiang City  Prison, was arrested by 610 Office agents.

    Chinese version available at