The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong -- April 18, 2008

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Wang Zhongliang Illegally Arrested and Detained in Zhuanghe City, Liaoning Province
  • Mr Wang was detained on January 31, 2008. Since then he has been subjected to beatings and force feeding and is now in very weak condition.

    Wang Zhongliang Illegally Arrested and Detained in Zhuanghe City, Liaoning Province

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Zhongliang is a resident of Wumao Village, Zhuanghe City, Liaoning Province. One month ago, Mr. Wang was arrested by police chief Zhu Wenxi of Guangmingshan Police Station. He was illegally detained in Zhuanghe Detention Center, where he was beaten by the guards. The guards used force-feeding on him as a form of torture.

    On January 31, 2008, police chief Zhu Wenxi deceived Mr. Wang Zhongliang into going to the police station. He then illegally detained him. When Mr. Wang's family members went to the police station to inquire as to his whereabouts, the officers tried to avoid taking responsibility for his arrest. They claimed that it was the government's decision to arrest Mr. Wang, and that it had nothing to do with them. The police chief then went on to verbally abuse Mr. Wang's family members and said that he would do some awful things to them if they dared to come looking for Mr. Wang again.

    On February 14, 2008, Mr. Wang Zhongliang went on a hunger strike in Zhuanghe Detention Center. He asked for paper and a pencil to write a letter so that he could document his suffering. The detention center chief agreed, but the guard refused to give Mr. Wang any writing materials. The next day, guard Wang Qingdi (police ID 209220) opened the door of Mr. Wang's prison cell. He viciously kicked Mr. Wang in the head without warning, and then left. Later, Mr. Wang told officer Wang Qingdi that he felt dizzy and was having headaches. Wang Qingdi then dragged Mr. Wang out of the cell, and together with another guard (police ID 209445), they began to kick and stomp on his legs. They disregarded the fact that Mr. Wang Zhongliang's leg had already been injured. The detention center authorities avoided the issue altogether when questioned about this incident. Mr. Wang Zhongliang requested that his injuries be examined by a doctor, so they could be medically documented. However, the detention center management refused to respond to his request or to take any responsibility for his injuries.

    On February 18, 2008, prison doctor Lin Zhiquan, who is known to have tortured many Falun Gong practitioners, was told by the detention center authorities to force-feed Mr. Wang.

    This method of force-feeding is not done the same way as when it is used as a life-sustaining medical treatment. This "force-feeding" is done in the cruellest, most painful way possible as a means of torture, sometimes resulting in the victim's death.

    On February 20, 2008, the police disregarded the fact that Mr. Wang Zhongliang was very weak due to the force-feeding and the hunger strike. They forced him to do labor. According to the law, the detention center is not allowed to pressure anyone that they have detained, but who has not yet been sentenced, to work.