The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- April 15, 2008

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Bai Shaohua Hung Up and Beaten by Beijing Police for Five Days

  • On February 20, 2008, Mr. Bai Shaohua and Mr. Yang Hui were detained by the police with the exuse of conducting "a security check" in advance of the Beijing Olympic Games; they were interrogated by torture for having Falun Gong materials in their vehicle. From February 20 to 25, 2008, the police hung Mr. Bai by handcuffs and beat him day and nights, and then sentenced him to one year of forced labor.  Mr. Yang Hui was sentenced to two and half years.

    Mr. Bai Shaohua Hung Up and Beaten by Beijing Police for Five Days

    On February 20, 2008, Mr. Bai Shaohua and Mr. Yang Hui were driving from the urban district of Beijing City to Huairou District when they were stopped by the police using the excuse of "a security check" for the Beijing Olympic Games. The two were subsequently taken to Huairou District Detention Center. Because the police discovered Falun Gong materials such as truth-clarification CDs in the vehicle, they interrogated Mr. Bai using torture, attempting to force him to reveal the source of the materials. Mr. Bai refused to betray fellow practitioners and did not cooperate. From February 20 to 25, 2008, he was hung up by handcuffs and beaten mercilessly by the police.

    Mr. Bai Shaohua was tortured so severely that the police feared he would die at the detention center and that they would be held responsible for his death, so they transported him to the Qinghe Emergency Center in Beijing for medical attention. About three weeks before, Mr. Bai Shaohua's friend, practitioner Mr. Yu Zhou, had been tortured to death in the same Emergency Center. Mr. Yu Zhou and his wife, Ms. Xu Na, had also been stopped on their way home from work and arrested by Beijing CCP officers, who claimed to be conducting "a security check" in advance of the Beijing Olympic Games.

    Even though Mr. Bai's life was threatened as a result of the torture and he required emergency medical care, the CCP personnel concealed his condition, refused to let his family visit, and refused his right to an attorney.

    Ignoring his frail, life-threatening condition, the police illegally sentenced him to one year of forced labor. On February 18, due to his weakened condition, he required the assistance of two people to walk when he was taken to the Beijing Forced Labor Dispatching Division, where its notorious reputation of severely abusing Falun Gong practitioners is well known. Mr. Bai Shaohua was placed in solitary confinement, so he went on a hunger strike in protest.

    Mr. Yang Hui was arrested with Mr. Bai Shaohua. He was sentenced to two and half years of forced labor. It is believed that he is now being held at Tuanhe Labor Camp in Beijing. His personal items, such as his vehicle, computer, and cell phones, were confiscated by the police. Mr. Qi Wei, another practitioners who lent the vehicle to Mr. Bai Shaohua and Mr. Yang Hui, has been imprisoned at Chaoyang District Detention Center.

    Chinese version available at