Ms. Zhang Xiuqin was detained in Xining City Detention Center in mid-November. According to guards in the detention center, at around midnight on December 7, 2008, Ms. Zhang suddenly passed out. No details of the circumstances have been given, and she was kept in isolation in a hospital until immediately before her death.
As happened in many parts of China, Falun Gong practitioners were arrested prior to the Olympics in Baoqing County. Friends and family were told they would soon be released after the Olympics, but nine of them have just been given long sentences.
Ms. Zhang Xiuqin Dies One Month after Being Arrested
Ms. Zhang Xiuqin, around 48 years old, lived in Xining City, Qinghai Province. On the evening of November 13, 2008, someone reported her while she was passing out truth-clarifying materials near Nanshan Street. Officers from Nantan Police Station arrested her and detained her in the City Detention Center the same night.
According to guards in the detention center, at around midnight on December 7, 2008, Ms. Zhang suddenly passed out. The center doctor and nurses tried to resuscitate her in vain, then took her to the Red Cross Hospital of Qinghai Province, which is directly affiliated with the city's legislative system. Ms. Zhang remained unconscious.
On the morning of December 8, 2008, guards found Ms. Zhang's husband via officers of Nantan Police Station and told him to go take care of Ms. Zhang in the hospital. At first, there were three guards monitoring Ms. Zhang, but seeing that she remained unconscious, the center's administration only used one guard later, then none. Officials claimed the center was letting her husband take responsibility. However, the hospital forbade anyone from getting close to Ms. Zhang, including her husband. He could only see her through a TV phone. The doctors said there was brain fluid affecting her heart, but Ms. Zhang had not passed out due to that condition before.
On December 12, 2008, the hospital gave up its rescue effort and let Ms.
Zhang's husband take full responsibility for his wife. She died at 4 o'clock on
December 13, only one month after she was arrested.
Since June 2008, citing security for the Olympic Games and the Torch Relay, agents of the 610 Office in Shuangyashan City, the 610 Office in Baoqing County, and the National Security Team in the Public Security Bureau ransacked many Baoqing County Falun Gong practitioners' homes, confiscating Falun Gong books, computers, printers, and other private property.
Nine Falun Gong practitioners are detained in Baoqing County Detention Center, including Ms. Wang Junhong (about 30 years old), Mr. Tian Xiaoxuan, Mr. Yu Zhanhong, Mr. Liu Junzhong (about 40 years old), Ms. Jiang Jie (about 35 years old), Mr. Jiang Guifu, Mr. Meng Xianguo (48 years old), Mr. Tian Chengjun, and Mrs. Wang Yarong (about 40 years old). When the families requested their release, the authorities said the practitioners would be held until after the Olympic Games. Now the Olympics are over, and the Special Olympics Games are over, too, but the practitioners are still being persecuted in the detention center.
Falun Gong practitioner Liu Junzhong (Director of the Bureau of Real Estate Taxation)
Falun Gong practitioner Jiang Jie
Falun Gong practitioner Yu Zhanhong
Falun Gong practitioner Meng Xianguo and his wife Wang Yarong
On November 18, 2008, CCP authorities in Baoqing County manipulated the court to illegally sentence these nine practitioners. Before the trial, the court clerks forced practitioners' family members to each slander Falun Gong; otherwise, they would not be allowed to watch the trial.
On December 4, the nine practitioners were illegally sentenced by the CCP court in Baoqing County, Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province. Falun Gong practitioners Liu Junzhong and Wang Junhong were sentenced to ten years, Yu Zhanhong nine years, Tian Xiaoxuan eight years, Jiang Jie seven years, Meng Xianguo and his wife Wang Yarong each to seven years, Tian Chengjun five years, and Jiang Guifu four years. Some practitioners' family members are trying to appeal these unreasonable sentences.