The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- April 8, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Cao Jiwei from Laishui County, Hebei Province Arrested, Family Members Abused by Police

  • Mr. Ding Guoying Mentally Traumatized as a Result of Persecution

  • Over 260 Falun Gong Practitioners Imprisoned at Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Shandong Province

  • The Persecution of Mr. Dai Jun from Heilongjiang Province

  • Mr. Cao Jiwei from Laishui County, Hebei Province Arrested, Family Members Abused by Police

    Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Cao Jiwei from Laishui County, Hebei Province, was persecuted by the “610 Office” and the police. He had been staying away from home in order to avoid arrest. On the 4th day of the Chinese Lunar New Year of 2007, he was arrested by the police from Loucun Township Police Station in Laishui County, and 5,800 “yuan” in cash that he was carrying was taken away. Mr. Cao's family members went to the detention center five days later and asked to see him. The detention center told them to ask Wang Fucai, the head of the Laishui County 610 Office. On the 11th, Mr. Cao's mother, his wife, and his eldest sister went to see Wang Fucai. The police seized them and physically abused them in the yard of the police department. The police pushed Cao Jiwei's wife and his eldest sister, who is in her 50s, to the ground and stuffed small rocks and cigarette butts into their noses and mouths.

    It has been learned that after overseas practitioners exposed this persecution, Mr. Cao, his wife Meng Qinglian, his eldest sister, and his mother have returned home.

    The following is an account by Cao Jiwei's wife about the severe mistreatment they were subjected to when they went to ask for her husband.

    On the 9th day of the Chinese New Year, after we learned that my husband, Cao Jiwei, was being “illegally detained” in the Laishui County Detention Center, my mother-in-law, who is in her 70s, was eager to see her son. She took me, my daughter, and my eldest sister and traveled over 200 li (about 62 miles) of bumpy mountain roads to the Laishui County Detention Center. When we arrived at the detention center my mother-in-law and my daughter were already in tears. My mother-in-law begged the detention center police to let us see Cao Jiwei. But the police impatiently pushed us away, saying “We cannot do anything. Go and talk to Wang Fucai and the unit that handles the case.”

    My mother-in-law, my eldest sister, and I called a cab and went over 15 km to Loucun Township Police Station in Laishui County, the entity responsible for arresting my husband. As soon as we got out of the cab we noticed that people were waiting for us by the entrance to the station. A young police officer asked rudely, “What are you doing here?” I told him, “My husband was minding his own business and he did not break any law. Loucun Township Police Station officers beat, injured, and detained him. Falun Gong has been spread to over 80 countries and is well received by the people of the world. Why do you persecute Falun Gong practitioners so desperately?” The police rudely said, “Are you going to leave? If you don't, you will be arrested.” He then got a person to guard the entrance and did not allow us to enter.

    Without a resolution we went back to the detention center. My mother-in-law looked at the high fenced wall and sobbed, "My son is dutiful and reasonable. Why do you persecute him? You broke his family apart and made him live in such a terrible way. I am already old. Why do you make it impossible for my son to come home to take care of me. Why do you always arrest him? Is it wrong to be a good person?”

    Facing the old woman's tearful pleas, policeman Zhang yelled viciously, “If you don't leave soon, we will get your son out here and shock him with electric batons right in front of your eyes until he kneels down to us and begs us with flattering words.”

    They saw that she was not willing to leave, so they carried her to the side of Laishui County Road 112 and left her there. That was after 9:00 p.m. She was weak from the abuse and lay helpless on the ground, shivering in the freezing weather.

    On the 11th day of the Chinese Lunar calendar, the detention center told us to talk to Wang Fucai of the 610 Office. My mother-in-law, my eldest sister, and I went to Wang Fucai's home again. We knocked on the door but no one opened it. Instead a voice threatened, “If you don't leave, we will call 110 to arrest you.” The three of us had no other choice but to walk away. But then the young man in Wang Fucai's family with a shallow face young man opened the door and got on a bike. We could see him calling on a cellphone as he chased us. We heard him saying, “Two to the southbound and two to the northbound.”

    As soon as we arrived at the end of the alley, a green cab suddenly stopped in front of us and blocked our way. Three plainclothes agents got out of the cab. Each of them seized one of us and started beating us. They dragged us into the alley as they beat us because they were afraid that their evil behavior would be noticed by the many people on the road.

    My mother-in-law and my eldest sister were soon knocked down and lay shivering on the ground. I was beaten three times and lay on the ground unconscious. While I was unconscious, they called 110. A group of police soon came and threw us into a vehicle. We were taken to the Laishui County Police Department and in the yard we were brutally beaten again.

    The police unbuttoned our clothes, pushed them aside, and exposed our upper bodies. They pushed us flat on the ground in the police department yard, so that our bare chests were touching the ground. They turned us face up for a while and then face down for a while, back and forth. They said, “No matter how healthy they are, they ought to shiver from the cold.” My mother-in-law and my eldest sister constantly twitched from the beatings and the cold. The police kept kicking them.

    The police pushed me to the ground and stepped on my face lying on the concrete with one foot. He forced me to breathe in the dust on the ground and stuffed rocks and cigarette butts into my mouth and nostrils. My eldest sister's nostrils and mouth were also stuffed with rocks and cigarette butts.

    While we were unconsciousness, the police carried us in a vehicle to the boiler room of the police department yard. The boiler worker said, “Putting them here is not convenient for us to get the coal.” The police then carried us to a place next to the water pipes. We were sent to the Laishui County Detention Center at about 4:00 in the afternoon.

    In the detention center, to protest the unfair treatment and the lawless behavior of the police, we went on hunger strikes. The police came in and said, “If you don't eat, then starve yourselves.” After enduring the painful suffering for eight days, my eldest sister was released; her family managed to get her out. After I had been on a hunger strike for 15 days, I suddenly felt that I could not live any longer. I felt so flustered that I could no longer control myself. My family members were then notified to take me home. I went home on the 24th day of the Chinese Lunar New Year.

    Seeing that the two of us had been persecuted time after time, my parents, in their 70s, kept wiping away their tears. We started being homeless when my daughter was in kindergarten. She is now in the third grade of middle school. She does not have the happiness of the family that other kids her age have, simply because her parents are persecuted for practicing Falun Gong and wanting to be good people. She has had to endure unbearable mental pressure that a 15-year old child should not have to bear.

    Mr. Ding Guoying Mentally Traumatized as a Result of Persecution

    Mr. Ding Guoying, in his thirties, was an elementary school teacher in Zhangchang Village, Gaocun Township, Xingyang City, Henan Province. One day when he was explaining the meaning of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" in his class, he was illegally arrested and taken to a detention center by the Gaocun Police Station and the township comprehensive management office. Five months later, he was illegally sentenced without trial to seven years in prison, and his family members were not even notified. He was taken to the Xinmi Prison to be further persecuted.

    After many inquiries from different parties, Mr. Ding Guoying's family members found out about the situation. His mother hurried to the Xinmi Prison to visit her son. It was chilly winter weather, and Guoying only wore a shirt. He did not say a word when he met his family, as if he was meeting strangers. Ding Guoying's mother was anguished seeing her son in this condition. Nevertheless, Mr. Ding continued to be tortured inhumanly in prison. Each time his mother visited him, she could see that his condition has not improved.

    Several years later, Mr. Ding's grandmother passed away due to illness and the grief from missing her grandson. His mother and brother make a living by working several hectares of land.

    In June 2006, the team head named Liu from Xinmi Prison, Henan Province came unexpectedly to visit Zhangchang Village in Gaocun Township, Xingyang City. He said, "Ding Guoying has a mental disorder, he is mentally traumatized. We will study his case and release him for medical treatment in one to two months."

    Eight or nine months have passed, and the Xinmi Prison still has not released Mr. Ding, only because Ding Guoying's family did not give money to the prison officials. When Ding Guoying's mother went to see the team head, he refused to release her son and said, "Ding Guoying does not meet the requirement for release on medical bail."

    His purpose was to extort money from the family, so they did not release him.

    Phone number of Xinmi Prison office: 86-371-69812437

    Over 260 Falun Gong Practitioners Imprisoned at Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Shandong Province

    The notorious Wangcun Forced Labor Camp is one of the most vile forced labor camps for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in Shandong Province. There are in total ten groups in the forced labor camp where over two hundred sixty Falun Gong practitioners are illegally detained. One practitioner is detained in Group 6, and Group 7 and Group 8 each detain over one hundred and thirty practitioners. All of the Falun Gong practitioners have been subjected to the most brutal persecution. Some have been tortured to the point of being disabled. They are all forced to do large amounts of labor-intensive slave labor, and they may be tortured to death at any moment. Because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has used all the vile means to keep information from leaking out, the following is only a very small portion of the persecution suffered by the practitioners detained in this forced labor camp.

    Cases of Tortures Suffered by Detained Falun Gong Practitioners

    1. Mr. Chu Guiling, about 50-years-old, is from Changyi City of Weifang Area. He was detained in Group 8. His lower body has been paralyzed due to being tortured for over a year. He is single and no family members have been permitted to visit him since he was detained.

    2. Mr. Zhao Liming, about 50-years-old, is a Falun Gong practitioner from Shouguang City of Weifang Area. He is detained in Group 8 and has been force-fed many times. He is extremely emaciated, he cannot stand up straight, and he needs people to help him when he uses the restroom. He hasn't been able to take care of himself for over one and a half years. He wrote letters of appeal twice to the court and procuratorate and requested interviews with the officials of the labor camp to protest the torture he was subjected to. He also requested that officials chastise those who tortured him and stop the persecution, but all his appeal letters were denied.

    Mr. Zhao had been detained before. During his first detention, policeman Sun (surname) had so brutally tortured him that he lost consciousness. They had to bring him to the emergency room to save his life, but they extorted 800 yuan for medical expenses from Mr. Zhao's family. Afterwards, Mr. Zhao began suffering from serious sequela.

    3. Mr. Xu Yuliang is detained in Group 8 and suffers from brutal persecution. In 2005, when he declared that the so-called three statements that he had signed was void, he was put into the intense detention for three months. He was again placed in intense detention during the second half of 2006, and it has lasted until now. As part of the intense detention, he had been handcuffed inside a restroom for nine days and was not allowed to sleep.

    4. Mr. Xian Chunwei, about 30-years-old, is from Qingzhou City of Weifang Area. In June 2005, he was detained in Wangcun Forced Labor Camp for the second time. At first he was detained in Group 8, now he is in Group 6.

    When he was detained in Group 8, policeman Cha (surname) slandered Falun Gong. Mr. Xian replied, "The CCP is indeed truly the evil cult." Two months later, because Mr. Xian spoke out against the CCP, he was transferred from Group 8 to Group 6, which is the so-called "Intensive Detention Team."

    Falun Gong Practitioners Overloaded with Slave Labor Jobs

    The policemen of Group 8 force Falun Gong practitioners to work overtime, year after year, solely for their own benefit. They produce products mainly for two companies. They produce coils for Kaijia Magnetic Materials Company of Zibo City and cement bags for Shanshui Plastics Company of Gushan Town, Changqing District of Jinan City.

    Planning to Move Wangcun Forced Labor Camp to Mingshui Town of Zhangqiu City

    To avoid investigation from the international community, the notorious Wangcun Forced Labor Camp is preparing to move to Mingshui Town of Zhangqiu City, which is twenty kilometers away from its current location, and will change its name to "Legal Education Center." The new location is not finished yet, but it has been decided that Group 1, 2, 3, 5, 9 an 10 will move to the new location before May 1, but Group 4, 7 and 8, where Falun Gong practitioners are detained, will stay.

    Li Xuesi, Fang Xide, Wang Jinyi, and Liu Ge Became Collaborators

    1. Li Xuesi, in his sixties, was a former director of the Detention Center of Linyi City. Since being brainwashed by the persecutors, he has been helping the authorities to brainwash steadfast practitioners. To "transform" practitioners and show himself off, he use scriptures from Buddhism to casually comment on Falun Gong and try to fool Falun Gong practitioners into giving up their beliefs.

    2. Fang Xide, 45, is from Niujibei Village, Zhangling Town, Changyi City of Weifang Area. In May 2005, he was sentenced to the forced labor camp for the second time and detained in Group 8. After he was forcibly "transformed," he began trying to brainwash other detained practitioners. His words have sometimes deceived newly-detained practitioners. He and Li Xuesi are the most active in trying to brainwash other practitioners.

    3. Wang Jinyi, about 35 years old, is from Wushan Town, Anqiu City of Weifang Area. In March 2005, he was detained for the second time and also detained in Group 8. Under high pressure, he was forcibly "transformed." Since the second half of 2006, the CCP has utilized him to monitor over thirty Falun Gong practitioners. He forced the practitioners to do excessive amounts of work. He increased the quota for every practitioner from 2,500 cement bags per day to 4,000. At the end of the year, the police reduced his term by one month. When he was released from his first detention in Changle Forced Labor Camp, he even suggested that the police post his three statements on the bulletin board.

    4. Liu Ge is from Binzhou City. He was sentenced to three years of forced labor camp in 2005 and detained in Group 8. After he was forcibly "transformed," Liu Ge gave the 610 Office officials information about fifteen local Falun Gong practitioners. The 610 Office promised to reduce his sentence and Liu Ge was very confident of leaving the forced labor camp before the summer of 2005, but he is still being detained in Group 8. Liu Ge reported practitioner Xu Yuliang to the police. This is the reason that Mr. Xu was detained in the intense detention team for the second time.

    The Persecution of Mr. Dai Jun from Heilongjiang Province

    Mr. Dai Jun, 31 years old, from Mishan, Heilongjiang Province, worked in Beijing as a security guard for the Third Construction Company of Beijing. He started the practice of Falun Gong in 1995. Since July 20, 1999, he has been “illegally arrested” twice for appealing for Falun Gong. The authorities of a police station in Beijing confiscated, without a receipt, much of his personal property including his motorcycle, TV set, and computer. Mr. Dai Jun's household registration is in Mishan, so the Beijing police notified the Mishan City Police Department and sent him back to Mishan.

    After serving a year of forced labor, and a period of being homeless to avoid further persecution, Mr. Dai Jun ended up in Jixi City. He was arrested again for printing and distributing Falun Gong “truth clarification” materials on April 25, 2002. He is now being held at Mudanjiang City Prison in Heilongjiang Province.

    The officers from the Political Security Section of Jixi Police Department brutally beat him and even called for assistance from the Criminal Team of the Jiguan District Branch Police Department. They tortured him around the clock: using the “Tiger Bench” torture, force-feeding him with spicy mustard extract, exposing him to cold air, stabbing and burning his feet, cuffing his hands behind his back, kicking and beating him with batons, etc. In order to prevent him from escaping, the police bound his feet with sticks and handcuffs, which caused him much difficulty in walking. After three days of brutal torture, they sent Mr. Dai to the detention center. Mr. Dai often feels dizzy and nauseous. Sometimes his limbs go numb and immobile, and his vision is blurred. Mr. Dai suffered many rounds of beatings from vicious personnel at the Jixi Detention Center. 

    Mr. Dai Jun was sentenced by the intermediate court of Jixi City to six years of imprisonment. The authorities held him at Hada Prison on November 9, 2003, and then transferred him secretly to Jianshanzi Prison in Mudanjiang City.