The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- April 7, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Ms. Zhang Lianying Secretly Transferred; Family Denied Visitation

  • The Facts about the Persecution of Three Falun Gong Practitioners in Tuanjie Township, Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province

  • Ms. Zhang Lianying Secretly Transferred; Family Denied Visitation

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Lianying from Beijing was tortured until she suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. She was transferred from Renhe Hospital in Daxing County, Beijing to the Hospital of Tiantanghe Labor Camp on March 30, 2007, when she was still in critical condition. The labor camp first tried to conceal the facts and lied to her family about her whereabouts. Three days later, her husband Niu Jinping went to Renhe Hospital and learned the truth.

    According to witnesses, Zhang Lianying suffered severe brain damage from beatings. When she was taken out of her ward in a hospital bed, she kept clarifying the truth to the patients and said, “Please remember, Falun Dafa is good!” A labor camp guard tried to cover her mouth, but the patients were touched by her courage and selflessness.

    At first, the labor camp authorities refused to let her husband or her three-year-old daughter visit her. Two guards were assigned to stand outside Zhang Lianying’s room. Niu Jinping took their daughter and everyday went to the labor camp or the hospital and strongly urged to be given permission to see and take care of his wife, but his request was repeatedly denied without explanation. Once when Niu Jinping was at the hospital, Beijing Labor Camp administration section head Shi told him to go to the labor camp to process the procedure to meet with his wife. When Niu Jinping went to the labor camp, however, Shi said that he was due in a meeting and made Niu Jinping wait outside for three hours, and then still refused to show up. Shi called the local police officer from Xiangheyuan, “610 Office” agents, officers from the street administration committee and two young officers from the Administration Section. Yang Yiguo, a “610 Office” head, screamed at Niu Jinping upon seeing him, “Don’t you dare to think that I can’t fix you just because you bring a kid with you.”

    Note: On May 21, 2006, Niu Jinping met with Vice President of the European Parliament Edward McMillan-Scott. He told Mr. McMillan-Scott that he, his wife, and friends were suffering persecution. After this meeting, Mr. Niu Jinping, Ms. Zhang Lianying and Mr. Cao Dong, another practitioner who met with Edward McMillan-Scott, have suffered repeated threats and retaliation from CCP officials.

    The Facts about the Persecution of Three Falun Gong Practitioners in Tuanjie Township, Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province

    1. Ms. Wang Guihua

    Ms. Wang Guihua, 38 years old, lives in Fuguo Village of Tuanjie Township, Shuangcheng City. On January 15, 2005, Ms. Wang went to Shuangshan Village at Xingshan Township with three other Falun Gong practitioners to “clarify the truth” about the persecution of Falun Gong to the local people. They were reported to the police by local people who didn't understand the truth. The policemen from the Xingshan Township Police Station took these practitioners away in a van and brought them to the police station, where policemen beat and kicked them. That afternoon, they were transferred to the 2nd Detention Center of Shuangcheng City and 18 days later, they were transferred to Wanjia Labor Camp of Harbin City. The practitioners were illegally sentenced to three years of detention.

    After she started to practice Falun Gong in 1995, Ms. Wang Guihua enjoyed numerous benefits such as improved physical and mental health and a harmonious family relationship. On July 20, 1999, Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners were falsely accused and persecuted in China. Ms. Wang exercised her legal rights to go to Beijing to appeal for justice for Master Li and those arrested practitioners on January 6, 2000 of the lunar calendar. After she was “illegally arrested” in Beijing, Ms. Wang was sent back to her area and detained at the Shuangcheng City detention center for over forty days. She was fined and extorted out of an unspecified amount of money (exact amount is unknown yet because Ms. Wang is still in detention). Ms. Wang was sentenced to forced labor on October 2, 2000 and was sent to Wanjia Labor Camp on January 21, 2001. She was released in July, 2001.

    In February of 2005, Ms. Wang Guihua was transferred to Wanjia Labor Camp in Harbin and is still there today. Police in the labor camp often tried to force her to write words to defame Master Li and Falun Gong. If she refused, they would beat, curse, and shock her with electric batons, causing Ms. Wang to suffer enormous amounts of pain. Every day she was forced to do hard labor from 5:00 a.m. to past 10:00 p.m. and sometimes even to around 1:30 a.m.

    2. Ms. Wang Xiuyan

    Ms. Wang Xiuyan, 43 years old, a villager, lives in Hongsheng Village, Tuanjie Township of Shuangcheng City. Ms. Wang was fortunate to obtain Falun Gong in 1996. Before she started to practice Falun Gong, she had serious pulmonary tuberculosis and there was even pus oozing out of her lymph node. Every year, she had to spend several hundred or even several thousand “yuan” on medical expenses. Her several visits to the hospital and doctors each year used up almost all of the family income. After she began practicing Falun Gong, Ms. Wang strictly followed the teachings and principles of Falun Gong to become a good person who always thought of others when speaking or doing things. All of her diseases disappeared.

    On July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin's regime started to persecute Falun Gong and required every practitioner to write a guarantee not to practice. An old saying has it, “Even if you just receive a little graciousness from someone, you should return much more repayment to this person.” Falun Gong teaches practitioners to be good persons who put others' interests before their own. What Ms. Wang Xiuyan has gained from Falun Gong are far beyond a healthy body and harmonious family; more importantly she understands the principles of how to be a good person, and understands the reason for people's existence.

    When the persecution of Falun Gong began without reason, and village officials and police station staff tried to force her to write a “guarantee,” Ms. Wang exercised her legal right to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on January 6, 2000 of the lunar calendar. On Tiananmen Square, she saw policemen and police cars moving around. At that time, several other Falun Gong practitioners also came to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to the government and told the government not to persecute Falun Gong. But they were all arrested, including Ms. Wang.

    Ms. Wang was detained for three days and transferred to the Beijing Office of Shuangcheng City, and later was sent back to the detention center of Shuangcheng City. She was detained there for 46 days, during which period she suffered from beatings and abuse by the police. Later, she was sent to the Tuanjie Township Senior People's Home, which had been turned into a jail to detain Falun Gong practitioners and hold brainwashing sessions to forcibly “transform” practitioners. Through all this, Ms. Wang never gave up her belief. Nothing could change her wish to be a genuinely good person. Ms. Wang was illegally detained for 45 days before she was released back home.

    On January 21, 2001, Ms. Wang went to Beijing to appeal again and was arrested again. She was subsequently sentenced to one year of forced labor in Wanjia Labor Camp.

    At noontime on February 28, 2004, Ms. Wang Xiuyan was at home preparing lunch for her husband and child. The Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Committee of her village, Liu Changchun, brought eight people from the Police Sub-station of Shuangcheng City and the Police Station of Tuanjie Township, to Ms. Wang's home. (Later, it was learned that the two policemen from the police station were Ai Changyan and Zhou Wenbin.) They didn't show any ID and arrested Ms. Wang Xiuyan. They confiscated all of her Falun Gong books. Ms. Wang was detained in the 2nd Detention Center of Shuangcheng City for twelve days before she was released back home. Ms. Wang Xiuyan refused to follow the orders of the police to write any “guarantee to stop practicing.” She started a hunger strike to protest. Policewoman Jin Wangzhi and policeman Zhang Guofu would not release Ms. Wang until she was abused to the extent that she vomited blood. Less than three days after Ms. Wang was back home, two people who identified themselves as policemen from the Shuangcheng Police Sub-station came to her home with the excuse of helping her arrange a release on bail for medical treatment. They said that if Ms. Wang was not sick, they still had to take her away. Ms. Wang knew they would come again, so she was able to avoid arrest.

    On October 13, 2004 during the busy farming season, Ms. Wang Xiuyan was busy at work in the field. When she got back home and had just had dinner, even before she had time to wash the dishes, the village head Fu Guolu along with Ai Changyan and Zhou Wenbin from the police station of Tuanjie Township, plus a few people from Shuangcheng Police Sub-station, broke into her home again and arrested her without showing any ID or legal documents. They said their supervisors wanted to talk to her. When Ms. Wang's son learned about this, he went to the Tuanjie Township Police Station. At 8:30 p.m. that evening, Ai, Zhou and another policeman went to Ms. Wang's home again. Ms. Wang's son asked them, “Where is my mom? Didn't your supervisor just want to talk to her?” Ai Changyan said, “I have no solution. At first they just wanted to talk to her, but our department head told us to send her to the Shuangcheng City Detention Center.” During her detention at Shuangcheng Detention Center, Ms. Wang Xiuyan's husband, daughter and son went to the detention center many times to ask for her release, but Jin Wangzhi and Zhang Guofu refused to allow them to see her, saying, “We are only in charge of detention. She has been sent to Wanjia Labor Camp.” With great difficulty, Ms. Wang's family confirmed that Ms. Wang xiuyan had been sentenced to forced labor and was being detained in Wanjia Labor Camp.

    3. Mr. Zou Guoyan

    Mr. Zou Guoyan, 53 years old, a villager, lives in Chunguang Village of Tuanjie Township in Shuangcheng City. Zou Guoyan started to practice Falun Gong at the end of 1995. After he started to practice, Mr. Zou completely changed for the better and gave up all his bad habits. Mr. Wang always tries to think of others in his life and is never calculating when dealing with others. He has benefited tremendously from the practice.

    When Jiang's regime started to persecute Falun Gong, Mr. Zou exercised his legal right to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on January 6, 2000 of the lunar calendar. Because he benefited physically and mentally after practicing Falun Gong, he wanted to report the true situation to the government and say, “Falun Dafa is good.” Mr. Zou was arrested on Tiananmen Square and was sent to the Beijing Office of Shuangcheng City. He was then escorted back to the 2nd Detention Center of Shuangcheng City.

    In the detention center, the police chose those most wicked and most vicious criminals to ruthlessly persecute and forcibly “transform” Mr. Zou Guoyan. Whoever persecuted Mr. Zou most wickedly and cruelly would receive a reduction in their detention time.

    In order to reduce their detention time, these criminals thought of all kinds of means to torture Falun Gong practitioners. One time, the criminals held Mr. Zou Guoyan's five fingers together tightly and then inserted a toothbrush between his fingers and viciously twisted it around. Very quickly the skin on Mr. Zou's hands was lacerated and his muscle were exposed and blood flowed. The criminals still continued twisting the toothbrush. Mr. Zou felt such sharp pain that it seemed to gouge his heart and penetrate to his bones. The bones of his fingers were exposed and a large amount of blood flowed out. Mr. Zou let out several cries of pain and then lost consciousness.

    On another occasion, the police instigated several criminals to tie up Mr. Zou Guoyan with rope and then use shoe strings to tie up his penis and pull it down with force. Mr. Zou felt so much pain that he stared wide-eyed, sweated profusely, and lost consciousness after crying out miserably. But those criminals doubled over with laughter. They said, “This time we can get two months' reduction of our detention time.” They used all kinds of means to torture Mr. Zou for the 45 days before he was transferred to the Tuanjie Township Senior People's Home (a temporary jail that the Township government set up to persecute Falun Gong practitioners). During the detention, the secretary of the Politics and Law Committee of Tuanjie Township Zhao Yuchang extorted Mr. Zou out of 1,200 yuan before releasing him several days later.

    In July 2000, Harbin City held an art exhibition to defame Falun Gong, Mr. Zou Guoyan went to clarify the truth to people about Falun Gong. He was arrested by the police and sent to Shuangcheng Detention Center, where he suffered from all kinds of inhuman torture and was not released until 15 days later.

    On June 15, 2001, Mr. Zou Guoyan was arrested by the police again in Handian Town and was detained at Shuangcheng Detention Center. In addition to the above-mentioned tortures, they added a couple of more torture means to persecute Mr. Zou. The most cruel torture method is the “tiger bench.” They forcibly tied up Mr. Zou on the tiger bench for 15 consecutive days and Mr. Zou was close to death. Finally, he was sentenced to 9 years in prison and was detained in the 2nd Ward of Daqing Prison. Over the past few years, Mr. Zou's relatives went to Shuangcheng Detention Center many times to ask for his release, but the police purposefully hid the truth, and told Mr. Zou's relatives today that he was detained in one location and then told them some other location at another date. Because of this, Mr. Zou's family didn't know his whereabouts and spent a lot of time and money to travel around looking for him in vain. Mr. Zou has a teenager at home with no one to take care of him. His son had to go to stay at the home of his uncle. Later Mr. Zou's family suffered all kinds of hardships as they tried to locate Mr. Zou. They finally found Mr. Zou in Daqing Prison in June 2005. Mr. Zou and his son still have not been able to see each other.