The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- April 15, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Li Shaozhi from Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province Partially Paralyzed from Torture

  • Mr. Zhao Jun from Heilongjiang Province Describes the Persecution that He and His Wife Suffered

  • How I Was Persecuted at Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp and Tangyuan County Police Department of Heilongjiang Province

  • Mr. Li Shaozhi from Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province Partially Paralyzed from Torture

    In Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province, Falun Gong practitioner Li Shaozhi was tortured and coerced into giving a "confession" to the Jiamusi police. He was tortured so severely that half of his body was paralyzed, and he became unconscious as a result of their brutalities. The doctor in the detention center said that the torture might have led to a stroke. The facts of his condition have also been submitted to the court. The Xiangyang District Court in Jiamusi has intentionally caused difficulties, acting as though human life has no value.

    Mr. Li Shaozhi, over 40 years old, was illegally arrested and tortured by officers Chen Wanyou in Jiamusi Police Station. Mr. Li was coerced into giving a "confession" and was also forced to betray other practitioners who kept in contact with him. The police took him to the outer investigation office "dog barracks, " where they bashed Li Shaozhi with four-edged wooden clubs. He was beaten black and blue and then thrown into the dog kennel to be bitten. Other policemen who saw what was going on were dumbfounded at the brutality displayed.

    Currently, Li Shaozhi's "case" has been handed over to the Xiangyang District People's Court of Jiamusi City. Zhao Yubin is handling the case. The family has engaged a lawyer for Mr. Li. When the lawyer requested a look at the records, intending to make a photocopy, Zhao Yubin took back the case records and indictment, claiming that he would have to ask his superiors for further instructions. The lawyer waited there for two hours while Zhao Yubin was on the phone. Finally, Zhao said he was now off duty. He told the lawyer to come again at 4 p.m. when they would be able to respond to the lawyer's questions about the court date.

    When the lawyer returned to Zhao Yubin's at 4 p.m., instead of seeing him, a lady in the same office said that Mr. Zhao was in a meeting and he would be available the next afternoon. The next afternoon the lawyer still did not get to see Zhao Yubin. The lawyer found the office manager, who said that Zhao Yubin had asked for a one-week leave and that the office manager had approved it.

    Mr. Zhao Jun from Heilongjiang Province Describes the Persecution that He Suffered

    I am Zhao Jun, a Falun Gong practitioner employed at the Dongfeng Mineral Company in Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province. In 2000 and 2001 my wife and I were illegally detained several times. The guards at the detention center incited other criminals to strip off all my clothes and pour basins of ice-cold water on my head and body. The guards handcuffed me and hung me by the handcuffs, and then pierced me with needles. When my wife and I were persecuted, there was no one to take care of our two children.

    I began to practice Falun Gong in the autumn of 1998. Prior to that, all of my family members had illnesses. My ten-year-old son had cerebral cysticercosis (caused by a tapeworm) and a brain tumor. My wife had leg pains and pain in her esophagus. In addition, she had lumbago and urethritis (pelvic inflammation). I had heart disease. When we were beyond hope, we were fortunate to begin to practice Falun Gong. Our diseases then miraculously disappeared. I have come to understand the essence of my life since beginning Falun Gong practice.

    Jiang Zemin's regime began persecuting Falun Gong on July 20, 1999. In June 2000 my wife and I went to Beijing to appeal. The police in Beijing were arresting Falun Gong practitioners everywhere. Falun Gong practitioners went to Tiananmen Square to appeal. Police officers there brutally beat the practitioners. I saw how a male practitioner was beaten and slammed on the ground, and the policemen kicked his face brutally. His face became severely distorted.

    Several days later I went to Tiananmen Square again. The police kicked my front teeth and knocked out an incisor. We then were illegally detained at the Tiananmen Police Station, where a practitioner told me, "My body is extensively injured. The police took me to a room and stripped off all my clothes. They used a strap dipped in cold water to violently beat me. I passed out. They used cold water to wake me."

    They took us from the Tiananmen Police Station to the Haidian District Detention Center in Beijing, and then took us to the Second Detention Center of Qitaihe City and illegally detained us there for three months. This time I compromised and did things and said the words against my will.

    After my wife returned, the deputy chief of police brutally beat my wife and then incarcerated her at the Beishan Second Detention Center in Qitaihe City. Our two young children were helpless. They went to their uncle's home, expecting to have breakfast. Their uncle was busy with his own affairs and often could not prepare the children's breakfast, so our two children went to school hungry.

    Around September 2000, my wife and I returned home. In December 2000, my wife and I were arrested again, this time at the hands of agents from the Dongfengkuang Police Station. Because I said that Falun Gong was good and Falun Gong was righteous, deputy chief Jiang Weifeng held me at the detention center. Because of my attachments, I said again what I should not have said and did what I should not have done.

    In 2001, I was persecuted again. The detention center guards ordered the criminals to strip off all my clothes and pour basins of ice-cold water on my head and body. The guards handcuffed me, hung me up, and then pierced me with needles, just like before. The criminals were ordered to torture me. They beat my temples with their fists, and hit my back with their elbows several times. I was tortured so severely each time that I could barely breathe. After one beating, they asked me if I would continue practicing. Later the policemen forced five of us practitioners to work for them.

    Three months later, in December 2001, we five practitioners began a hunger strike and requested an unconditional release. With Master's help and the righteous help of outside fellow practitioners we returned home and continued validating Falun Gong.

    How I Was Persecuted at Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp and Tangyuan County Police Department in Heilongjiang Province

    By a Falun Gong practitioner in Heilongjiang Province

    I began practicing Falun Gong in the spring of 1995. Before then, I often felt weak in my limbs and suffered from cholecystitis (inflammation of the gall bladder), skin disease, heart disease, and other illnesses, which restricted me from conducting daily work. I regained my health when I started practicing Falun Gong.

    Because I did not want to give up my belief in Falun Gong when the persecution began on July 20, 1999, I was sent to a forced labor camp for one year and later illegally sentenced to four years of imprisonment.

    At around 4:30 on the afternoon of January 18, 2001, Qu Xianfeng from the Political Security Section of Tangyuan County Police Department, Zheng Baogui, the CCP Secretary of the Farming Mechanism Bureau, Liu Guo, the director of the Forge Factory, and others took me to the police station, telling me that they just wanted to collect some information. Upon arriving at the police station, Yang Jinshan, the deputy director of the police station, Qu Xianfeng, Deng Jianru, and two other policemen tortured me and tried to force me to report the source of truth-clarification materials and how they were distributed. When I refused to tell them, and said that I was not guilty of anything and would not listen to them, they jumped on me and beat me, then tortured me with "Flying the Airplane" [a torture method, /emh/articles/2004/8/31/51920.html]. I was sweating heavily because of the pain. One officer used a basin to gather my sweat and said that they wanted the basin to be full of my sweat.

    I was so thirsty that I asked the policemen for some water. They didn't want to give me any at first so I told them that I was ready to give a report. They were happy and gave me a cup of tea. After I drank it, they told me to start talking. I asked them what they wanted me to talk about. They got mad at me and started beating me again. Qu Xianfeng and Deng Jianru took off their belts and tied them around my feet, then dragged my feet apart as wide as possible while pushing my arms up as high as possible. Later, Deng Jianru was more violent as he stepped on my arms with the weight of his whole body. If I tried to move a little bit, the officers hit my head and lower back. They tortured me in turns until dawn. Yang Jinshan was very angry because I had not told them anything, so he told the others to beat me to death. They handcuffed me to a radiator when they went to have breakfast.

    A while later, Zhou Tiegang, the head of the Political Security Section, came into the room and swore at me. Then he unlocked my handcuffs, spread my limbs and handcuffed me to the window frame. He asked me what I was thinking. I said nothing. He then took off his jacket and walked in front of me, and pointing his finger at me, he said, "We have watched you for over half a year and know everything about you. Did you know that?" He slapped me on the face dozens of times until he was out of breath. Thinking that was not enough, he hit me on the chest like he was hitting a sandbag dozens of times as well. Sweat covered his face as he said to me with hatred, "I will persecute you till your family is broken apart and you die."

    Later, Xu Changfu, the former director of the police station, came in and asked me, "Do you know me?"

    I shook my head, then he said, "I am Xu Changfu, the director. Do you have anything to tell me? If you speak clearly, then I can let you go. You can count on my word." I did not say anything. He left the room after telling me that I had half an hour to consider his suggestion. After a while he came back and asked if I had considered it. I replied that there was nothing to consider. This made Xu Changfu very mad and he yelled at the policemen outside to take me away. Two policemen came in immediately and dragged me to the police crime group. On the way there, a person asked the two policemen what was happening. They said that I was being "taken care of" by the director himself.

    I was handcuffed to the radiator at the police crime group until three o'clock in the afternoon. I requested to use the bathroom and a person unlocked the handcuffs for me. I was about to take advantage of this chance to escape but was reported by a caretaker named Li. Seven or eight policemen ran to me and beat me, then handcuffed me to the radiator again. A policeman of low rank said, "You want to escape?" Then he shocked me with an electronic baton on the head, face, ears, and hands. As if this pain weren't enough, he stuck the baton up my clothes at my back, and also into my pants. The officers tortured me until midnight. As they could not get anything from me, they put me in a forced labor camp for a year.

    My family members went to Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp to try to visit me, but the guards did not allow them to see me. I was prohibited from talking to the inmates. The guards would handcuff me once they saw me practicing Falun Gong exercises. On hot summer days, the guards handcuffed four or five imprisoned practitioners to one single bed to torture us with the heat. Guard Yang Chunlong said to me, "Others are handcuffed by one hand if they practice the exercises, but you will be handcuffed by both hands if you do so." I went on a hunger strike to appeal for the right to practice the exercises. Yang Chunlong force-fed me with dirty, thick salted water while saying that it was milk powder and that they were trying to save my life.

    Because of the poor hygiene at the forced labor camp in the summer, many imprisoned practitioners had diarrhea for days. The guards forced us to take medicine. If we did not, we were not allowed to use the bathroom. Several practitioners and I had no choice but to soil our pants. One practitioner became very weak, so the guards took him to a room to give him an IV injection. Practitioner Wu Chunlong (who died of persecution) was tortured by the guards with the tiger bench method for four weeks because he was found practicing the exercises. His hands and feet were all swollen when he was finally released from the tiger bench. Practitioner Liu You was handcuffed in a warehouse with the windows and doors uncovered and with nothing blocking the cold from outside. We demanded the guards let go of Liu You--otherwise all the imprisoned practitioners would go on a hunger strike. In order not to make a big scene, the guards agreed to let Liu You go back to the regular cell.