The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- March 4, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Canadian Resident: Exposing the Torture Committed Against My Family by the Kunshan City Police and 610 Office

  • Ms. Zou Ruxiang from Hunan Province Tells of Being Tortured in Baimalong Forced Labor Camp

  • The Severe Persecution of Ms. Liu Yuwei in Baimalong Forced Labor Camp, Hunan Province

  • Canadian Resident: Exposing the Torture Committed Against My Family by Kunshan City Police and 610 Office

    Plaintiff: Mr. Chen Zhiming (Father), recent immigrant to Canada
    Mr. Chen Yingyi (Son), Canadian citizen

    My wife Huang Jinling and I are from Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province. After my wife began to practice Falun Gong in 1998, she became very healthy and cheerful. Our children lived quite some distance from us, but also led stable and good lives. Our peaceful lives were disrupted after July 20, 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) banned Falun Gong in China. My wife was tortured for not giving up Falun Gong and our relatives were harassed.

    In November 2002, police from Kunshan City Police Department suspected that my wife was in contact with practitioner Ms. Li Ji'nan, who was illegally detained. Therefore, they put her name on the nationwide wanted list. I was sixty four and my wife was fifty nine at the time. Instead of having a peaceful retirement, my wife was forced to go into hiding for about a year.

    Li Donglin, director of the National Security Team of Kunshan City Police Department, attempted over and over again to have my relatives and I convince my wife to turn herself in. None of us complied. He even arrested me at my mother's home on the night of February 28, 2003. My mother, in her eighties, was so frightened that she couldn't sleep and cried the rest of that night. Li Donglin held me as hostage, so my wife would turn herself in. After my son Mr. Chen Yingyi exposed Li's crimes to the international community, the police released me on March 12, 2003. However, Li Donglin and other police ransacked my home.

    After my wife returned home, one day in November 2003, the director of the Kunshan City 610 Office Guan Zuxing asked my wife and I to go to Qingyang Police Station. We complied and they detained my wife.

    I came home by myself and called my son in Canada. He exposed his mother's detention to the Canadian media. The Kunshan City Police Department felt a lot of pressure and released my wife.

    One day in 2004, when I was not at home, police from the local police station and staff from the local 610 Office came to our home. They attempted to arrest my wife and take her to a brainwashing center. My wife firmly told them, "I was taken to a brainwashing center before. I will not go there any more unless you cut my head off and take it there." They left. But since then, on every politically sensitive day, the police monitored us and our activities were restricted.

    Our son Chen Yingyi has been a permanent resident in Canada since 1998. He applied for immigrant status for us in 2001, but the police refused to issue my wife a passport. So our immigration application was delayed. Finally in March 2006, I started my application process alone. Then I came to Canada to live with my son, leaving my wife in China. From Canada, we heard the exposure of CCP's harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. I was so worried about my wife that I could not sleep for many nights. Police from Kunshan City Police Department continued to reject our passport requests for my wife.

    In May 2006, my wife's practitioner friend Ms. Li Ji'nan was released from the Women's Prison of Nanjing City in Jiangsu Province. Ms. Li was injured and crippled due to the torture she had suffered. Therefore, my wife invited her to live at our home so that she could take care of her. One day Li Donglin came and told Ms. Li Ji'nan that they had ransacked her home after arresting her. They made no record of the things they confiscated. He remembered that he took her two bank deposit books and asked her to go to the police station to get them back. My wife and Ms. Li went, but Li Donglin refused to return the deposit books. Then he and the 610 Office kept passing the buck.

    Ms. Li Ji'nan reported this to Song Wenyuan, the director of Kunshan City Police Department, the Secretary of the Kunshan City CCP Political and Legal Committee Zhang Yunlin, and others. Li Donglin was rather annoyed and he and Guan Zuxing wanted to take Ms. Li to a brainwashing center for revenge. However, since Ms. Li stayed with us, they did not do it for fear of being exposed to the international community by my son.

    In the morning of February 9, 2007, Li Donglin came to my home and found my wife was at home by herself. So he gathered seven police, including Guan Zuxing, Hu Zhixiong from the Qingyang Police Station, and Wang Yan and Zhang Yunnan from the National Security Team of the Kunshan City Police Department. They arrived at our home with two cars that afternoon. They arrested my wife, ransacked my home, confiscated our computer, color printer and other things worth 10,000 yuan. They did not give a receipt, even though my daughter and two sisters of my daughter-in-law repeatedly asked for one.

    Our neighbors saw them in our apartment and thought they were thieves. They asked them for their identification but no one dared to show any. The police did not even inform my relatives of my wife's arrest. It was our neighbors who informed my daughter later.

    At the same time, Li Donglin sent people to Ms. Li Ji'nan's home to arrest her too, but they did not find her. Therefore, they stayed outside her home watching and questioning everyone visiting her home over the next few days. My daughter and my wife's two sisters were detained when visiting Ms. Li's home on February 14, 2007. They were released after some time.

    Li Donglin arrested my wife this time out of revenge. Not only did he want to arrest everyone who knew of his mistreatment of Ms. Li Ji'nan, but he also wanted to take their money.

    Guan Zuxing and Li Donglin have done so many terrible things that their names frequently appear on the perpetrators' list on the Minghui website. They suspected it was my daughter who reported their crimes. So when my daughter went to Qingyang Police Station asking for my wife on February 10, 2007, Li Donglin shouted that he was "very angry" with her. He said to her, "I received a phone call from the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) yesterday. What can they do against me? Do you know that my name was on the perpetrators' list again? Who put it there? Probably you. From now on, just mind your own business!"

    The CCP keeps promoting the idea of a "harmonious society." What kind of "harmonious society" is this when police throw an innocent old lady into prison a few days before the Chinese New Year? Can my family be harmonious by having me and my wife separated by prison walls during the Chinese New Year?

    Looking at the biography I wrote for my wife for her immigration application four years ago, I could no longer hold back my tears. I can't believe that this document was used several times to rescue my wife. Four years ago, the police arrested her with the excuse of helping them solve a case, but now they no longer use excuses. I am very concerned for my wife's safety. She is not a criminal. She holds on to her belief, never yields to the evil and endures torture. I appeal to the government of Canada, human rights organizations, the Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners in China and all Canadians to help rescue her.

    I am requesting that the international community demand the following of the Chinese government:

    1. Immediate release my wife and issue a statement guaranteeing her freedom;

    2. Return everything they have illegally confiscated from us and stop harassing my relatives;

    3. Issue a passport to my wife so that she can immigrate to Canada;

    4. Stop forcefully "transforming" Falun Gong practitioners and guarantee their freedom of speech and personal dignity.

    I appeal to all kind-hearted people for help. Please appeal to Canada's Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister and members of parliament to investigate the torture of my wife and pass the aforementioned four demands to the Kunshan City government, Political and Legal Committee, Police Department and National Security Team.

    Thank you very much!

    Chen Zhiming

    February 15, 2007

    Ms. Zou Ruxiang from Hunan Province Tells of Being Tortured in Baimalong Forced Labor Camp

    My name is Zou Ruxiang. I'm 57 years old, and I was born in Pingjiang County, Hunan Province. From 2001 to June of 2002, because I practice Falun Gong, I was illegally arrested and sent to Baimalong Forced Labor Camp, where I was tortured in inhuman ways. I was taken to a mental hospital, where they injected me with unknown drugs. I lost all my memory for a period of time and almost died. Now I am exposing the crimes committed by those in the Baimalong Women's Forced Labor Camp in Zhuzhou City.

    I cannot recall many of the horrible deeds the guards did to me in Baimalong Forced Labor Camp. Originally I weighed about 130 pounds, but in 2002, when my husband carried me home, I weighed less than 55 pounds. I was totally paralyzed, I could not see, and I had lost my memory. It has been more than four years now. My memory is still only partly recovered, my vision is very poor, and I still limp when I walk. I can only remember bits and pieces of the persecution from my partially recovered memory and from what others have told me.

    In the summer of 2001, when I was first sent to Baimalong Forced Labor Camp, because I requested to practice the Falun Gong exercises, the guards locked or tied me up for long periods of time, which lead to scabies all over my body. However, they still wouldn't untie me. Instead, they took off my clothes and put sulfur cream on me. They continued torturing me like this and would not let me shower. I resisted with a hunger strike. Seven or eight guards then pulled me to the medical treatment room and held me on the ground. They force-fed me by sticking a sharpened bamboo tube into my mouth. They held the bamboo tube firmly and brutally rotated left and right and then poured porridge in. One of my teeth in the back broke off. The blood, together with the porridge and the tooth, were all forced in. I was all stained with sticky blood.

    The second time they force-fed me, I lost another tooth. When I felt my tooth breaking off, I had the thought that I must expose their autrocities. I thus had a strong righteous thought and was able to free myself. I pulled out the bamboo-tube and spat out the bloody porridge and the tooth all in front of them. This kind of brutal force-feeding has happened to several hundred practitioners in this forced labor camp. It has caused many cases of suffocation. As for losing front teeth or injuring the stomach or esophagus, it happened all the time. It also directly lead to the immediate death of Falun Gong practitioner Zuo Shuchun from Changsha City.

    Later in the day , a guard took me to a big empty room to question me. He wasn't happy with my answers, and three or four guards came out from another room and punched my upper body hard. It hurt a lot, but it didn't rupture the skin or make it swollen. I said: "You all are hurting me. I don't care much, but it will not be good for you." But a guard said: "Who hit you? We didn't see it. We don't hit people in this place." Another said: "How about sending you to a hospital to check?" I wouldn't go, but they forced me onto a car and drove me to a mental hospital. They pulled me into a room and held me on the bed. That time, I clearly saw many medicine bottles, strings, and sticks on the ground. There was also a transfusion rack with many full bottles. However, there were no doctors or nurses.

    They tied me up and then hit me to knock me out. I didn't know how many days passed. When my husband came to pick me up, I had become blind in both eyes, all memory lost, and entirely paralyzed. I was barely conscious. I felt that I had heard my husband call me once and felt that I was perhaps sleeping on my husband's shoulder. When I woke up again, I was at home.

    At that time, I couldn't move at all. In the beginning, I thought it was at night the whole time: I didn't know I was already blind. I felt a scar on the back of my head. It was perhaps from being hit with a stick to knock me out when I was in the mental hospital. I was a healthy and good person, but within a little over a year, due to the inhuman tortures in Baimalong Forced Labor Camp, I became a near-death disabled person. Later people told me: "Your husband had to go pick you up twice. The first time, probably because you were still somewhat conscious, they were afraid that you would reveal how they tortured you when you returned home, so they wouldn't let your husband pick you up. When they saw that you were unconscious and nearly dead—totally paralyzed with white foam coming out of your mouth and that your whole hip was festering—then they let you go home. They didn't really want you to get home alive; they hoped that you would die on the way back, so they wouldn't have to worry that you would disclose their crimes."

    Here, I want to accuse the guards in Baimalong Forced Labor Camp even though, because I have lost my memory, I don't remember their names. I call for fair and just trials for these murderers, who are supposed to execute the law but instead violate the law, severely trample on human rights, and have caused many deaths and injuries. I demand they take responsibility for the damage inflicted on me and face legal consequences.

    The Severe Persecution of Ms. Liu Yuwei in Baimalong Forced Labor Camp, Hunan Province

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Yuwei was twice sentenced to Baimalong Forced Labor Camp in Zhuzhou City. The first time, she was illegally sentenced for one year, but her term was extended to two years. After Ms. Liu returned home, local policemen and the 610 Office harassed her frequently. They sent her to a brainwashing center and ransacked her home. Ms. Liu Yuwei was forced to leave her home to avoid the relentless persecution.

    During the time she was homeless, Liu Yuwei revealed the truth of practitioner Ms. Chen Ouxiang's death. Ms. Chen was tortured to death when a concerted effort was made in an attempt to "reform" her. Baimalong Forced Labor Camp lied about the cause of death, stating that Ms. Chen Ouxiang died due to sickness. After her death they cremated her body to eliminate the evidence, and then gave her family a box of bone and ash remains. Ms. Liu Yuwei and Ms. Chen Ouxiang had been together for a long time, sharing the same cell, and they both experienced severe persecution. Liu Yuwei knew the truth of Chen Ouxiang's death.

    In June 2005, Ms. Liu Yuwei was reported for distributing truth-clarification fliers. She was arrested and then sentenced for 18 months. Seeing the reason for her sentence, the prison guards decided to set Liu Yuwei up as a target for concentrated persecution.

    At the end of May 2006, Liu Yuwei was sent to Team 73, where she was pressured to denounce Falun Gong. The guards took turns every few hours, and six criminal inmates were given the job of brainwashing Ms. Liu. For the first three days, she was not allowed to sleep, wash or go to the restroom. During this time she was forced to stand and was beaten by the six criminals. After three days, she was allowed to go to restroom twice a day, but the other forms of torture continued. The persecutors wrote Master's name on her hands and legs, and also on the ground and tried to force her to step on it. She refused, so several criminals dragged her over and forced her to step on it.

    Later, the guards called over more criminals to beat Ms. Liu Yuwei, and she was slapped a hundred times within one day. She saw flashes of light before her eyes, but was not allowed to close them; if she did so, they would pour lots of water over her. Ms. Liu felt as if she had been blinded. She was soaked through, but was not allowed to change clothes. Later, the criminals took off her clothes and beat her, and poked her private parts with the wooden fork used to dry clothes outside. The guards ordered several criminals to hold her down, and grabbed her hand to force her to sign the guarantee statement. Liu Yuwei tore the paper several times, enraging police chief Wang Jiaojiao.

    After ten days of continued torture, the criminals said, "If you continue to refuse the brainwashing, we will drag you to the restroom and force you to eat excrement and drink urine." Ms Liu Yuwei knew they would indeed do this. She had not slept for ten days and nights, her body was beaten black and blue, and her feet were swollen and terribly disfigured. While the physical torture was being carried out, her ears and eyes had been bombarded with very loud, slanderous VCDs, full of lies by the Chinese Communist Party denouncing Falun Gong. She was mentally and physically exhausted, so she unwillingly signed the guarantee statement.

    But the guards did not release her after that. Several labor camp administrators and guards made her say false words according to their orders. They even shot a video and forced her to say, "There is no coercion here, I have been willingly 'reformed.'"

    Afterwards, Ms. Liu Yuwei was detained in Team 71. Team leader Zhao Shuaiqun, together with other guards, tried to brainwash Liu Yuwei for another month. Two criminals tortured her in turn, forcing her to stand or squat for long periods. They poured water on her and did not allow her to change her clothes. She was black and blue all over, and her legs were very swollen. When the swelling went down, they sent her back to Team 72, where she was forced to work for more than ten hours every day under the hot sun.

    Severe persecution is still going on in Team 71. The guards want to get good results with their brainwashing and obtain a bonus. They don't care if the brainwashing is false. It is said that a Falun Gong practitioner surnamed Yao was tortured until she went into a coma, and another who was in his fifties was driven to a mental breakdown.