The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- March 2, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • The Lives Mr. Yang Jianpo, Liu Yongwang and Bian Zhongxue Are in Danger at Jidong Prison in Hebei Province

  • The Savageries at Dalian City Forced Labor Camp in Liaoning Province

  • Mr. Tai Zhengxu Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison

  • Ms. Luo Xirong from Wuhan, Hubei Province Arrested Again

  • The Lives of Mr. Yang Jianpo, Mr. Liu Yongwang and Mr. Bian Zhongxue Are in Danger at Jidong Prison in Hebei Province

    The following report lists three examples of victims of the illegal Falun Gong persecution at Jidong Prison.

    Falun Gong practitioner, Mr. Yang Jianpo from Langfang City, Hebei Province is currently being illegally detained at the 4th Detachment of Jidong Prison. He has been on a hunger strike for over three hundred and fifty days. Members of his family have gone to Jidong Prison more than a dozen times, requesting to see their loved one whose life is in danger. However, prison guards have rejected their request using various excuses.

    A kind insider has disclosed that a total of eight inmates, divided into four squads, took turns monitoring Yang Jianpo's cell. Three additional guards were stationed outside. The prison doctor gave him intravenous injections and oxygen, as well as injecting him with an unknown drug. His body contracted with spasms of pain during the injections, from which the guards knew he was still conscious. Nobody was allowed to see Mr. Yang. The guards even claimed, "we will let him live, if our supervisors want him alive, if not, we'll take away the oxygen supply..."

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Yongwang, who is originally from Quyang County, Hebei Province, is being detained in the 1st Detachment of Jidong Prison. He became disabled due to the torture he suffered there. He lost consciousness several times while he was brutally force-fed and his life is in danger. The director of the so-called "Education Department", Zhang Fuliang (male) has threatened to not release him even after he is dead.

    Falun Gong practitioner, Mr. Bian Zhongxue is detained in the 5th Detachment of Jidong Prison, where he has staged a hunger strike to protest his imprisonment for over five months. He has become very weak and is totally emaciated. The guards are brutally force-feeding him every day and his life is now in danger.

    The Savageries at Dalian City Forced Labor Camp in Liaoning Province

    The Dalian City Forced Labor Camp is one of the prisons where Falun Gong practitioners are persecuted. The 8th and the 5th Group of the camp for newcomers are the primary sites, and the 5th Group has become the wickedest place in recent years.

    Those illegally sentenced Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners are first sent to the 5th Group on arrival and remain there for unequal amounts of time. The environment there is rather harsh: abusive words fill the air; three-times daily toilet use time is predetermined - once in the morning, once during the day and once in the evening. Restroom access during bedtimes is forbidden. Some people have no other choice but urinate on the bed with pants on. Bowel movement time has also been preset and last for only 2-3 minutes. As soon as the time is up, one must leave. Drinking water is restricted - only once in the evening. Washing hands, face and brushing teeth are forbidden, let alone taking a bath. All people smell bad and have lice and fleas. Usually dozens of people and sometimes more than 100 people live in a room with bunk beds. They have to sleep on their sides, one close to another (Practitioner Chen Yuanzeng broke two of his ribs there). All of them work in the same crowded work area from 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.

    The situation there is horrible. To maintain an intimidating atmosphere, the guards will find any excuse to torment someone once in a while. The electric baton is used primarily, and the painful cries of the victims can always be heard. Group head Lu often applied this torture when on duty at night. Falun Gong practitioners are among these people and forbidden to talk to others. They live in terror and loneliness all day long.

    The small cell in the 5th Group is the most sinful place at the forced labor camp. If practitioners protest or practice the Falun Gong meditation, they are subject to immediate abuse. Their four limbs are stretched and they are handcuffed; their mouths are stuffed with filthy thing; their heads are covered with a boxing hat to be suffocated (This is particularly unbearable in summer because of the excessive heat). Then they are shocked with electric batons or kicked and punched. Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wei Qiang had a mental collapse as the result of it. Mr. Gong Fajiu (sent there since October 15, 2006) and Mr. Zhang Guoyu (sent here on November 14) were tortured with this method because they went on a hunger strike. They have been force-fed, with the tube deliberately left in place for long hours.

    The Falun Gong practitioners are usually kept in the 5th Group for one to several months, depending on availability of space in the 8th Group's single cell. Once out of the 5th Group, they are directly moved to that the single cells in the 8th Group, a place for tight surveillance. Two common inmates per cell are ordered to monitor practitioner 24 hours a day, which would usually last at least 40 days. Between 5:00 am and 10:00 pm, practitioners are forced to sit still on a folding stool with eyes open. They are isolated from the outside. The purpose of this is to "reform" practitioners. If practitioners don't yield within the 40-day period, they are ordered to do physical labor. If they agree to do the labor, they are sent to the 2nd or the 3rd Squadron, otherwise, they are kept in the single cell for an indefinite time. (Zhang Guoyu is still there).

    The practitioners in the 8th Group are mixed with other prisoners and are held in the 1st, the 2nd and the 3rd Squadrons. Anyone disobeying the persecutors' unlawful order will be sent to a single cell or the 5th Group's small cell for punishment. The practitioners are daily locked on the 5th floor to do forced labor, such as sort semi-finished toothpicks. The work environment is gloomy and unsafe, with sawdust flying in the air. The practitioners inhale lots of sawdust, and there are no work safety measures in place. Practitioners don't have any rest days and no outdoor break times. Those determined practitioners don't even have family visiting time.

    Mr. Tai Zhengxu Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison

    [Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of]

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Tai Zhengxu is an employee of the Shuyang County Grain Administration in Jiangsu Province. He is detained in the Hongzehu Prison with a seven-year prison term just because he clarified the truth about Falun Gong.

    At the beginning of the persecution, Mr. Tai Zhengxu was forced to leave home to avoid being arrested in July 2001. He was arrested in 2002 while telling people the facts about Falun Gong. Four to five policemen beat him until he passed out. He was detained, threatened, and tortured, and not allowed to sleep for more than ten days. Later, he was sentenced to imprisonment and lost his freedom.

    Ms. Luo Xirong from Wuhan, Hubei Province Arrested Again

    [Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of]

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Luo Xirong, in her 50s, lives in Qianchuan Street, Huangpi District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province. She was arrested while clarifying the truth near the Datan-Sanliqiao suburban area on February 4, 2007. She was under the custody of the National Security Group of Huangpi District Police Department and was taken to the Wuhan City Wujiashan Women's Detention Center on the afternoon of the same day. On the afternoon of the next day, the Huangpi District 610 Office Head, Hu Shuzh (male), ransacked her home.

    Ms. Luo went to Beijing three times from the end of 1999 to the beginning of 2000 to speak out for Falun Gong. She was arrested and taken back twice, and each time she was detained for more than two months. In August 2000, she was arrested and taken from her home and forcefully taken to a brainwashing class held in the National Guard Training base. She was detained here for more than 20 days. She was forced to do heavy labor under the baking sun and write the Three Statements.

    In the autumn of 2001, Ms. Luo was arrested again while passing out truth clarifying materials in the countryside. She was sentenced to 18 months of forced labor and detained in the Wuhan City Hewan Drug Rehabilitation Center.

    In the autumn of 2003, Ms. Luo Xirong was forcefully taken to a brainwashing center for one month.

    In the seven and a half years of persecution, Ms. Luo has cumulatively been detained for more than 600 days, which has caused both her family and herself deep pain, both mentally and physically.