The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- February 27, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • 610 Office in Chengdu, Sichuan Province Continues Zhao Benyong's Detainment after Five-Year Jail Term

  • Six Falun Gong Practitioners in Shuangcheng, Heilongjiang Provicne Were Illegally Arrested

  • Ms. Yang Chunling's Arm Broken a Second Time from a Beating in Women's Prison of Liaoning Province

  • The Police in Zengcheng City, Guangdong Province Imprisons Ms. Mo Xiaomei without Legal Document

  • 610 Office in Chengdu, Sichuan Province Continues Zhao Benyong's Detainment after Five-Year Jail Term

     Mr. Zhao Benyong is a young teacher who taught at the Longquan Aerospace Technical College in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. Because he is a Falun Gong practitioner and he clarified the truth about Falun Gong to people, he was fired by the school and illegally sentenced to five years in prison. He was imprisoned at Wumaping Prison in Leshan City, Sichuan Province. On January 31, 2007, Mr. Zhao was to be released after he completed his prison term. But on the morning of February 1, Chengdu Longquanyi 610 Office agents took him away and continued his detainment. His whereabouts are unknown.

    On February 1, Mr. Zhao's wife, Yang Lan, and his brother and other family members went to Wumaping Prison to bring him home. At the same time, He Xiwen, head of Longquan District 610 Office, led six or seven people from Longquan District Police Department, Beigandao Police Station, and the Residence Committee to Wumaping Prison and tried to take Mr. Zhao away. There was a stalemate with Mr. Zhao's family for over two hours. The police then used the excuse that they were "bringing him to be registered," and they took him away. Mr. Zhao's wife followed the police car that afternoon to Longquan, where she was forcibly separated from her husband. The police then took Mr. Zhao away in a vehicle without a license plate. His whereabouts are unknown.

    On the morning of February 2, a person introduced himself to the family as Mr. He. Mr. He was the Secretary of the Committee at the 610 Office, and he told the family that Mr. Zhao would need to be "reformed" before he could be released.

    On the morning of February 3, Mr. Zhao's family called Mr. He, but Mr. He refused to take their call, so they went to the location. The guard at the Longquan government building told them that on Saturday no one was in the office and did not allow the family to talk to a responsible person. The family saw someone who was involved in taking Mr. Zhao away on February 1 at the entrance of the building, and they asked him for an explanation. The person then became angry and struck Mr. Zhao's 67-year-old mother. People around the scene became angry and condemned the person. This person then quickly went into the building.

    After about 20 minutes, seven or eight vicious-looking people showed up and blocked the family so that the person who hit Mr. Zhao's mother get away. During the entire incident, the guard at the entrance just looked on without doing anything.

    Later, when the family heard from a clerk at the government building that the leaders were in a meeting, Mr. Zhao's family decided to wait for a person in charge to settle the issue. But the guard used excuses to prevent them from meeting the chief and also called the police to threaten them.

    After two more hours, Mr. He appeared. He called those seven or eight henchmen to take the family to the so-called Office of the Residence Committee.

    The family asked Mr. He, "What law has Zhao Benyong violated? Why has he been taken away even after he has served his term? Why don't you let us see him?"

    Mr. He said that Mr. Zhao did not violate any law, but that the higher authorities would not let the family see him.

    Mr. He then threatened the family, saying, "If you continue this way, I'll send someone to take you back to your hometown."

    Mr. He also threatened Mr. Zhao's wife, saying that he would send her back to her hometown. They heard Mr. He addressed as Director Chen. No one knows his real name for sure.

    Chinese version available at

    Six Practitioners in Shuangcheng, Heilongjiang Provicne Were Illegally Arrested

    On the morning of January 23, 2007, Mr. Dong Liantai, 43, and Mr. Tian Hua, 40, went to visit their relatives who were detained in Wanjia Forced Labor Camp in Harbin City. Both are farmers from Dancheng Town in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province. They arrived there too early as the labor camp hadn't opened yet, so they sat on the edge of the farm field next to the labor camp. The labor camp guards in the watchtower saw them and illegally arrested them. When the two Falun Gong practitioners questioned why they were arrested, the guards claimed they didn't need to provide a reason. The two practitioners were sent to Xinnong Town Police Station in Daoli District, Harbin City.

    On the same day, the police also arrested four practitioners at the bus stop in Xinnong Town. Ms. Jiang Yahong, 30, is from Wanglong Town and was there visiting a relative. Ms. Miao Xiubo, 35, is a middle school teacher. She was visiting a classmate during her vacation. Mr. Xue Ruihui, 53, and Mr. Zhang Fengrong, 50, are farmers. Both were on a business trip and waiting at the bus stop. A police car from Xinnong Town Police Station stopped at the bus stop. Liu Zhaoping and three other police officers jumped out of the car. Without showing any identification or providing any reasons, they pushed the four practitioners into a small store on the side of the road. The police called someone and said, "We arrested four of them." When the practitioners questioned why they were arrested, the police denied the arrests, "We didn't arrest you." When bystanders gathered around to see what was going on, more police were called in and they took the four practitioners to Xinnong Town Police Station. The practitioners were subjected to body searches, and all the money they had with them was taken away. (More than 200 yuan was taken from Ms. Miao, who said to police, "You illegally conducted robbery and arrests. I will sue you when I'm free.")

    Four female guards from Wanjia Forced Labor Camp were called to the police station. Two of them immediately start slapping Miao Xiubo's face on one side. They kept scolding her and said, "We will make this side of your face much higher than the other." The other two kept hitting Ms. Jiang in the back of her head with their palms, which made Jiang feel very dizzy. She almost lost consciousness, and later she vomited repeatedly. Police from the local police station also beat Mr. Xue. The six practitioners were subjected to 12 hours of torture at the police station. At around 1:00 a.m. on January 24, without any legal process, the six practitioners were sent to Harbin Detention Center. Mr. Zhang Fengying suffered a brutal beating there. He was handcuffed and subjected to a torture referred to as the iron chair.

    On the day the practitioners were arrested, their family members heard the news and went to the Xinnong Town Police Station. They were told that no one was detained there. However, the next day, the police informed the town authorities, and the four families in the local area were told to pay 500 to 550 yuan to get their family members back. The money was paid, but no one was released. On the fourth day, police from Shuangcheng County National Security Group and the local police station conducted an illegal house search of Mr. Xue Yuehui's home. They didn't show any legal identification, and they forcibly entered the home and rampantly searched it. They didn't find anything they were interested in. On that same day, Jiang Yahong's father suffered a beating by local village officials, who yelled, "Why do you allow your daughter to wander around?" Afterwards, her father had sudden asphyxia and spasm. He continued to experience these symptoms. Her mother got sick for several days as well. However, no one would tell them the location of their family members. Because many people know that the police do take practitioners' organs for organ transplantation and later destroy their bodies to reap huge profits, the families of these practitioners were very worried and spared no cost in looking for them. On the fifth day and under intense inquiries, police in Daoli District Police Department finally told them, "They are detained in Harbin Detention Center."

    Visitors were allowed to visit the detention center on weekdays and weekends. However, the detainees' families had to pay 430 yuan for reputed food costs for 15 days of detention and pay 80 yuan per visit for a meal at the detention center. They had to pay this fee whether they wanted to eat or not. The six practitioners' families were all farmers and lived under very poor conditions. They had spent a lot of money looking for their family members. Now they had to pay again in order to see them. On the tenth or eleventh day, they finally managed to get the money required and visit their family members in the detention center. Many of them hugged each other and cried.

    By then, Ms. Jiang Yahong had suffered a brutal beating at the detention center, which made her dizzy and have headaches. She couldn't eat anything for almost ten days. Whatever she ate, she threw up, and sometimes she vomited blood. She was very skinny and in poor shape. The guards still forced her to eat, and they threatened to conduct force-feeding in front of her family members. The force-feeding could cause death, which her family firmly disagreed with and requested to take their daughter home. The head of the detention center, Sun Zhaocheng, along with other guards had to push Jiang's family members out of the visiting room and out of the detention center.

    The meal that the detention center provided had only some peanuts and several meatballs that generally cost less than five yuan. It was blackmail to have to pay 80 yuan for it. Since any detainee in the detention center could disappear at any moment, the family members were scared about this and wanted to visit every day. This would cost them a large sum of money.

    The practitioners' families tried to reason with the head of the National Security Group of Dali District Police Department. The families asked why those practitioners were arrested. He couldn't provide any reasons, and he just yelled loudly. They questioned why, as an upholder of the law, he violated the law himself. Why was he not able to provide any evidence? The police must have permission to detain anyone over 24 hours. How did they explain those who were detained for over 288 hours without any legal paperwork? The staff working in the visiting room said, "We are inspecting the case now. It has not been confirmed yet."

    If it was not confirmed, the accused should be released. Why were they still detained for so many days? The police said, "Listen to you or listen to me? We have to wait for the conclusion of the investigation."

    The family members complained, "How can we live like this? This severely violates a citizen's right of freedom."

    The staff claimed, "The government says Falun Gong is forbidden."

    The family members said, "That is nonsense! Most of our family members were patients before they practiced Falun Gong. Falun Gong saved their lives and made them good people. What is wrong with that? Many people practice Falun Gong. It is said that about 100 million people are practicing it worldwide. Which law states that practicing Falun Gong is against the law and that practitioners can be arrested at will? Falun Gong is a belief, and our Constitution permits the freedom of belief. You should listen to us and immediately release them. It is our legal right."

    Then the staff made the family members to leave. Jiang Yahong's mother kept crying. Two police officers took her to the elevator and left.

    Currently, the six practitioners are still detained at Harbin Detention Center. 441 of their relatives are appealing for them. They have made the following requests: Immediately release the detained practitioners, return the money that the police extorted from them, financially compensate them for the loss that the victims and their families suffered, and investigate the legal responsibilities of those who work at Wanjia Forced Labor Camp, Xinnong Town Police Station, and Deli District Police Station in Harbin City.

    Chinese version available at

    Ms. Yang Chunling's Arm Broken a Second Time from a Beating in Women's Prison of Liaoning Province

     On December 9, 2006, practitioner Ms. Yang Chunling from Dalian City was transferred from Liaoyang City Detention Center to the Women's Prison of Liaoning Province in Shenyang City. She is detained in the 11th Ward where she is suffering from intense persecution.

    Due to her firm belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" and her kindhearted effort to persuade the Ward Head to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), she was brutally beaten by three women prisoners. The beating fractured her arm again. She said that her arm was broken before when she was imprisoned in Dalian City. A doctor had removed the steel plate in her arm a few days before she was transferred to the prison. This time the doctor said the fracture was very serious as it had occurred at the same location where her arm had broken before from a beating in the detention center. The nerve damage might be permanent, which means that her arm might be crippled. They wrapped her arm in plaster and waited to see if her condition would improve.

    Ms. Yang told the guards that she would report the beating. Her action was motivated by the guards, who denied the beating. The guards lied, saying that Ms. Yang broke her own arm. The prison administration was quiet about this incident. Ms. Yang is in ill health and malnourished. She needs help walking.

    The mistreatment of Ms. Yang is only one example of the barbaric brutalities happening in Liaoning Province Women's Prison. We call for all people with conscience to pay attention to the persecution in Liaoning Province's Women's Prison so that justice can be served.

    Chinese version available at

    The Police in Zengcheng City, Guangdong Province Imprisons Ms. Mo Xiaomei without Legal Document

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Mo Xiaomei from Zengcheng City, Guangdong Province, was arrested by the city National Security agents, the 610 Office, and Xining Police Station, from her own shop on the afternoon on December 24, 2006. She has been illegally detained and tortured in Zengcheng City Detention Center. The detention center's staff have refused to let her to see her family. They have threatened her, saying that they would give forged documents to the Procuratorate so that she would be sentenced.

    The signed documents stated that she was arrested on January 30, 2007, and was scheduled to have a court hearing. However, her family has not received notice from the police, the procuratorate, or the court. They have refused to show Ms. Mo's family her "detention card," the bare minimum requirement for holding her, even though they have asked for it several times. All legalities have been ignored.

    Without the documentation for her arrest, Mo Xiaomei's family cannot hire a lawyer. The officials deliberately did it this way to deprive her of her entitled "petition rights" and keep her from being able to use a lawyer to defend her innocence.

    Chinese version available at