News and Events from around the World -- March 25, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Canberra, Australia: A Performance That Uplifts People's Hearts and Minds

  • FDI: Seven Falun Gong Arbitrarily Arrested in Russia at Behest of Chinese

  • Canberra, Australia: A Performance That Uplifts People's Hearts and Minds

    On March 21, 2007, the Divine Performing Arts Troupe presented the second performance of the 2007 Chinese New Year Spectacular in Canberra, the capital of Australia. This performance of traditional Chinese dance and music attracted many government officers and the media, who highly praised the show. The Spectacular was supported by many Parliament Members, businesses, and the media. More than 10 media outlets reported about the Spectacular.

    Canberra Audience

    Congratulations from Government Officials

    The Hon Philip Ruddock MP, Attorney General

    The Hon Philip Ruddock MP, Attorney General, attended the Spectacular. During the intermission, he told the reporter that the performances were fabulous. The Tang Dynasty style dancing and the stage designs brought the beauty of Chinese arts to the audience. He told the reporter that the audience members are from different cultures, and said that people should learn about different cultures, as otherwise our vision would be very narrow.

    Mr. Zed Seselja, Member of Parliament Parliament

    Mr. Zed Seselja, a Member of Parliament, said that the performances were very rich, and he was very glad to watch them. He said that the beauty of the Tang Dynasty would touch everybody's heart. He wished the Spectacular a big success.

    Ms. Jacqui Burke, Member of Parliament

    Ms. Jacqui Burke, Member of Parliament, said that she came here to support Divine Performing Arts. She appreciates the Chinese culture very much, and she expected to enjoy the traditional Chinese art during the show. She told the reporter that the show was very beautiful and deeply touched her.

    Feedback from the media

    Ms. Helen Musa, art editor for the Canberra Times

    Ms. Helen Musa, the art editor for the Canberra Times, said that the influence of the Buddha School on the performances is amazing. She opened her eyes and ears to those performances. She said that she understood the different levels of the performances, which not only impacted the audiences' eyes and ears, but also their hearts and souls.

    Ms. Belinda Barancewicz, director and producer from Southern Cross Ten TV station

    Ms. Belinda Barancewicz, the director and producer from Southern Cross Ten TV station, said that she liked the sopranos' singing, which was wonderful and transported her to another world. From the songs, she felt purity and brightness, which was a new feeling for her, and it opened her mind. The beautiful costumes and the stage design also made a very deep impression on her.

    Southern Cross Ten TV station, 2CA Radio Station and several newspapers sponsored the Spectacular. Mr. Peter Starun from 2CA Radio Station said that the show was worth their sponsorship because it included such a rich culture, which is very exciting for Canberra.

    Supporting justice

    Mr. Chou Chin-Fa, director of Taiwan Commerce Office in Canberra

    Mr. Chou Chin-Fa, the director of Taiwan Commerce Office in Canberra, and his wife said that they enjoyed every performance on the program. They said that all the performances have deep content and made a deep impact. The divine culture was fully demonstrated by the very skillful performances. They said that the show was very professional and manifested the most righteous and beautiful side of traditional Chinese culture. They said that it is one of the top shows in the world.

    Ted and Wenda Cook

    Audience members Ted and Wenda Cook told the reporter that the scene of a little girl holding a candle deeply touched them. The solo was very touching too. They told the reporter that they would come again if the Spectacular will be shown in Canberra next year.

    Chris, who married a Chinese woman

    Chris, who married a Chinese woman, likes Chinese culture very much. He said that it is difficult to comment on such a rich Spectacular. He said that it is very gorgeous and hard to describe in words.

    Mr. Su

    Mr. Su and his family watched the show. He praised the show highly. He said: "Yue Fei's spirit encouraged many Chinese people. He is our national hero. However, few young Chinese people know about him. So, it is very good that the Spectacular spreads Chinese history and promotes the Chinese culture."

    The performances by the Divine Performing Arts Troupe not only brought beauty, happiness and brightness to the audience, but also helped to improve people's spirit.

    The Spectacular originally planned to have only one show in Canberra. It became obvious that one show would not be enough, so the organizers decided to hold two. Divine Performing Arts will perform next in Melbourne and Sydney.

    FDI: Seven Falun Gong Arbitrarily Arrested in Russia at Behest of Chinese

    NEW YORK, NY (Mar. 24, 2007) -- Seven adherents of the Falun Gong were arrested without grounds in Moscow on Saturday at 3:30pm local time, sources in Russia report, at the behest of Chinese officials on the eve of a visit by Chinese Communist Party leader Hu Jintao. Police allegedly were pressured into the move following the arrival in Moscow of a Chinese delegation of 80 some members. At least one Russian police officer told witnesses the arrests were made due to "complaints" by the Chinese Embassy. The Falun Gong adherents report also having their passports seized, in contravention of Russian law. The seven were said to have been carefully adhering to the country's laws regarding demonstration, each acting individually and spread out on grounds opposite the Chinese Embassy in Moscow. Also arrested at the scene was one television cameraman, Alexey Podsonny, who is affiliated with New Tang Dynasty Television.

    "This is yet another installment in a deeply disturbing pattern: wherever China's communist rulers travel, we see arbitrary arrests, even violence, and the stifling of free speech," said Information Center spokesperson Ms. Gail Rachlin Saturday. "It's bad enough that China's regime shows an utter disregard for rule of law in its own nation. But to see them coercing others into similarly shameful displays�"this is utterly disgraceful."

    Local law in other democratic countries has fallen prey to Chinese communist machinations in recent years. In Argentina in December of 2005, local Falun Gong demonstrators were physically assaulted by Chinese agents�"still wearing delegation ID tags�"in conjunction with a diplomatic exchange. (news) In South Africa in June of 2004, suspected hired thugs opened fire on and severely wounded would-be Falun Gong protestors during a visit by high-ranking Chinese official Zeng Qinghong. (news) In January of 2004, 11 American and European Falun Gong members were arrested for exercising their constitutional rights of protest during a visit by Hu Jintao to the French capital. (news) In June 2002, dozens of Falun Gong members from around the world were detained in Iceland during a visit by Jiang on orders, as with the above, from communist Chinese officials. (news)

    The Information Center is calling for the immediate release of the seven Russian detainees and reminds Russian officials of the long-term consequences of abusing the law to curry favor with China's communist rulers.

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    NEWS - Mar. 24, 2007 Falun Dafa Information Center,