The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- October 29, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Cai Zidong Secretly Transferred to a Brainwashing Center One Day Before the End of His Seven-Year Prison Term

  • On October 11, 2007, one day before the end of his illegal seven-year imprisonment, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Cai Zidong was secretly transferred to a brainwashing center in Wuhan City by the 610 office for extended persecution without any ligal process.  The prison officials had said all along that they would definitely return Cai Zidong to his family even though that they had no intention of doing so. They refused to tell the family of his whereabouts and how long he would be imprisoned.

  • Jiangxi Province: Ms. Peng Ying and Mr. Huang Hongqiang Arrested, Police Confiscate Three Satellite Receivers

  • In October, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Peng Ying, Mr. Huang Hongqiang, Ms. Zheng Li'e (wife of Mr. Huang) of Guixi City, Jiangxi Province was arrested. The police took away computer equipment, cellphones, satelite receiving equipment and electronic equipment from the practitioners' homes.


  • Autrocities Committed at Moganshan Forced Labor Camp in Zhejiang Province

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Guo Caiqin, 60 years old, was arrested by Lanxi City 610 Office agents and the National Security Team of the Police Department. On July 6, 2006, she was sent to Moganshan Forced Labor Camp. In the labor camp, Ms. Gao Caiqin was tortured, force-fed and the labor camp even put unknown drug in her food. On April 5, 2007, Ms. Guo Caiqin was sent twice to the police psychiatric hospital by the forced labor camp and they tried to shock her with high-voltage electric batons.

    Mr. Cai Zidong Secretly Transferred to a Brainwashing Center One Day Before the End of His Seven-Year Prison Term

    On October 11, 2007, one day before the end of his illegal seven-year imprisonment, a Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Cai Zidong in Shiyan City, Hubei Province was unlawfully and secretly transferred to a brainwashing center in Wuhan City and persecuted for an extended period of time.

    Seven years ago, due to his refusal to renounce his faith and for his perseverance in practicing Falun Gong, Cai Zidong was illegally sentenced to seven years of imprisonment by the Shiyan City Court in Hubei Province. During the term, he was imprisoned in the Qinduankou Prison in Hubei Province and the Fanjiatai Prison in Shayang City, Hubei Province and severely mistreated there. These horrible seven years damaged Cai Zidong's body and mind, and also caused huge suffering for his family. His mother passed away in misery and bitterness during his imprisonment.

    Cai Zidong's illegal term was over on October 12, 2007. His family had already contacted the Fanjiatai prison many days in advance. The prison officials had said all along that they would definitely return Cai Zidong to his family but had no intention of doing so. When the family went to the prison on the release date to pick up Cai Zidong, the prison went back on their word and said that according to a secret order from the 610 Office, none of the Falun Gong practitioners who had completed their terms were allowed to go home. Instead, they would be transferred to the 610 Office at the practitioners' residential area, which would then process their cases. So one day before the end of his term, Cai Zidong was sent to a "legal education center" (a brainwashing center that persecutes Falun Gong practitioners) in Wuhan City by the 610 office at Shiyan City and imprisoned there. They refused to tell the family of his whereabouts and how long he would be imprisoned.

    After being unlawfully sentenced and persecuted for seven years, Cai Zidong was once again detained by the 610 office. This was done without following any legal procedures.

    Cai Zidong worked in the Design Department of Dongfeng Automobile Company in Shiyan City. He graduated from Harbin Industrial University, and he is now forty years old. In 1994, Cai Zidong and his mother attended Master Li Hongzhi's Falun Gong lectures. Later, Cai Zidong became the coodinator of the Falun Gong Assistance Center in Shiyan City.

    The Chinese Communist Party started to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999. Cai Zidong was arrested and imprisoned in the year 2000. In 2002, he was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment. He was sent to the Qinduankou prison in Hubei Province. On March 20, 2007, he was transferred to Fanjiatai Prison in Shayang, Hubei Province, where he was beaten and tortured.

    During the seven years of imprisonment, Cai Zidong was cruelly beaten by criminals and guards many times, and his health became very poor. The 610 Office forcibly took him to a brainwashing center the day before his seven-year term was over, which has no legal basis.

    Chinese version available at:

    Jiangxi Province: Ms. Peng Ying and Mr. Huang Hongqiang Arrested, Police Confiscate Three Satellite Receivers

    Around 5 a.m. on October 8, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Peng Ying and Mr. Huang Hongqiang from Guixi City, Jiangxi Province, were illegally arrested. Mr. Huang's wife, Ms. Zheng Li'e, was also arrested. The police took a computer and two cellphones from Mr. Huang's home.

    Mr. Huang was arrested in a clothing store and Ms. Zheng was arrested at home. When Mr. Huang's mother asked the police why they were arresting Ms. Zheng, they did not answer and just took out some paper and told Ms. Zheng to sign it. Ms. Zheng refused to sign and the police handcuffed her with force and then covered her eyes and pushed her onto a police car. They drove toward Yingtan for over an hour. When they arrived, she was put into an empty room. After a while, the police uncovered her eyes and began to interrogate her. She was not released until 6 p.m. and her eyes were also covered up on the way home. We do not know where Mr. Huang was taken.

    Around 4:30 a.m. on October 8, six or seven police officers, including You Biao and Li Genshui, went to a person's home in Binjiang Township, Guixi City, and stole the satellite receiver that Mr. Huang had previously installed. There were about 100 pieces that were worth a total of 10,000 yuan.

    Ms. Peng Ying was arrested around the same time as Mr. Huang. Around 5 a.m. on October 8, seven or eight police officers from Yingtan State Security knocked on the door of Ms. Peng's home. She refused to open it. An hour later, the police returned with hammers and metal bars to pry open the door and broke the top of it. Ms. Peng had to open it and the police rushed in and handcuffed her. The confrontation lasted for almost two hours and Ms. Peng's young daughter cried the entire time. Ms. Peng's two sisters were informed of the situation and they quickly came and asked the police, "Where do you all come from? My sister has just been doing business. What law did she violate?" The sisters tried to stop the police from taking Ms. Peng away but did not succeed. The police also stole a computer, cellphone, and other goods. Huang Wen, a relative of Ms. Peng, went to Yingtan State Security to ask for Ms. Peng but no one was in the office.

    At 4:30 a.m. on October 10, police went to the home of Mr. Huang's relatives in Binjiang Township, Guixi City. They took away nine pieces of electronic equipment.

    At 11 a.m. on October 10, the police from Yingtan State Security went to Mr. Huang's home again. One of the police officers was Wu. Mr. Huang's mother asked them, "Who are you? What are you doing here again? Where is my son right now?" One of them said, "We were the officers that were here on the 8th. Your son is very good now. He is eating and living with us." From what they said we know that Mr. Huang was also taken to a remote and secret place. During those two days and nights, no one knows what horrible methods the police used to force Mr. Huang to tell them in whose homes he installed the satellite receivers. The police carefully searched all the rooms in Mr. Huang's home and took photos of Mr. Huang's bank deposit book. They also stole three SIM cards, an offset printing press, five high frequency tuners, a satellite receiver, an electrical switch, and Master Li's photo.

    On October 11, when the police found out that Mr. Huang had installed a satellite for Ms. Peng's oldest sister, they forced her to give it to them. Ms. Peng's second oldest sister said to the police, "When you took my sister away, she was only wearing one layer of clothing. Please take another coat for her." The police replied brutally, "Her body is like metal. How can she feel cold?"

    No one knows what brutal and cruel persecution methods they used on Ms. Peng during those three days and nights. Her family is very worried. The police also illegally interrogated her sisters for several hours.

    Chinese version available at

    Autrocities Committed at Moganshan Forced Labor Camp in Zhejiang Province

    On April 5, 2007, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Guo Caiqin was sent twice to the police psychiatric hospital by Moganshan Forced Labor Camp officials. They attempted to shock her with high-voltage electric batons. Guo Caiqin refused to give in, and the hospital staff was not successful. The next day, it was time for Guo Caiqin to go home, but the guards kept her tied to the bed. Guo Caiqin's weight fell from 55 kg to less than 40 kg during her period of detention.

    Practitioner Guo Caiqin is 60 years old. She is from Lanxi City, Zhejiang Province and is retired from a portrait studio. Because of her determined belief in Falun Gong, on June 26, 2006, she was sent to a detention center by Lanxi City 610 Office agents and the National Security Team of the Police Department. On July 6, 2006, she was sent to Moganshan Forced Labor Camp.

    In Moganshan Forced Labor Camp, Falun Gong practitioners are segregated. They are locked in an big isolated room where they eat, drink, and relieve themselves. In summer, they are only allowed to take a shower and do their laundry once every week. Every time, they are only allowed 10 minutes. If they go over by even one minute, they get cursed at or get time deducted from the next time. In the winter, they are allowed to take a shower and do laundry once every two weeks. Only 20 minutes is allowed each time, including time for taking off and putting on clothes. The shower is cold water only.

    Several drug addict inmates are assigned to monitor each practitioner. In the beginning, there were two monitors assigned. Later, it increased to four or even five monitors. The monitors threaten and deceive practitioners. If practitioners do not cooperate, their terms are extended. At the beginning, there were "conversations" where practitioners were pressured into giving up Falun Gong. If that did not work, practitioners were forced to watch video tapes or listen to tapes with the volume turned to the maximum. They were also forced to sit on a bench all day. Every day, practitioners were forced to get up very early in the morning and go to bed very late at night.

    When practitioners slept at night, they were also being monitored. If their legs bent a little bit, the monitors often said that the practitioners were practicing the exercises. The practitioners' blankets were then taken away immediately. In the cold winter days, practitioners' blankets got taken away very often for no reason. It was very hard to go to sleep without blankets in the cold mountain weather.

    If practitioners did not cooperate, they were forced to take an unknown drug. If they refused to take the drug, it was secretly put in their food. This kind of food was bitter. For a while, practitioner Guo Caiqin and another practitioner were locked in a room with a cabinet in between them. They could not see each other in the room, but they could hear each other when they talked. Once, Ms. Guo Caiqin saw a drug addict putting unknown drugs in practitioners' food. She exposed it to everyone. Practitioners then went on a hunger strike and the perpetrators cursed Ms. Guo because of this.

    When Guo Caiqin found out that the inmates were putting drugs in her food, she went on a hunger strike to protest. Five drug addicts carried her to the clinic to force-feed her. Her nose was bleeding and her teeth were loosened. They force-fed her with frozen bread. One of the drug addicts mixed water and salt with the bread. They brutally tortured her physically.

    There is a Specially Managed Team that is responsible for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. The team leader Zhou Xiaoqing and the political head Chen Zhiying are among the worst perpetrators. They often instigate drug addicts to punch and kick practitioners. Even the drug addicts admitted that they had become worse human beings there.

    Guards Zhou Xiaoqing and Chen Zhiying locked practitioner Guo Caiqin in a solitary confinement cell for 25 days. They tied Guo Caiqin to a bed board for five consecutive days. Sometimes, it was for 24 hours non-stop.

    Chinese version available at